1906 Logansport Daily Pharos Snippets

1906 mar 8 - MONSTER REMONSTRANCE. A monster saloon remonstrance hasbeen filed from Union township, Marshall
county, in which Maxinkuckee isJocated. It contains 325 names, 40more than is needed. If the petition
is sufficient it will wipe out the saloonsat Culver and Burr Oak for aperiod of two years.
Big Delegation From Indianapolis Shops Goes Through to Lake C. A. Crummell, manager of the local
exchange of the Central Union Telephone company, is busily engaged these days in installing the improved
service at Lake Maxinkuckee. 24 - May 1906 LOGANSPORT DAILY PHAROS
21 AUg 1906 Culver SAILOR BOYS
Young Cadets Make Wonderf ul Developmentin Summer
A snowy stretch of canvas on oneof the inviting shores of Wlnoria Lake where the newspaper workers who attended
the allied editorial rally found pleasing sailors of the Culver Naval School, who had been invited by the
editorial associations of Indiana to participate in the features of the week, gave an insight iiito one of the extraordinary
military schools of the country. The sailors took six cutters to Winona Lake from their own. waters
at Lake Maxinkuckee, and with the white sails hoisted gave some picturesque drills on the waves. On one
afternoon the sailors charged upon one of the long shady shores, and found awaiting them a division of cadets
who were armed with rifles and supported by cannon and galling guns, and a stirring sham battle was fought
to the bloodless finish. The editors, too, found enjoyment in using the large cutters which the U. S. Government
gave the Culver institution, the newspaper workers utilizing the craft for races.
Outside of West Point, the government training school from which it replenishes its army, one will not ii
the United States find a duplicate of the Culver academy. Through the winter it is a military and preparatory
school for boys, and through the summer period of relaxation it is a naval school for the development o£ growing,
active boys. The naval course is attractive to hundreds of boys from c ultured families, and it has so expanded
that it has become internationalin character. Among the sailors who were at Winona Lake was a
Chinese boy, who had been sent tothe school by the Chinese legation at
Washington. Another sailor was from Ecuador, whose expenses were paid by his government, and five were Mexicans.
Twenty-seven states of the Union were also represented.
It is at Lake Maxinkuckee that one finds these sailors at home. While they are in the summer school fot
only eight weeks, they develop remarkable talent in their water and laud drills. They follow rigid reg ulations
and thg cadets, while young in years, within four or five weeks take on the high polish which marks a well mannered
youth. They seem perfect in discipline. By the time one of them gets out of the summer naval school
he has a coat of tan, has had a fine summer on and in the water, and he is more than a sailor—he is a boy who
shows the influences of a healthy, moral atmosphere.
The naval school has had remarkable growth. It began four years age with twenty-two cadets, and its future
seems under the glowing sun, or its enrollments are now to be measured by hundreds. The acadmy was founded
in 1S94 by H. H. Culver , a philanthropic citizens of St. Louis, with a view to helping boys of the present day to
obtain an education which would best fit them for college or for business.
The school is on the north shore of beautiful Lake Maxinkuckee, which covers an area of about twelve square
miles, resting in an amphitheatre of finely wooded, rolling country. Theacademy is in a park of forty acres,
with 260 acres more available as occasion may demand.
The shore isdotted with charming summer homes and hotels, and it is a delightf ul place for learning and recreation for an
American youth. While Culver is not a, religious institution so far as support from B, denomination goes, the
fac ulty is made up of Christian men who do what they can to keep the school in a Christian atmosphere.
1906- 2 Jun
Mr. and Mrs. Perrlne, of Indianapolis,
passed through the city this morning
in an automobile enroute to their
summer cottage at Lake Maxinkuckee.
"They made the distance of 72 miles between
Indianapolis and this city' in 3
hours and 35 minutes. Mr. Perrine is
president ,of the American National"
bank at'the capital city.
Beginning next Sunday the .Vanda-
lia line will begin the special summer
service,to. Lake Maxinkuckee. The
rate will, be75 cents; for the round;
trip and trains -wjll leave here every:
Sunday morning at 7:10 and 10:20
o'clock; Returning the trains will arrive
here at 7:25 and 9:20 p. m.
J.M. Douglass and childrea: were:
among the Maxinkuckee excursionists,