Lake Maxinkuckee Its Intrigue History & Genealogy Culver, Marshall, Indiana

Maxinkuckee Snipets Logansport Daily Journal  


A Zephry From Forthern Indiana's Pop ular Summer Resort
Once more the shores of Lake Maxenkuckee are crowded with a merry throng intent on passing the heated summer days in light pleasure amid the cool breezes. The Maxinkuckee is cool is satisfactorily shown by the fact that at no time has our trusted termometer dared to venture in the nineties not even when in the cities it lingered near 105 o, the cool lake breeze keeping it within the bounds of propriety.

The festivities began Saturday evening with a reception at the Highland House, which proved to be wuite an enjoyable event. This was followed by another at the Bay View House Monday evening. The latter was enlivened by a very exciting tub race, in which there were a dozen contestants at the start, and a sililar number of dripping youths at the winding up. The music was furnished by Hart's excelletn orchestra of Indianapolis, which will remain all summer. Wedensday evening the Plymouth Club entertained the visitors at the lake in their usual hospitable nanner. The grounds were beautifully illuminated a prominent feature of which was an arrangement of Chinese lanterns on the abrupt bluff which rises from the lake to from the letters L. V. C. (Lake View Club) Miss Ophra McConnell is a guest at this house, visiting Miss Houghton, of Plymouth.

The season promises to be unbusually lively. ALl the cottages and club houses are opened, and the guests are arriving. I suppose there are two hundred here now and the season has just opened. Logansport is represented. Mr. Fogy and family have a delightf ul camp on one of the prettiest spots on the lake, and are just now entertaining Fred Munson and his father. Geo. W. Burrows and family are also present occupying their cottage on Long Point, and giving a welcome to Logansport friends. Ziba Six bunks with the boys in Hilarity Hall, and is just no treeing fish worms with reference to a piscatorial venture.

The attractions are boating, bathing, fishing, dancing, or day dreaming in a hammock.

Some of the ladies have become quite expert in the water, and are uncomcerned at any threat of "ducking", but swim, float, or dive with all the grace and abandon of an alligator. The bathing suits this year are quite unique, made up as they are of broad stripes of colors in their brighest hues. The improvements are extensive, all the old buildings have been remodeled, and several new one built, and all are presided over by genial hositable ladies and gentlemen, who extend a hearty welcome to all. W - July 15th, 1881. - Pg. 3 July 17, 1881 Logansport Daily Journal

Excursion to Marmont, Lake Maxenkuckee, By the St. Joseph Society, Tuesday, Mary 27, a grand picinic in the beautiful groves. Refreshments will be served on the ground. A band of music will also accompany the train. Two steamers and a number of row and sail boats have been engaged for the use of the excursionists. Come go with us and have a good time. Train leaves Vandalia depot at 8:30 o'clok a.m,. Fare for the round trip $1. -pg. 6 Logansport Journal May 22, 1984

Maxenkuckee Notes

Everything about the lake indicates that the season will oepn earlier than usual.

Mr. Davison, of Terre Haute, has about completed a fine two-story cottage on Long Point.

It is rumored that the restaurant and skakting rink at the station is to be converted into a hotel.

Martin H. Rice of Indianapolis, was at the lake several days last week getting his summer residence in readiness for the season.

The Vandaila Railroad company have made a flag station at Long Point for the benefit of those wishing to stop on the west side.

Mr. J. H. Vajen, of Indianapolis, at his cottage on the east sainted Capt. Morris's new boat, on its first trip, by waving the American Flag.

Mr. Myers, wealthy gentleman of Terre Huate, has about completed near the Vandalia station, a large two story business and residence building.

Mr. Willis Vajen is making some fine improvements on his property on the east side. He as a neat cottage, and two flowing wells.

Six sail boats and a dozen or more row boats were on the lake Sunday. Capt. Lord's steamer took a party of twenty-five or thrity, accompanied by the Marmont band, around the lake.

The Vandalia company have pruchased a nice piece of ground from Mr. Toner and will convert it into a park and picnic ground for the benefit of excursionists and others visiting the lake.

Messrs. Buck and Toan, H. Corbin, H. G. Thayer and W. W. Hill have the plans drawn for cottages which they propose to erect on their individual lots on Lake View Club grounds as soon as possible.

Mr. H. H. Culver , of St. Louis, is the largest property owner on the lake. He has about 6,000 feet of lake front. He is making extensive improvements this sprin, and has just let the contract for a $6,000 cottage.

Formerly the east side possessed nearly all the attractions at the lake, but it now seems to be sleeping. This season the westside will have three hotels. When visitors begin to come by hundreds, and desire to stay on the east side of the lake, they will have to be put three in a bed, and from tree to six in a room. This fact smothers much of the pleasure of a visit to the lalke. The improvements of the magnificent spring near the east landing, and a large commodius hotel would add materially to the attractions and to the comfort of visitors. - Logansport Daily Journal pg. 3 May 15, 1886

Maxenkuckee Notes
    Valuable additions are being mader to the Omer Hotel.

    Lake View Club Huse will open for the season next Thursday.

    Harry Adam's sailer has benn undergoing some needed repairs.

    Messrs. Parker & Wise have opened their restaurant on the east side.

    Mr. Laresen, the boat builder, has already more work than he can do.

    Mr. Willis, Vajen and family, of Indianapolis, arrived at the lake last week,

    A fifty foot front lot on the north end sold this week for five hundred dollars.

    Mr. S. S. Vaughn and family of Loggansport, ar occupying their cottage for the summer.

    Workman are busy on the east side erecting a cottage for Rev. Mr. Routhaler of Indianapolis.

    Mr. Lansdown is the boss flowing well driver. He knows just how to do it and his charges are reasonable.

    Mr. Lew F ulwiler, of the Peru Sentinel, and Mr. Effinger and serveral Peru school teachers have been at the lake this week.

    The "Arlington Hotel" on Long Point is having a good run of custom. Those who stop there are made feel perfectly at home.

    Messrs Woolsey and Taylor, of Terre Haute, have opened their camp on the north end of the lake, and are now located for the season.

    The Vandalia folks are erecting a nice new board fence north of the station. A covering over the platform and seats for passengers and excursionists are much needed.

    The proprietor of Mayer Park failed to secure a flowing well. He drove the pipe sixty feet, but the water did not rise nearer than fifteen feet of the top owing to the high bank.

    The Teacher's asscoaition will met at the Palmer house on next Tuesday, and will be in session three days. The meeting is expected to be an interesting one, and all who can make it convenient to do so, whether teachers or not are cordially invited to be present.

    Willis Vajen has the neatest looking boat house at the lake, with a grand fireplace and many other conveniences. He has had the reflectons of hisd revolving lantern enlarged, and has added another wheel to the gearing which increases its motion about one-half. He keeps in the fron rank in the way of improvements.

    Judge Heller had a well driven at his club house some two or three weeks ago and got so much water that they had to p ull the pipe out to save it. It took near half a day's work to stop the flow of water, and then they had to thrust a shipmast into the well and pound clay around it to keep the water from all running out. pg. 3 Logansport Daily Journal June 25, 1886

    About Lake Maxinkuckee

    The conductors' excursion from Elkhart will Maxinkuckee on the 24th of July, arrangments having been made with the Vandalia line to allow the train to pass over the road without transfer at South Bend.

    Mr. Henry Tate , of Indianapolis will go to Maxinkuckee late in July and expects then to win the first prize in a regatta. Mr. Tate is interested in a yacht that has taken thee first prises on Lake St. Clair.

    Frank D. London, postmaster at Maxinkuckee, and the reliable correspondent of the Plymouth Democrat on the east side of the lkae, is quite a pedestrian. He was in quite a hurry the other morning, and fotted it from Marmont to Plymouth ahead of the Vandalia accommodation.

    One of the school teachers from Peru "vacating" at the lake, is an article to the Sentinel, gives her impression of the lake as follows: To one who visits this place for the first time it is f ull of increasing interest and newly discovered beauties. It is not one sudden burst of majestic grandeur which steals upon the senses unawares a, beauty which even with familiarity would surely never pail. And we find ourselves saying that it is very fair after all, and wondering why life can't always be as beutif ul. Is the intermixture of the bitter nescessary to a f ull appreciaiton of the sweet when it comes? Perhaps so. Be that as it may, he who comes here skeptical as to the merits of the place, will have his doubts removed and will go away an ardent worshiper at the fair lake's shrine. -pg. 4 Jul 3, 1886 Logansport Daily Journal.

    The Teacher's Association

    The Fourth Annual session of the Northern Teacher's Associaiton convened at Lake Maxinkuckee last Thursday and remained in session until yesterday.

    The association was called to order by President D. W. Terhune, of Wabash. who introduced Mayor C. H. Reeve, of Plymouth, who delivered a hearty, generous welcoming adress. This was f ull of interesting reminiscences of the history of Maxinkuckee and its surrounding country, touching the physical, social and educational changes of the past forty yeatrs.

    The speaker held the fixed attention of his audience throughout his address, and was partic ularly felicitous in his treatment of education subjects.

    The response was mabe by State Superintendent Holcombe, who vioced the sentiment of the company in the genuine thanks returned for the welcome extended. Mr. Holcombe, at some length revised the past and showed the progress mane educationally, during the period referred to by Mayor Reeve, emphazizing the passage of the act establishing free school in 1818,

    Retiring President Thomas then delivered a bried address upon the importance of character trainig in our public schools. AFter which he introduced the President elect Superintendent T. B. Swartz, of Elkhart, who in his inaugural took for his topic, "Some Duties of the Public Schools, and the Public School Teacher".

    Supt. Swartz leaves the profession this year to enter the study of medicine, and took the occasion to give some excellent advice concerning the teacher's responsilbility to his constituency. He held the two great functions of the theasht were 1st the prepare the pupil for future citizenship; 2d to look after individual c ulture and nmental growth. The great disideratum, so far as the individual pupil was concerned, should be character - the impartment of instruction should be secondary.

    The majority of the Logansport teachers returned yesterday. The Misses Knowlton will spend sundy wat the Lake. The Misses Cova ult went to Plymouth. All united in the declaration that there is no place like Lake Maxkinkuckee for hold a 4 Jul 3, 1886 Logansport Daily Journal.

    At Lake Maxinkuckee

    The Bay View House is open for guests.

    The cottage for Rev. Rondthaler is completed.

    Joseph Strong's family, of Terre Haute, is at the lake.

    The Highland House is in readiness to entertain guests.

    Mrs. Pechman and family, of Chicago are at the Jameson cottage.

    L. B. Martin and family, of Tere Haute arrived at the lake last week.

    Judge Heller is in quite poor health and has gone to LaPorte for a short time.

    Mrs. Robert McQuat and family, of Indianapolis, are at their cottage for the season.

    There were sixty-five guests at the Palmer house Sunday.

    The Vandalia has built a neat and commodious news stand at the station.

    Mr. and Mrs. Martin H. Rios, of Indianapolis, arrived at the lake for the summer yesterday.

    Mr. Stechaan capzied his sailer the other day, aside from getting wet no damage was done.

    Judge and Mrs. Siddall, of Richmond, Ind., are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Toan at Lake View for the summer.

    Hon. H. Thayer struck a two-inch flowing well in front of his mansion on the Plymouth club grounds, Thursday afternoon. He will have a fountain in front of his plazza, supplied by a hydra ulic ram.

    The Lake View club stuck a two-inch flowing well in front of their club house on Monday afternoon. This is the fourth flowing well on the grounds, and the fifth on the North side. Others in contemplation will be sunk soon.

    Long Point, on the west side near the south end is improving rapidly. Several lots were purchased last week on which cottages will be erected at once. The Vandalia makes reg ular stops there, and the Arlington hotel, kept by Mr. and Mrs. Knapp, isa first class place to stop. H. J. McSheey, of the Logansport Chronicle, was the pioneer on that side of the lake and has sounded its praise unceasingly. He has liveds to see his brightest hopes realized.

    There seems to be a great deal of misunderstanding concerning the location of the post office here at the lake. The public should bear in mind there are two post offices at the lake, and that one is at Marmont, and that all mail inteded to stop at Marmont, the Arlington house, or the Palmer house, should be addressed to Marmont in care of either of there houses and be caref ul not to write Maxenkuckee in the address at all. If you do, all mail with Maxenkuckee, r Maxenkuckee Lake thereon, will probably go to the dead letter office. All mail destined to go to Maxenkuckee on the east side of the lake should be addressed to Maxenkuckee, in care of any cottage or club house it is desired to go to. It is not necessary to use the word "lake" in addressing any mail coming here. ALl mail properly addressed to Maxenkuckee, in care of the cottage where it belongs properly written, will be delivered immediately.

    The Editors Separate
    The editorial convention at Lake Maxenkuckee was attended by about sixty of the members of the fraternity, and the res ult was one of the most enjoyable meetings the newspaper men of this part of the state ever held. The lake is an admirable place for a convention of this kind - no place could possibly be better suited - as as the drivers of the quill are not hard to entertain they made the most of the opportunities and adventures offered for a good time.

    To the Plymouth club people in partic ular, and to everybody else in general,a are the editors under obligation. Everything was done to make their short stay a g reen spot in their history. The convention adjoured, yesterday, after electing the following officers:

      President - Harry Francis, Michigan City Dispatch
      First Vice President - T. P. Kestor, Fort Wayne Gazette
      Second Vice president - Major Bitters Rochester Republican
      Secretary - Thomas A. Star, Goshen News
      Corrisponding Secretary - Quincy A. Hossler, Warsaw Times.
      Treasurer - A. D. Mohler, Huntington Herald The next meeting is to be held at Warsaw. - pg. 4 10 Jul . 1886 Logansport Daily Journal

    Mrs. Wm. H. C ullver [Culver ], of Lake Maxinkuckee was in the city yesterday,m on her way to RIchmond. Whew here she was the guest of the New Johnston.

    Lake Maxinkuckee Notes

    Mr. Story of the Cincinaati Graphics, is at the lake making sketches for that paper.

    The regatta, it seems, will not take place. The money or prizes could not be raised.

    Miss Mary Raridan of Indianapolis, is spending a few weeks at Mrs. Van Valkenburg's cottage.

    Mrs. Flora Ball, of Ann Arbor Michigan is visiting her relatives, Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Thayer at Lake View.

    Judge Slick, Hon. Milo R. Smith, and Mr. Coffin of Rochester are at the Rochester CLub house, on Long Point.

    The news stand at the station is competed and Indianapolis, St. Louis, Terre Haute and Chicago dailies are kept on sale.

    W. O. Devay, wife and two children, and Mrs. Devay's mother, Mrs. E. Goshen, of Chicago, are on the east side for the summer.

    One excursion to Maxinkuckee Thursday over the Wabash from the south, and three over the Vandalia, two from the south and one from the north on Friday looks as though the lake was becoming pop ular.

    The "Little Nicols", the baseball club of St. Louis, who are visiting Mr. Culver at Mainkuckee, took the $100 prize for the best base ball club at the session of the Columbia City Amusement Association at that city last week.

    Mr. Mark Packard, of Buffalo, N.Y., made the lake a flying visit last week. He attended the Editoral meeting and was highly delighted with the lake and surroundings. It is reported the numerous handsome Hoosier lassies there made a lasting impression upon him.

    Mr. Henry C. Culver has nicely arranged a picnin and camping ground on his place on the east side, which he will permit to be used free of charge by respectable picnic parties and others visiting the lake, the only condition being that he shall be notified, when he will grant permission. Those wishing to accept his generous offer cann adress him at Maxinkuckee P.O. - July 12, 1886 pg. 4 Loganpsort Daily Journal

    Lake Special - Commencing Sunday, June 23, and continuing about 10 Sundays, the Vandalia will run a special train to Lake Maxinkuckee. Time leaving Loganpsort, 9:20 a.m.; leave the lake returning at 6 p.m., arriving Loganposrt at 7:25 p.m. Fare. $1 for round trip. Tickets must be purchased at station or coonductor will collect f ull fare. Two children between 5 and 12 years, one far. dtf. pg. 3 July. 18, July 24 & July 25 1889 Logansport Daily Journal.

    Lake Special One Hour Earlier
    On Sunday July 28, the first section of the lake special will pass Logansport at 8:20 instead of 9:30 this gives assurance of reaching the grounds in time to hear Sam Jones preach. pg. 3 July 25 1889 Logansport Daily Journal.

    Notice Commencing Tuesday, June 15, and continuing for twelver Sundays, the Vandalia line will run a special excursion train to Marmont (Lake Maxinkuckee). The train will pass Loganpsort at 9:20 a.m. and return at 7:50 p.m. Foare for round trip, only $1.00. Plemty of hotel, boat and fishing accommodations, and shelter in case of storm. Go and spend the day at the charming resort. june 7dtf - H. Edgeworth, Ag't. pg. 3 June. 8, 12, 13,18-21; July 3-8, 10-11, 13, 15-20,22-27, 31; Aug. 1, 2-3, 5-6, 8-10, 12-14 1890 Logansport Daily Journal

    Fishing at the Lake
    Fishing Through the Ice,
    One of the Causes Which Tends to Spoil it,
    Prevented by the Weather

    The Arlington Hotel at Maxinkuckee will open the 16th of this month and usually about that time the spring fishing begins though it is variable and uncertain until the first week in May. The prospects are better for good fishing this sring than for many years. There has been no ice in the lake and consequently no spearing or fishing through the ice. This, next to the spearing, does more to destroy the fishing than any other one thing. Fishing through the ice is a matter of business. Few men find the amusement sufficiently excieting to pay for the exposure on the cold winter days and the fish are caught for market.

    The method is interesting. A shed, open on one side and containing a small stove, is equipped with a pair of runners and dragged to a good fishing spot where it is anchored with the open side from the wind. Numerous holes are then cut at points forty to fifty feet apart and pronged sticks are stuck in the ice around them. To the sticks are stuck reels with thirty or foty feet of line on them. The hooks are then baited and let down through the holes and the fishermen retire to the shed to ind ulge in a game of seven-up. It th point selected is a favorable one there willpresently be a buzzing of a reel as a splendid bass starts with the bait. Perhaps another will follow quickly and the men be kept busy running from on hole to another ha uling in the victims. Occasionally a tour is made and new ice forming over the hole is broken and fresh bait put on. This is kept up from day to day and engaged in by dozen os of men living around the lake who have no other occupation in the d ull winter days. As is easily seen the catch is enormous and thousands of fish find their way to the city tables by this unpleasant route every winter instead of beinf allowed to accept the invitation of amateurs in the spring.

    The State fish commissioner too steps last year to stop the spearing. This with the absence of ife fishing indicates that those who devote a day to the fascinating sport this winter will not return home empty handed nor be compelled to reatain the respect of the members of their family by pending [spending] a few dollars at a fish market. pg. 3 13 Apr. 1890 Logansport Daily Journal

    Culver Assembly
    No to be held at Maxinkuckee this summer

    Plymouth Democrat: Mr. H. H. Culver , of St. Louis, was at Maxenkuckee lake a day or two this week and while there he announced his intention of not opening the assembly this year. WHile last year's assembly was generously attended the expense was enormous, and he doed not feel that his health will permit his giving its management the personal attention required to make it a success. Last year's assembly was a great advertisement for the lake and it is very probable that could it be held this season it would res ult in even a larger attendance and better res ults financially. We regret very much that Mr. Culver feels compelled to relinquishthe project, and although we have not talked with him we believe he would grant many privileges to anyone who would undertake the management the coming season. pg. 3 13 Apr. 1890 Logansport Daily Journal

    One Dollar to Marmont andreturn train leaves Vandalia Station at 10:30 o'clock this morningt - pg.8 Sep. 1 1892 Logansport Journal

    John Chesborough, general passenger agent of the Vandalia, has made arrangement to grant stop-overs at Marmont (Lake Maxinkuckee) on all round trip tourist tickets sold this summer to St. Joseph and Chicago, via St. Joseph and boat. This stop will apply in either direction within the extreme limit of the ticket regardless of the transfer limit.

    Go to the World's Fair Via Vandlia Line - From this date until October 21, 1893, the Vandalia Line will sellround trip tickets, Logansport to Chicago, via St. Joseph and boat or all rail, at rate of $6; also on same dates round trip tickets will be sold to St. Joseph, Mich., at $4.90. The tickets will all be good to return to and i ncluding Nov. 5, 1893. Parties holding water route tickets will be allowed to stop off at Lake Maxinkuckee within fianl limit of tickets. J. C. Edgeworth, Ag't. - pg. 3 Jun. 8 1893

    There will be a grand excursion to Maxinkuckee Sunday (today) September 23. The railroad has made the fare low and a pleasant time is promised.

    Vandalia Line Excursions...To Marmont Ind., Sept. 16 and 16, $1.60 round trip... - pg. 5 Sep. 23, 1894 Logansport Daily Journal

    From the Logansport Daily Journal pg. 3 July 20, 1895:
    May Be Culver City
    An Effort is Being Made to Have Marmont
    Changed to Culver City, in Honor of the Founder of the Culver Academy

    It is possible that before long the little city of Marmont on Lake Maxinkuckee, will be called Culver City, as a petition is now in circ ulation and is being extensively signed asking the postmaster general to change the title of the town as indicated above.

    The change is made in order to honor H. H. Culver , the millionarie fo St. Louis, who has founded at Marmont the well known academy that bears his name. It is said the Vandialia is in favor of the alteration.

    Some One Has Put Into the Head of the Plymouth Democrat Man
    that Logansport Wants Water From Lake Mux-sen-Kuckee

    Someone must have been intimating to the editor of the Plymouth Democrat, that the scheme to pipe the crystal fluid from Lake Muc-sen-kuckee into the main of the city of Logansport, is a feaible and probably soon to be accompished thing, and he says this week:

    "Not much you won't pipe water from the beautiful Mux-sen-kuckee. The people of Marshall county will have something to say about that, and they will be very sure to sit down on it with a d ull, sickening thud."

    A Long Distance Swimmer
    Harry Alfreys of Culver Academy Swims
    Lake Maxinkuckee - His Second Trip
    Distance is Two Miles

    Harry Alfreys, on of the students at the Culver Military Academy, has swan across Lake Maxinkuckee, and has done it two times. The distance is two miles, and the last time that the feat was accomplished by the young man was last Saturday. He started from the piert at the Arlington Hotel and his course was straight across, the trip consuming about an hour. The lake has only been crosses by a human swimmer at this point, twice previously. pg. 5 24 Jul . 1895 Logansport Daily Journal

    The Arlington Hotel at Marmont burned yesterday morning causing a lose of $3,000, fully covered by insurance. The hotel was the property of Conductor Kapp [Knapp] of the Vandalia. pg. 5 31 Jan. 1896 Logansport Daily Journal