Maxinkuckee Snipets Logansport Daily Pharos
Maxenkuckee News:
The Vandalia pier is completed and in much better shape than last year.
The Restaurant at the station is being remodled and greatly improved.
Mr. Larsen, the architect of Capt. Morris's boat, expects to locate at the Lake permanent'y.
John H. Koontz has erected a lemonade and fruit stand on the water at the Vandalia pier.
Messrs. Buck, Toan, Thayer, and Corbin of Plymouth, have their cottages at Lake View well under way.
Mr. Palmer, if the "Palmer House", has the finest pier on the lake. It is 100 feet long and twelve feet wide.
Capt. Morris is still worrying over a name for his boat. Why not call it the "Peerless" and let it go at that?
A day or two this week sea-galls were quite numerous, but they left suddenly and none are seen there now.
Property about the lake us being assessed at town prices. A few years afo this same property wasn't considered worth anything.
Willis Vajen's new sail boat arrived Saturday. It is a handsom boat and Mr. Vajen is building a nice boat hose for tis safe-keeping.
Mr. Culver , of "Aubbennaubbe Park", left for St. Louis Saturday. He well return with his family in two or three weeks to remain the summer.
Conductor Knapp, of the Arlington, is at the lake this week fixing up everything about his hotel in apple-pie-order. He begins to look like a horny-handed son of toil. pg. 3 21 May 1886 Logansport Daily Pharos
Conductor Knapp, of the Vandalia, has not closed the Arlington as stated by the Pharos a few days ago. In order to accommodate parties of fisherman and hunters the Arlington will be open until the 10th or 15th od 9 26 Oct. 1896 Logansport Daily Pharos
More and Better Accommadations at the Resort Than Ever
Mr. George E. Farrington, general agent of the Vandalia, says Lake Maxinkuckee has awakened, and there is a great deal of activity at the famous Northern Indiana summer resort.
Owners of cottages are at the lake and are ready and cleaning up for the summer.
The hotels are open.
The Arlington owned by Conductor Knapp, has been open for sometime.
Ohmer's opens next week.
The Bay Biew and other houses are also open fot the season.
Captain Lord has built a commodious hotel near the railway station. It is beautifully located, and the house is nicely furnished.
There will be far more accomodation at the lake this year then heretofore. A larger number of visitors than last year are expected. It has been found that as much pleasure and comfort can be obtained at Lake Maxinkuckee as at other resorts farther away. For this summer vacation at a resort prefer Maxinkuckee, It is a beautiful place and possesses everything that can be desired.
Seven new cottages are now in the process of erection.
The residents of the locality have enlarged their houses and many can now accommodate a number of persons.
The railroad company will not erect a hotel at Maxinkuckee this season. The matter was talked of by nothing definite was done in regard to it.
Mr. Anton Mayer has fitted up a pleasant picnic ground on his land near Marmont station, which will be one of the most noticable improvements to visitors this summer.
In regard to rates Mr. Farrington says they will be was reasonable this year as last, and equal inducements will be offered to the publice to pay the lake a visit. The rates for parties consisiting og various numbers of persons will be offered again this year. There will also be individual reduced rates. Tickets will be sold for ten days,thrity days and for the season. "in fact", said Mr. Farrington, "a tourist will be able to get most any kind of a ticket he may desire.
The residents of Marmont have been greatly excited of late over the postoffice.
The postmaster, who is the owner of a general store at Marmont, decided to move his store and postoffice to a new brick building near the railway station.
Residents of the village got up a petition against the office being removed.
Those who reside near the station and in the immediate neighborhood of the lake drew up a petition for the removal of the office.
Finally the postmaster said the r ules of the department did not specify the location of the postoffice, and announced his intention of moving. He did so and mail is now recieved and forwarded from the new locaation. This will be a great convenience during the summer to visitors.
Heretofore it was necessary to go to Marmont to obtain mail.
There will also be an additional delivery of mail during the day.
The storekeepers at Marmont are much incensed over the removal of the office. pg. 4 20 May 1887 Logansport Daily Pharos
In a few weeks more the town of Marmont will be known as Culver City, as a petition to that effect has been signed by two-thrids of the vorters of Marmont. pg. 3 Oct. 19, 1895 Logansport Daily Pharos
The Arlington House at Lake Maxinkuckee is completed and open for business. It is owned by our genial friend Conductor Knapp of the Vandalia, and in his absence is managed by his good wife "Topsy". There are twelve rooms in the building, all fronting on the lake, and everything about it is as neat as a new pin. It is a splendid place to spend a few days or weeks. All the rooms will undoubtedly be occupied during the summer. - 14 May 1896 Logansport Daily Pharos
A cloud burst ococurred at Lake Maxinkuckee Monday. The storm is said to have been one of the severest ever witnesseed by residents of that locality. It lasted less than half an hour and in that time small boats were so filled with water that some of them sank. At the Arlngton hotel gravel two feet deep was washed across the track of the Vandalia which made it necessary to flag trains and send for men to clear the track. pg. 3 23 Jun. 1896 Logansport Daily Pharos
"The Lake View", Lake Maxinkucekee - This hoel will re-op en on strickly first-class basis, July 1st. New management, improved service, appointments thoroughly modern. Accomodations will be reserved upon appriciation to C. S. Moody, Manager, Lake View Hotel, Marmont, Ind. pg. 3 24 Jun. 1896 Loganpsort Daily Pharos
The post office department has finaly acted upon the change of the name Marmont to Culver City. The action of the post office department will take effect about March 1st. pg. 3 Jan. 25, 1897 Logansport Daily Pharos
From the Logansport Daily Pharos Jul 7 1905 pg. 8
Lake Maxinkuckee
Some Inklings Concerning This beautiful Sheet of Fresh Water
Fast Becoming Favorite Resort
Logansporters and Others Have cottages There
The most beautfi ul sheet of the fresh water lakes, of Indiana, and one among the purest and coldest fresh water bodies in the United States is that of our Own Lake Maxinkuckee.
Hill-rimmed and shut in from all the surface water without she sleeps in grandeur nestled among her shores parasoled all around with the shady groves of oak.
Only a few years ago she slept like an infant unattended - like a flower that is "born to blush unseen and waste its sweetness on the desert air". But slow to be interpreted, like the discovery of all termendous truth, she now reveals herself to the chilren of the earth who more and more each year are haunted to her shores to drink the beauty of her scenes and to sip the nectar of her refreshing air.
Maxinkuckee. She is beautiful indeed. Behold her as she lies before you a product not made with hands. Perfect, except in that to be modified only in trimmings by the hands of those who would suit her beauty to their own liking and convenient need.
Nestled against her northwest shoe is the village of Culver nee Marmont because when wedded to the son, the Military academy, she maust needs to bear his name.
In extent Lake Maxinkuckee is threemiles long and two miles wide containing approximately about five square miles of water surface, and having ten miles of Lake front. The lake is fed wholly by springs, the water is clear and pure, cold and fresh, and many flowing wells are on its banks. Its waters teems with fishes, such as black bass, large and small mouth; rock bass, crappie, warmouth, ringed perch, blue gill, sunfish, common and loageared; walleyed pike, catfish, calico bass, Ameican eel, and non-edible longnosed gar and dogfish, making fishing one of he leading sports. The lake is usually smooth, making boating delightf ul and safe.
The steamboats now in use are the "Peerless" and "Newwaugee" owned and managed by Captain Crook, and the "Loyd McSheehy", owned and managed by A. J. Knapp. There are five government yachts in use by the cadets of Culver Military Academy.
Clustered around the shores are cottages , club houses, hotels and Culver Military Academy, which is fats rivaling the leading military schools of the United States.
There are many clubs and different societies so one may choose whatever entertainment he desires.
The new Lake View hotel constructed by the Vandalia railroad, was opened and dedicated to the general public June 8 and is a neat and modern structure. No pains have been spared by the Vandalia to beuatify the grounds surrounding the depot.
Sodding has been done, cement walks are put down, flowers and trees have been planted, and a reg ular gardner is engaged to look after the grounds and keep them in order..
The Maxinkuckee Assembly, under the auspices of the Christain church denomination, has been established there. A large pavilion has been erected by them, many cottages built, and the grounds surrounding nicely improved. This assembly meets this year July 19 to August 11.
The Logansport people who own cottages at the lake are: W. T. Wilson, F. M. Harwood, S. E. Howe, Mrs. Helen Shroyer, M. Winfield, J. I. Barnes, F. F. Wilson, S. A. Vaughn, J. H. Reitemeir, W. A. Hartz, Robt. Kruetxberger [Kreuzberger], W. H. Snider, C. E. Holbruner, Mrs. Maggie C. Murdock and W. C. Routh.
Among those from other parts of the state who now cottages are: Chas. E. Coffin, J. M. Judah, H. C. Adams, and B. Q. Hendricks of Indianapolis. Milton Shirk, J. H. Shirk, C. H. Brownell and R. A. Edwards of Peru; and Prof. W. W. Parsons, president of the State Normal, Terre Haute.
In Culver , 1,500 gathered for the Panhandle Railroad excursion to Lake Maxinkuckee. Only
essential train traffic was moving on the line. - 25 Aug. 1906