Logansport Snipets 1915

The question of whether the local railroads will continue to supply their offices with spring and mineral water
brought here from Lake Maxinkuckee and Lake Cicott has not been decided as yet. With the opening of the new
filter plant the practice may be stopped, though the water is so far superior to Eel river water even when
filtered that the chances are the service will be continued
The Panhandle offices are supplied from Lake Cicott. and the Vandalia from Lake Maxinkuckee. Recent tests
of the water which supplies the Vandalia passenger trains indicate that the water is excellent and as it comes
from a deep well near the local shops this water will be used in preference to the filtered river water.
The Panhandle trains are being supplied with water from their own fliter plant here. The service as far as is
known has been satisfactory and will be continued until the plant has been satisfactorily tested. l
Logansport Journal-Tribune Thursday March 25, 1915
Miss Edna Stuart is spending a two weeks vacation at Lake Maxinkuckee and Chicago Logansport Journal-Tribune
W. F. Hanley, James Digan, John Holland, Chester Horn, Charles Becker, Ade Seal, Frank White, C. A. Price,
Dave Middleton, William Wihitehead, Shelly Walters and Tim Cronin went to Lake Maxinkuckee in autos Sunday
and spent the day. Logansport Journal-Tribune TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14 1915
Spend Week at Lake. A party composed of the Misses Agnes and Louise Eckert, Esther Hanna Florence Grensfelder, Agnes
Earl, Mary Ahern, Edith Orr and Edith Scherer, and chaperoned by Miss Mayme McGaughey, have taken a cottage
at Maxinkuckee, for the week Logansport Journal-Tribune TUESDAY MORNING, AUGUST 3 19J5
Mr. and Mrs. A F. Bea ulien and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. cott Barnett and daughter, Harry and flora Crabs have gone to Lake
Maxinkukee to spen a week at the webster cottage. Logansport Journal-Tribune TUESDAY MORNING, AUGUST 3 19J5
Boye C ullen accompanied the Boy Scouts of Logansport on an outing to Lake Maxinkuckee Logansport Journal-Tribune
For Sale—14 ft. boat, double oar and good as new. Built by Ed Morris ris of Lake Maxinkuckee. Ph. 817.8 Logansport Journal-Tribune
J. A. Werner, Vandalia yard conductor, reported for duty after fishing at Lake Maxinkuckee for two days. Logansport Journal-Tribune
The Misses Harriet L. Waddups and Gretchen Swaney will spend Saturday night with Miss Waddup'a parents at Grass Creek, and will, spend
Sunday at Lake Maxinkuckee. Miss Margaret Waddups will accompany them to the lake. Logansport Pharos-Reporter STURDAY, July 3, 1915
E. M. Monehan, machinist at the Panhandle shops, is going to Lake Maxinkuckee on a fishing trip Logansport Journal-Tribune
Joseph Kroeger. city patrolman, and family have returned from a ten days outing at Lake Maxinkuckee Logansport Journal-Tribune
Boy Scouts Encamped At Lake Maxinkuckee - The Loganeport Boy Scout troop together with several other small delegations,-
from Indiana cities, left yesterday morning for Lake Maxiukuckee and are now encamped at Vandaliapark. There are about 250 boys now
in the camp. Logansport Journal-Tribune TUESDAY MORNING, AUGUST 17, 1915
An excursion will be run to Lake Maxinkuckee on the Vandalia Sunday for the first time in several years. The excursion rate is 85 cents for
the round trip from Logansport Logansport Journal-Tribune WEDNESDAY MORNING, AUGUST 11, 1915
Mr. and Mrs. Nick Woods, Mrs. Anna McConnell and W. S. Lines spent Sunday at Lake Maxinkuckee. Logansport Journal-Tribune
William F Hanley and John J, Campbell returned this morning from a trip to Racine, Wis, They stopped at Lake Maxinkuckee and spent
Sunday Logansport Pharos-Reporter MONDAY, AUGUST 9, 1915
Miss Eva. Trout of the Bee Hive spend her vacation starting tommorrow at Lake Maxinkuckee. Logansport Journal-Tribune
THE BOY SCOUTS RETURNED from their annual outing at Lake Maxinkuckee yesterday morning. The Scouts enjoyed every minute of
their stay, according to their testimony Logansport Journal-Tribune TUESDAY MORNING7 AUGUST 24, 1915
Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Harshman and Mr. and Mrs. Perry Moore have gone ] to Lake Maxinkuckee for a. two-weeks outing
Logansport Journal-Tribune SATURDAY MORNING, AUGUST 21,1915
Miss Marie Wilson returned home Saturday after spending a week at Lake Maxinkuckee.
Logansport Journal-Tribune SATURDAY MORNING, AUGUST 14,1915
Mrs. H Z. Carey, Misses Elsie Bevington, Marian, Shirley, Velmah McClain, Hakel Davisson; Frances and
Beatrice Fickle, Edna Munson; Marie Wilson, Emma Zehring; Mary Finney and Mary Wininger returned horne
Saturday from a week's outing at Lake. Maxinkuckee; Mr; and Mrs. Wilson Fickle and Mr. and Mrs. J A.
McCain- spent- Friday with them Logansport Journal-Tribune WEDENSDAY AUGUST 11, 1915
Mr and Mrs. P J Hooley ad daughter Olga spending a few days at Maxinkuckee Logansport Journal-Tribune
George T. Jackson, wife and daughter, Marie, are spending a few weeks at Lake Maxinkuckee Logansport Journal-Tribune
Thad Plank, James Porter, Ike Oppenhelmer and Charles Maiben went to Lake Maxinkuckee this afternoon in the "Porter auto. They will make a
visit with the Boy Scouts who are in camp there and Mr. Plank will make an address to them on, "Fishing"
Pharos-Reporter WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 18,1915
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Anderson spent Sunday at Lake Maxinkuckee, Logansport Pharos-Reporter MONDAY, AUGUST 16, 1915
Mrs. Cora Leedy is spending the week at Lake Maxinkuckee Logansport Pharos-Reporter TUESDAY, AUGUST 3,1915
H. B. DeMoss, R. M. Stauffer, Bert Rice, Vanda.lia firemen, went hunting yesterday at Lake Maxinkuckee Logansport Journal-Tribune
Logansport Journal-Tribune
Miss Margaret Fogarty, Alloysious Smith Tacy Bolton and Albert Pike, will spend Sunday at Lake Maxinkukee Logansport Journal-Tribune
SUNDAY, Morning, August 1, 1915
Wanted - Lady cook for four couples at Lake Maxinkuckee for one week from Aug. 7 to 14th. Address "C", Box 167 city. Logansport Journal-Tribune
July 30; August 1, 1915
Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Bea ulieu and daughter, mr. and mrs. cott barnett and daughter, Harry and flora crabs have gone to Lake Maxinkuckee where the will
spend a week at the Webster cottage. Logansport Journal-Tribune SUNDAY, Morning, August 1, 1915
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Mead and family Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Chastain of Salem, Ind., and Olive Elrod of Pekln, Ind., and Thelma. Hatfleld, Messrs,
Alfred Guy and Lewis Erbaugh, motored to Lake Maxinkuckee Sunday, and spent the day. Logansport Pharos-Reporter
Tuesday SEPTBMBER 14 1915
Miss Edna Stuart is spending a two weeks vacation at Lake Maxinkuckee and Chicago Logansport Pharos-Reporter
Victor E. Seiter and family will return, Sunday from Lake Maxinkuckee, where they have been spending the last three weeks in a
cottage at Long Point Logansport Journal-Tribune FRIDAY MORNING, July 30, 1915
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Routh departed this afternoon to spend the week end at Lake Maxinkuckee. Logansport Pharos-Reporter
FRIDAY, APRIL 16, 1915,
S. O. Hight Vandalia engineman, is fishing at Lake Maxinkuckee. Logansport Journal-Tribune
Thursday Morning NOVEMBER 18, 1915
Lew St ultz, Vandalia brakeman, and Harry Latz, Vandalia _ _ have reported for duty after __ at Lake Maxinkuckee.
Logansport Journal-Tribune Tuesday Morning, July 13, 1915
J. J. Bubel, machinist at the Panhandle shops, is at Lake Maxinkuckee
Logansport Journal-Tribune Tuesday Morning, July 13, 1915
Spend Day at Maxinkuckee. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wise and son; Jack, Mrs. Carolyn Wise, Mr. Victor
Wise and Mrs. Mollie Lowman amd children, Carolyn and Lawrence, motor to Maxinkuckee; today to spend the day.
Logansport Journal-Tribune SUNDAY MORNING July 18, 1915
To Visit at Maxinkuckee. The Jolly Eight club composed of the following: Nelie Rodgers, Ruth Thoman, Grace Kerlin, Ada Jenks;
Chas. Stowman, Fred McC ully, Harold Hubler, Ottis Berry, will be the over Sunday guests of A. P. Jenks and family at Lake Maxinkuckee
Logansport Journal-Tribune SUNDAY MORNING July 18, 1915
The Misses Agnes and Louise Eckert will go to Maxinkuckee Tuesday, to spend a few days.
Logansport Journal-Tribune SUNDAY MORNING July 18, 1915
Miss Rogina Vaughn, who is spending the summer at Maiinkuckee was home yesterday.
Logansport Journal-Tribune TUESDAY MORNING, AUGUST 17,1915
Miss Edith Echere of the Bee Hive is taking her vacation, spending part of the time at Maxinkuckee.
Logansport Journal-Tribune TUESDAY MORNING, AUGUST 17,1915
To Visit at Lake. Miss Faye Fisher will be the guest of Miss Edith Seeburger at the Seeburger cottage at Maxinkuckee next
week. Logansport Journal-Tribune SATURDAY MORNING, July 24, 1915
Miss Edith Seeburger has gone to Maxinkuckee after visiting Miss faye Fisher Logansport Journal-Tribune SATURDAY MORNING, July 24, 1915
Spend Week at Lake. A party composed of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Wagner, Mr. and Mrs. E F. Caldwell, Mr. and Mrs. John Rothermel,
Miss Veronica Rothermel, and Miss Helen Becker, the latter of Peru, will spend-next week at Maxinkuckee, where they have taken a
cottage for a week. Logansport Journal-Tribune SATURDAY MORNING. AUGUST 7, 1915
Party at Lake. The Misses Margaret-Doyle, Irene Whitehead, Irene Galligan, Mary Healy, Marie-Grady, Florence Kelly,
Mary Grady, Irma Holland, Mary Gray Marie Tremp and Margaret Grady will form a party to spend next week at
Maxinkuckee where they will occupy a cottage in tihe assembly grounds They will be chaperoned by Miss Elizabeth
Holland Logansport Journal-Tribune SATURDAY MORNING. AUGUST 7, 1915
Mrs. D. C. Chase and daughter, Louise, have returned from a week's stay at Maxinkuckee. Logansport Journal-Tribune
Mrs. George funk and Mr. and Mrs M. A. Knox and daughter Clara have returned from Maxinkuckee, where
they have been spending the past month. Logansport Journal-Tribune SATURDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 4, 1915
Mr. and Mrs. William Thomas have returned from Maxinkuckee where they have been spending the week
with Mr. and Mrs. Art Routh Logansport Journal-Tribune SATURDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 4, 1915
Foreman-Mowbray. The marriage of Miss Mary Foreman and Captain Ralph Mowbray will be celebrated Wednesday morning of
this week at the W. H. Snider summer home at Maxinkuckee. The wedding will be very quiet and only the two
families will be present. Miss Foreman was very widely entertained in April following the announcement of her engagement to
Captain Mowbray, and since that time she has been out of the city. Logansport Journal-Tribune
To Spend Week at Lake. Mr. and Mrs. William Thomas, Jr., and Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Routh, will spend this week at Maxinkuckee at
the W. C. Routh cottage. Logansport Journal-Tribune SUNDAY MORNING, AUGUST 29, 1915
Return From Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Caldwell, Mr. and Mrs. John Rothermel, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Wagner, Miss Veronica
Rothermel and Miss Helen Becker, the latter of Peru, have returned from a week's outing at Maxinkuckee.
Logansport Journal-Tribune TUESDAY MORNING, AUGUST 17, 1915
Claude Beroth, who has been the guests or his parents, left today for Maxinkuckee for a week's outing.Logansport Pharos-Reporter Logansport Pharos-Reporter 1915
Miss Ruth Saviors and Harry O'Morrow will be the guest of J J. Campbell, and family at Maxlnkuckee tommorrow
tomorrow. Logansport Pharos-Reporter Logansport Pharos-Reporter 1915
Mrs. George Funk is visiting at the Barnes cottage at Maxinkuckee, Logansport Pharos-Reporter WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 11, 1915.
Paragon Fishing Club's Name Undergoes Change
Members of t h e f a m o u s Paragon Fishing club are in disgrace. In seasons past, these noted fishermen have
hled themselves biannially to Maxinkucke. whipped the waters of that noted fishing and then returned laden ground
with great strings of the finny denizens of the eddies and bayous. But the skill of the old daya has departed and the name of the
flshing organization has been changed to Paragon "Wishing" Club,
Wednesday the members of the club, weighted down with fishing tackle and "bait" took' passage for
Maxlnkuckee and in due time landed safely in the headquarters of the club at the lake, After lunch the alleged
graduates from the school of the famous Frank Walton chartered boats and took to the waves, They
went where thie fish were wont to congregate in, large bunches and cast their lines in pleasant places and proceeded,
to wait. They waited all afternoon and evening, and into the night and then the morning, but there was
not a bob at the cork nor a twitch of tho line anywhere along the battle front. All kinds of devices were
tried to coax a fish to bite. Val Strebel offered to bet J ulius Wagner that not a man of the bunch would
have a bite and being a real sport J ulius took the bit. He lost, and Val is ahead a half dollar.
Yesterday morning the whole bunch of fishermen came home with less enthusiasm and "bait" than they
took with them on Wednesday on the out trip Logansport Pharos-Reporter Saturday May 1 1915
General Manager T. B, Hamilton of the Vandalta, whose home is in Terre Haute, has leased the M. Winfleld
cottage at Culver and he and his family will make their home there during the summer, beginning June 1.
The family will remain at the lake while Mr, Hamilton will spend the week end at the pop ular northern
summer resort.
The Winfield cottage is modern in every respect and among the most pleasantly located summer homes at
Maxinkuckee Logansport Pharos-Reporter Saturday May 1, 1915
Miss Marjorie Douglass has gone to Maxinkuckee to be the,guest of Miss Maud Marie Dougherty
Logansport Journal-Tribune SUNDAY MORNING, July 11, 1915
Lost - two red wire automobile wheels with mounted tires between Logansport and Lake Maxinkuckee yesterday
afternoon. Reward for return. Notify George Mueller, Ph. 232, Culver , Indiana.
Logansport Journal-Tribune SUNDAY MORNING, July 11, 1915
At Maxinkuckee A party composed of the following young people will spend the week at
Maxinkuckee and occupy the Webster cottage The Misses Deborah M ulhahy, Dora Rothormel and Josephine
Rothermol of this city and Gertrude Wise, Mary McCarty, Anna Daily of Peru and Miss Beadle of Lafayette.
They will be chaperoned by Mrs Bradshaw and Mrs. Iselow, Logansport Pharos-Reporter TUESDAY, AUGUST 17, 1918
Mrs. george funk and Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Knox and daughter clara returned from Maxinkuckee, where they have been
spending the past month. Logansport Pharos-Reporter Saturday 4, 1915
Frank Rice and family motored to Maxinkuckee today for a short stay at the lake.
Mr and Mrs. W C Routh are spending the remixinder of the week at their summer cottage at Maxinkuckee.
Logansport Pharos-Reporter friday April 30, 1915
Entertains for Guests Mrs Homer Lee of the Barnes flats has as her guest Mrs Zella Goodman
and Mrs. Ella Bothast of Union City. Mrs. Lee entertained at a 6 o o'clock dinner Friday in their honor and is. giving
a picnic at Maxinkuckee today for the visitors. Logansport Journal-Tribune SUNDAY MORNING, July 25,1915
For Rent - Cottage at Lake Maxlnkuckee July 25th to August 8th 8 roms completely furnished; accommodates 12 people;
boat, telephone, Address Mrs.Lura Obelin, Culver , Ind. Logansport Journal-Tribune SATURDAY MORNING, July 24, 1915
John Campbell and family who are spending the summer at Maxinkuckee are home for a few days.
Logansport Journal-Tribune SATURDAY MORNING, July 24, 1915
Miss Marjorie Douglass has returned from Maxinkuckee where she was the guest of Miss Maud Dougherty.
Logansport Journal-Tribune Logansport Journal-Tribune
Take Motor Trip. Mr., and Mrs. Max Hoffman, Mr. L. P. Duener, Miss Mary DeNio of New
York and Helen Kuppenheimer motored to Bass Lake and Maxinkuckee yesterday. Logansport Journal-Tribune
FRIDAY! MQRNING, July 16,1915
Occupy Cottage at Lake. Victor Seiter and famlily of Eel River avenue have gone to Maxinkuckee,
where they will occupy a cottage for the remainder of the summer Logansport Journal-Tribune
TUESDAY MORNING July, 13, 1915
Jack Smith, TJ. C. Wright and Ray Kile, Vandalia; yard conductrs, and their families are spending a 10-days
vacation at liake Maxinkuckee Logansport Journal-Tribune Tuesday Morning JUNE 20 1915