Lake Maxinkuckee Its Intrigue History & Genealogy Culver, Marshall, Indiana

Logansport Pharos Tribune 1898 Snipets  

Jan 7 Mr. C. E. Marshall was at Maxinkuckee yesterday, and reports...A new steamer and many small boats are being built at the lake.

Feb 12 BY THE BASKETF ul, Fish are Now Being Taken at Lake Maxinkuckee. A Vandalia trainman, who came in rom the north last evening, informs the Pharos that Lake Maxinkuckee NOW affords the best flahlng in its history. It is covered with ice, Wit the fishermen cut holes through this and are taking out fine bass by tbe basketf ul. One man yesterday had half a dozen holes cut and it kept him busy unloading his lines

___ Note the following appeared thorugh out the season:
    VANDALIA LINE FAST TRAINS. Commencing June 20th the Vandalia Line will resume its fast train, service between Terre Haute and St, Joseph leaving Terre Haute 1:00 p. m., arriving Crawfordsville 2:39 p. m., Frankfort 3:22 p. m., Logansport, 4:35 p. m., Culver (Lake Maxinkuckee) 5:38 p.m. Plymouth, 5:57 p. m., South Bend 6:39 p. m., St. Joseph 7:50 p. m. South- Bound leave St Joseph 4:00 p. m. South Bend 5:13 p. m., Plymouth, 5:5- p. m., Culver 6:13 p. m., Logansport 7:20 p. m., Frankfort 8:28 p. m., Crawfordsville 9:14 p, m., arrive Terre Haute 11 p. m. Daily except Sunday. Elegant coaches and parlor cars. Address nearest Vandalia line agent for details. E. A. FORD. Gen. Pass. Agt. St Louds. Mo.

    75 Cents to Lake Maxinkuckee and Return, Sunday, July 24th. Trains leave Logansport at 7 a. m. and 10:30 a.-in. Returning leave the lake at 6:30 p. m. and 8:06 p. m. Tickets good going and returning on either train. Seats in parlor car 25 cents additional in each direction. J. C. EDGEWORTH, Agent

May 12 Al Bringhurst, Line ullery and John Go ulson and a number of others are preparing for a few days fishing expedition to Lake Maxinkuckee

May 14 The A. B. 0. club returned from Lake Maxinkuckee this morning with sixty pounds of flsh...

Jun 6 Judge G, E. Ross and family went to Maxinkuckee today to open their cottage for the summer.

Jun 9 W. F. Bruner, assistant general passenger agent of the Vandalia lines, Is arranging to run cheap excursions to Lake Maxinkuckee

Jun 16 A house party will be given next week at the Murdock cottage, Lake Maxinkuckee.

Jun 29 Mrs. Walter Uhl. Mrs. S. E. M ulholland and Miss Gertrude Murdock remained at Lake Maxinkuckee when the house party broke up. They will be joined tonight by Mrs. Sam Patterson and Mrs. A. J. Murdock... Culver City Herald, Maxinkuckee A party ot Logansport bon ton citizens are occupants of the Murdock cottage, upon the east side of the lake. They are all expert bowlers a very interesting contest taking place at the Kreuzberger bowling alley Monday.

Jul 6 A Good Crowd. William Graffls, Pat Mahoney, Andy Flynn, James Gotner, John Mahoney and Ed Wendllng went to Lake Maxinkuckee today to camp for a couple of weeks.

Jul 7 Miss Bettie Willson went to Lake Maxinkuckee this morning. Mrs. Wilson will go there tonight.

Jul 9 A. J. Murdock will spend Sunday at Lake Maxinkuckee with his family.

Jul 11 Prosecuting Attorney George S Kistler "and others" were at Lake Maxinkuckee yesterday... Judge Winfleld and wife left today for Lake Maxinkuckee to spend the summer.

Jul 12 - James Foley, the grocer, is at Lake Maxinkuckee.

Jul 13 Mrs. Sol Wise and family are at Maxinkuckee to spend several weeks.

Jul 14 Mrs. Fred A. Dykeman and Miss Babe Ward have" returned from a week's outing at Lake Maxinkuckee

Jul 15 Three excursions will be run through here Sunday to Lake Maxinkuckee; from Indianapolis, Richmond and Lafayette

Jul 16 Mrs. Joe Mandel and son. Louis, are at Lake Maxinkuckee spending their vacation... County Clerk Flynn, Will A. Graffis, Yock Mahoney, Pat Mahoney, James Cotner and Dr. Warren Flynn returned today from a two weeks outing at Lake Maxinkuckee

Jul 19 Misses Agnes Bligh and Nora Hooley accompanied by Mr. Lew Roach, of Terre Haute, spent Sunday at Lake Maxinkuckee... W. H. Harrison, of the Thompson's lumbe reompany, and Dr. Hill spent Sunday at Lake Maxinkuckee... Mrs Dr. Bell will return this evening from Maxinkuckee where she has been spending some time at the Winfield cottage

Jul 20 Misses Mayme Torr of this city, and Pearl Thornton, of Philadelphia, are at Lake Maxinkuckee... Read the Vandalia Line flyers that you will find in your yards this week, They are all about the 75 cent excursion to Lake Maxinkuckee, July 24. Trains leave Logansport at 7 and 10:30 a. m. Returning, leave the lake at 6:30 and 8:36 p. m. Tickets good to return on either train... Mrs. G. W. Funk and daughoer Gertrude are at Maxinkuckee. and will remain some weeks at the John E. Barnes cottage

Jul 23 The Murdock camping party ai Lake Maxinkuckee broke up yesterday... The following young men, who were camping at Maxinkuckee for the past two weeks, returned home yesterday afternoon: Fred Tomlinson. Fred Murdoek, Harry Brown, Carl Wiler. Allen Nelson and Will Harrison

Jul 25 J ulius Kaufruann and Charles Hoffruan, of Otto Kraus' store, went to Lake Maxinkuckee Saturday night to spend the coming week... Three hundred people took in the Lake Maxinkuckee excursion yesterday. Eighteen went to St. Joseph, Mich... The Vandalia run two excursion trains from Terre Haute to Lake Maxinkuckee yesterday, and both were crowded.

Jul 25 Families at Maxinkuckee. The following Logansport families are occupying cottages at Maxinkuckee:
    C. K Green,
    T. H. Wilson,
    F. M. Harwood,
    Judge G. E. Ross
    A. J. Murdock ,
    W. T. Wilson,
    W. H. Snider,
    Mrs. S. Wise,
    S. A. Vaughn,
    John E. Barnes,
    H. J. McSheehy ,
    A. P. Jenks,
    Judge M. Winfield...

Jul 27 John Osborne. late of Maxinkuckee. will open a restaurant and ronfectionary, Saturday, at - 407 Market street, next to Star laundry. Try his first class meals and lunches. Day and night... Rev. Edward Everlll, of Trinity Episcopal church, Peru, with the boy choir of that church, (twentyf=ive members,) were in the city to day en route to Lake Maxinkuckee for a week's outing. They were accompanied by 0. W. Lock wood, of the Peru Republican.

Jul 28 Patronize the band excursion to Lake Maxinkuckee next Sunday. Fare $1. Vandalia train leaves at 7:00 a.m... There is a benefit for the Elks' band in the sale of every excursion ticket to Lake Maxinkuckee next Sunday. Pare Si. Vandalia train leaves at 7:30 a.m.... Elks' band excursion to Lake Maxinkuckee next Sunday. Fare $1. Train leaves the Vandalia station at 7:30 a. m.... Mrs. Sol Wise and daughters, Miss Mollie and Mrs. Otto Krans yesterday closed the Shroyer cottage at Lake Maxinkuckee and returned to the city... The Elks' band will play on the streets every evening until next Sunday, advertising the benefit excursion to Lake Maxinkuckee. Last night they attended the formal launching of the steamer '"Colletta." owned by Frank Kienly, a member of the band.... Judge George E. Ross and family went to Lake Maxinkuckee today to spend a week..

Jul 29 There is a benefit for the Elks' band in the sale of every excursion ticket to Lake Maxinkuckee next Sunday. Fare $1. Vandalia train leaves at 7:00 a. m.

Jul 30 Patronize the band excursion to Lake Maxinkuckee next Sunday. Fare $1. Vandalia train leaves at 7:00 a.m..

aug 1 The Richmond and Indianapolis excursion trains to Lake Maxinkuckee were crowded yesterday... The Band's Excursion. The Bits' band held its eighth annual excursion to. Lake Maxinkuckee yesterday. Tickets previously sold indicated a huge success in the matter of attendance. The band is in charge of Prof. P. Heikes, the new leader, of Watseka. Besides the tickets sold during the week there were a number sold at the station.... One hundred and six Logansporters accompanied the Elks' band to Lake Maxinkuckee yesterday.

Aug 2 Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson and son Fred are at Lake Maxinkuckee... Mr. Howard Shedd, of Danville, Ill., who has been a guest at the cottage of George E. Ross, at Lake Maxinkuckee, is here to attend the races... Cott Barnett, Sol D. Brandt and R. H. Barnett went to Lake Maxinkuckee today to attend the meeting of the state association of expert swine judges..

Aug 4 Mr. John D. S. Neely, of Lima, 0., is attending the races today. His family is at Maxinkuckee for a few weeks stay..

Aug 5 Mr. John D. S. Neely, of Lima, 0., is attending the races today. His family is at Maxinkuckee for a few weeks stay... Mrs. C. W. Finch and Miss Alice went to Lake Maxinkuckee today to spend the summer .

Aug 13 Quite a crowd of young folks from Lucerne went to Maxinkuckee this morning for a picnic... Culver City Herald, Maxinkuckee: The black bass are just beginning to congregate on the rocks. Straw bass will do likewise in about two weeks. Our best fishermen predict that fall fishing, beginning with September will be excellent.

aug 15 Terre Haute Express: Miss Zada Seovell entertained several of her girl friends last Tuesday afternoon in honor of Miss Alice Dryer, who is visiting her at Lake Maxinkuckee. Those present were Misses Fannie and Ada Jenks of Logansport; Margaret Martin, Ethel Sage, lone Floyd, Bertha Strasser. Bertha Duenweg. Mary Johnson, Minnetta Simmons, of Terre Haute and Jane Scofield, of Indianapolis... A. J. Murdock is spending a few davs at Lake Maxinkuckee..

Aug 17 Arthur Marshall, of Pryor's drug store, will go to Lake Maxinkuckee tomorrow.

Aug 18 Miss Pearl Thornton is back from the Torr cottage at Lake Maxinkuckee and mil spend the balance of the summer here..

Aug 19 Dr. Holloway and wife and Mrs. David Powlen and children are at Lake Maxinkuckee for a few days.

Aug 22 A 3-year-old son of Landlord Avery, of Lake Maxinkuckee, had a narrow escape from drowning last Thursday. He fell from the wharf into water eight feet deep and was rescued by Edward McDonald, a Panhandle engineer..

Aug 24 There was a terrific rain storm at Lake Maxinkuckee this morning.... Mrs. G. W. Funk and daughter Gertrude have returned from an extended stay at Maxinkuckee.

aug 25 Mrs. T. H. Simpson and her guest, Miss Shower, of Indianapolis, have returned from Lake Maxinkuckee... Charles Koontz. a resident of Plymouth, was found dead in Kreuzberger's park. Lake Maxinkuckee, yesterday morning. He had gone to the lake with a party of friends Tuesday evening, and becoming ill reclined on the bench in the park. He was dead when found. Mr. Koontz was 36 years of age... John B. Fox, James D. Murphy and Will A. Grams returned from the Lake todav. They wired Patrick Mahoney to have a wagon at the station to ha ul over the fish... Mrs. J. J Keyes and children, of Peru, were here a short time today, en route to Lake Maxinkuckee, where they will visit at the McSheehy cottage the'balance of the week... John and Ted Howe went to Lake Maxinkuckee today to camp out for two weeks.

Aug 27 James Murphy, jr.. the letter carrier, while at Lake Maxinkuckee Wednesday, assisted in rescuing a young lady from drowning... The Club of Twelve" spent the day at Lake Maxinkuckee. The ladies went up on the morning train and will return this evening. They were guests of Mrs. A. P. Jenks.

Aug 29 - Messrs. Edward Davis. Claud Reeder, Bentley Borhan and Misses Stella Lester, Mollie and Minnie Steel, of Longcliff hospital, spent Sunday at Lake Maxinkuckee

Sep 5 H. J. McSheehy and family have closed their cottage at Maxinkuckee... Judge G. E. Ross and family closed their cottage at Maxinkuckee for the summer and returned home Saturday night... Thomas Shaffrey spent Sunday at Maxinkuckee... Vandalia sold 720 tickets to Lake Maxinkuckee and St. Joe yesterday.

sep 1 - Miss Mamie Foreman will give a German tins evening at ihe Snider cottage, at Lake Maxinkuckee

sep 8 Miss Bettie Wilson is down from Lake Maxinkuckee, for a few day's visit with Miss Mabel Shutz... S. A. Vaughn, and family, have returned from an outing spent at Lake Maxinkuckee... Miss Ruth South, of Maxinkuckee, is guest of her uncle B. F. Campbell and family... Miss Mame Foreman is down from Lake Maxinkuckee, visiting Miss Mame Torr

sep 9 - S. A. Vaughn, and family, have returned from an outing spent at Lake Maxinkuckee

Sep 15 The last excursion of the season to Lake Maxinkuckee will leave the Vandalia station next Sunday at 10:30 a. m. Fare only 75 cents for the round trip.

Sep 19 Miss Gertrude Rosenthal spent Sunday at Maxinkuckee... The excursions from Terre Haute and this city to Lake Maxinkuckee yesterday were well patronized from both places

Sep 20 A. P. Jenks returned from an outing at Lake Maxinkuckee today.

Sep 21 W. H. Harrison, of the Thompson lumber company, and Dr. Hill spent Sunday at Lake Maxinkuckee

Oct 8 J. C. beattie is at Maxinkuckee on business

Nov 28 There is a move on foot to build a canal from Lake Maxinkuckee so that steamers may run up to the business part of Culver City.