Lake Maxinkuckee Its Intrigue History & Genealogy Culver, Marshall, Indiana

Logansport Pharos Tribune 1901  

Jan 7 MAP OF MAXINK1JCKEE. State Geologist Blatchley is preparing a large map of Lake Maxinkuckee which will be published in his forthcoming report. It will show the depth of the lake at different points, its plants at different depths and its fishes and shells. The deepest point found in the lake, according to the soundings taken for the geologist, was ninety feet. The marl deposits of the lake will also be described in. the report. The map is being prepared by Dr. J. T. Scovill of Terre Haute.

jun 3 - An excursion train of Elwood glass blowers passed through the city yesterday, enroute to Lake Maxinkuckee, there they spent Sunday. There were ___ coaches in the train... Mesdames Bell, Dykeman, Torr, Frazee, Nelson, Rogers and Miss Ald- rich, went to Lake Maxinkuckee today for a short stay at the Snider cottage...

Jun 29 - A Wonder at Maxinkuctee. Indianapolis News: "A report drifts down from Culver to the ^.effect that Frank J. Vincent of this city has just extracted from Lake Maxinkuckee what at first seemed to 'be a fresh water sea serpent, but which proved to be a gar — one of the kind, doubtless, that led to the building of the exclamation 'by gar,' as it is said to be sixty inches long, and, according to scales other than its own, weigh of eighteen and one half pounds. As sea serpents are scarce this year, and a half loaf, even if it be a. fish, is better than none, Frank Lamson of the Palmer House intends to stuff the skin of the fish with things that were not placed there by nature, and display it in the hotel office."

Jun 29 Mr. and Mrs. George F. Johnson of New York, who are the guests of Hon M. Winfield and family, will go to Maxinkuckee

Jul 9 The family of S. A. Vaughns spending the summer in the cottage at Lake Maxinkuckee

Jul 9 = Pleasure Boat Capsized. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel 0. Hefflick of No. 5G Front street, had a narrow escape from drowning in Lake Maxinkuckee, Sunday. They were rowing from Lake Maxinkuckee to Lost Lake, a connected body of water, when one of the oars became entangled in the lily,pads, causing the boat to capsize Both were thrown into the water, but Mr Hefflick, being an -expert swimmer succeeded . in rescuing his wife grasping her and swimming to shore with her. It was a diffic ult task, how ever, the lake being almost entirely covered, with a thick growth of lilies

Jul 12 Misses Cleo Schmoak and Anna Wecht are at Lake Maxinkuckee... W. T. Wilson and family have gone to their cottage at Lake Maxinkuckee to spend an outing.

Jul 22 - Miss Mayme Hanley spent Sunday at Laie Maxinkuckee... Yesterday five excursion trains passed through Logansport on the Vandalia on the way to Lake Maxinkuckee. One of them carried twelve coaches filled with excursionists... Mrs. Jacob Keller went to Maxinkuckee today to spend a month,

Jul 24 Mrs. Mount and little daughter of Elwood were the guests yesterday of Mrs. Harriet Tomlinson,enroute to Lake Maxinkuckee.

Jul 29 - The Panhandle also had an excursion on the State Line division which transferred a large crowd of passengers to the Vandalia, bound for Lake Maxinkuckee... The Odd Fellows hand excursion to Lake Maxinkuckes was enjoyed by a party of about 300. One of the pleas ant features Of the trip was a good rain which fell at the lake and cooled the atmosphere perceptibly. The.Odd Fellows band furnished music and entertained the crowds in a pleasing manner. The excursionists returned at 8:15 o'clock last evening, well pleased with their trip... The excursionists were fortunate in running into cool weather caused by refreshing rains at Chicago and Lake Maxinkuckee, and for that reason their trips were more enjoyable than is usually the case with Sunday excursions.

Jul 31 Sidney A. Vaughn is down from Lake Maxinkuckee to attend the races.

Aug 6 State Geologist Bletchley says that Lake Maxinkuckee is filling up the ilowest of any in the state. It covers practically the same area and sounds the same depths as it did when it was the home of the Indian... The Sunday schools of Galveston, Lincoln and Walton will run an excur- *ion to Maxinkuckee Thursday. Aug. 15. The fare for the round trip will be 75c. Train will leave Galveston at S a. m. Persons not in possession of coupon tickets will purchase their tickets on the train.

Aug 12 - W. H. Snider is spending a few days at the lake... Adolph and Louis Krmenstein spent Sunday at Lake at Maxinkuckee... Miss Mary Hooley spent Sunday at the Hooley-Carroll cottage af Lake Maxinkuckee... Captain and Mrs. W. M. Somers and daughter, Miss Tail, spent Sunday at Lake Maxinkuckee... The Vandalia sold about 200 tickets to Lake Maxinkuckee, and over 100 to Terre Haute. The Panhandle brought an excursion train of eleven coaches from Indianapolis to this city and transferred to the Vandalia enroute for Lake Maxinkuckee

Aug 13 City Editor Oscar Mictoelis of the Pharos and wife and Me/and' Mrs. Ned Goodnow have returned from a stay at Lake Maxinkuckee... Mr. and Mrs. John Campbell and children; Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Hooley and children; Mrs. T. J. Farley of Columbus, Ohio, and Misses Kate and Nora Hooley, have returned from a weeks' outing'at Lake Maxinkuckee

Aug 19 - Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Schwartz of West Market street spent Sunday at Lake Maxinkuckee

Aug 26 Steinhart's orchestra furnished the music for a select social dance at the Lake View hotel at Lake Maxinkuckee Saturday night

Sep 14 Misses Margaret and Gertrude Dowling have returned from an outing at Lake Maxinkuckee

Sep 17, 20,21 The Vandalia line will sell excursion tickets to Maxinkuckee and return on Sunday, Sept. 22-, at 50c. Last excursion of the season, —P. J. Haines.

Oct 7 - Mesclames Humphrey, Kraus, Johnston, Heffley and Furbee hare returned from Lake Maxinkuckee. where they werec the guests at the W. T. Wilson cottage at a house party

Oct 8 The family of S. E. Howe have closed their cottage at Lake Maxinkuckee and returned to their home here.