Lake Maxinkuckee Its Intrigue History & Genealogy Culver, Marshall, Indiana

Logansport Snipets 1916  

Peter Sirantsj- has returned from a few days visit at lake Maxinkuckee, Logansport Pharos-Reporter SATURDAY, August 5,1916

Several from here [Young America] autoed io Lake Maxinkuckee, Sunday. All report a good time Logansport Pharos-Reporter FRIDAY, July 28, 1916

Glen Obenchain is fishing at Lake Maxinkuckee today, Logansport Pharos-Reporter thursday april 27, 1916

Mr and Mrs, Will Gremelspacher, who spent the week at Maxinkuckee, have returned to tho city, Logansport Pharos-Reporter thursday Augutst 24, 1916

Outing at, the Lake. A party of young ladles are enjoying an outing at Lake Maxinkuckee for the next ten days, Those in the party are the Misses Clotildis Fohrar, Marie Dennehy, Margaret Fogarty, Esther Conroy, Theresa and Catherine Brltton They are being chaperoned Nrs. R Britton and Mrs, J Dutton of Indianapolis Logansport Pharos-Reporter August 22 1916

... Ira Cree of the Vandalla, are spending a two weeks vacation, ... and the latter at Maxinkuckee, Logansport Pharos-Reporter WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 9, 1916

Elden Kistler and family came over from Kokorno Sunday and with J. W. Kistler and wife, spent the day at Lake Maxinkuckee, Logansport Pharos-Reporter Tuesday, AUGUST 8,1916

Miss Bea Martin is enjoying an outing at Lake Maxinkuckee, Logansport Pharos-Reporter MONDAY, AUGUST 7,1916 Boy Scout Band Will Give Cancer! Wednesday PROCEEDS WILL GO TOWARD ANNUAL ENCAMPMENT EXPENSE....The encampment this year will be the fifth annual one. It will be held at Lake Maxinkuckee as usual, and will be held two weeks in August, the exact date of which has not been set...Logansport Journal-Tribune friday APril 7, 1916

t ulip club Return Members of the T ulip club returned yesterday from a week's outing; at Lake Maxinkuckee, Logansport Pharos-Reporter MOnday August 21, 1919

At Lake Maxinkuckee Carl Horn and children are enjoying ab outing at Lake Maxinkuckee Mr Horn spent, yesterday with his family

H. B. DoMoss ,W. J. Behmer, B. S. Rice and S. M. Stauffer are spending the week-end at Lake Maxlnkuckee on a flshing and hunting trip. Logansport Pharos-Reporter FRIDAY OCTOBER 27, 1916

    By Scout Dean Swadener. BOY SCOUT CAMP Lake Maxinkuckee, Thursday morning, August, 3. —-This is a beautiful place where Logansport Troop No, 1 and the delegation of scouts from Fort Wayne, Winamac and North Manchester are in camp and the boys are certainly a happy bunch.

    The weather has been cool and pleasant Blnce we have been here and we eat and sleep and swim and do all kinds of boy atunls without -being a bit uncomfortable. Scoutmaster Chase is pretty rigid with the r ules, and that is just what we want, for everybody knows just what to do and how to do it. Everything runs as smoothly as a well oiled bike

    Major Fred Six and family among the steady visitors at are the camp making their headquarters at the Cbadwick hotel

    Each evening we have a band concert on the porch at the chadwick and everybody is praising the fine music produced by our Logansport bou Scout band, under the diredtion of prof. Sourbrine. The band boys are havin reg ular rehearsals and are making the most of their chances for practice. they play fine now and by the time they get back to Logansport they will be classed among the professionals.

    Dr. Beeman, Scoutmaster from North Manchester, is a favorite with the boys and all of them are glad to have him in camp.

    Meals are furnished in camp are dandy, just the kind of camp stuff that boys like. It sticks to your ribs and makes you feel like a Sandow. Wednesday morning for breakfast we had boiled rice, fried bacon, molasses, bread, butter, coffee and cocoa.

    the boys got passes out of the guard lines from camp Wednesday moorning from 9 to 11. Some of the boys hired boats and went rowing on the lake

    we have a fine spring board built out into the lake and we have a bunch of fun swiimming. SOme of the boys swin and dive like catfish. we got back into cam and all passes were taken up at 11 a.m.

    out 'tummies" were empty and ready for dinner after rowing and swimming and we stowed away the dinner in reg ular Boy scout stayle. dinner was made up of boiled ham, potatoes, (spuds0, bread pudding and bread and butter.

    After dinner we got passes from camp 1 to 3 p.m.

    The health of the camp has been fine, but occassionally, was you can see, with a bunch of boys, once in awhile some person will get out of order. Lawrence zfletcher of the fort wayne troop got sick with an attack of indigestion and his fever climbed up to 106, but he came through fine and is now considerably better.

    After dinner a bunch of the Winamac and fort wayne troops hired boats and made a trip across the lake to Culver Academy. The North Manchester troops took a hike in the afternoon.

    company a of the two drill swquads organized during the afternoon and we had a drill at 4 p.m. wealso hiked to Culver during the afternoon and back, covering a distance of about four miles.

    After supper last evening we had another fine concert by the logansport boy scout band, the concert being given from the porch o f the chadwick hotel, which is the cmap headquarters

    After band practice the scouts disposed of five gallons of ice cream and they did such a good job of it that ten gallons are promised for friday night.

Mr, and Mrs. E C Caldwell and son Robert Owen, are enjoying a week's outing at Lake Maxinkuckee, Logansport Pharos-Reporter Saturday September 9, 1916

Louis Harbin spent yesterday at Lake Maxirikuckee, Logansport Pharos-Reporter MONDAY, AUGUST 7, 1916

Charles Grant spent yesterday at Lake Maxirikuckee, Logansport Pharos-Reporter MONDAY, AUGUST 7, 1916

Mrs, A, N, Baker and daughter Maurlne, have returned from a two weeks outing at Lake Maxinkuckee. They were the, guests -of Mrs, H. B, Talley of Terre Haute,Logansport Pharos-Reporter MONDAY, AUGUST 7, 1916

Campfie Girls Return, Girls of the Kenapoquomawka will return tomorrow form a week's outing at Lake Maxinkuckee, Those in the party are Elta Castle, edna Boys, Helen Cummings, Hazel Turner, Mabel and Wilhelmina Hedde, edna Holden, May Eliot, Elizabeth Mitchell, Ruth McMillen, Harriot Mehaffey, lucile Rowe, ruth Veale, Helen Brandt, Mrs H. P. Cummins, Mr and Mrs. J G. Porter. Logansport Pharos-Reporter MONDAY, July 31, 1916

HOUSE Party at LAkE, Mra. Ed Donovan and Mrs. Mac Patterson were hostesses last week to members of the Night Hawk euchre club with a house party at the Murdock cottage at Lake Maxlnkuckee. The club was composed of the following people: Mr. and Mrs, H. J. Crismond, Mr, and Mrs E L. Donovan Mr, and Mrs. W. 0, Murdock, Mr, and Mrs. J, A, Gainor, Dr and Mrs E SHunt and Mr and Mrs Lowell Neff Logansport Pharos-Reporter MONDAY, July 31, 1916

At Lake Maxlnkuckee Miss edna Holdon of this city and Atlas Anna Herring Of Grand Rapids, Mich, returned Sunday evening from Lake Maxlnkuckee where they have been camping with the camp-fire girls Logansport Pharos-Reporter MONDAY, July 31, 1916

Glen Obenchain is fishing at Lake Maxinkuckee today, Logansport Pharos-Reporter Thursday Aprl 27, 1916

Mr. and Mra, W, H. Snider, who have been spending the summer at Lake Maxlnkuckee, are again at their home on Eel Rlver avenue Logansport Pharos-Reporter FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1916

FISH FRY FOR POLICE. R M Costello and family of Thirteenth and Wright street leave tommrow for a ten day's outing at Lake Maxlnkuckoo. The farmily has secured McSheehy cottage at Arlington and will make that their headquarters, Costello is day desk sergeant of the local police department, and all police are looking forward to a fish dinner, as Dick has declared himself to be some fisherman, Logansport Pharos-Reporter SATURDAY, AUGUST 19,1916

Elden Kistler and family came over from Kokorno Sunday and with J. W Kistler and wife, spent the day at Lake Maxinkuckee, Logansport Pharos-Reporter TuESDAY, AUGUST 8,1916

LIGHTS' AT LAKE, Lake Maxinluickee cottage owners have been informed that the electric light company serving the current to the town of Culver is preparing to run a wire around east side of the lake in order to serve the current to all cottages who may desre it next season, Information to this effect has been received from officials of the Plymouth Electric Light and Power Company,the supplying flrm, Logansport Pharos-Reporter WEDNESDAY, MARCH 1,1916

Club to enjoy Outing N ullum Nomon club will leave tomorrow for Lake Maxinkuokee for a weeks outing, They will be chaperoned by Miss Josephine Holland Those composing the club are Marguerite Galligan, Dorothy Malay, Lauretta Grady, Evelyn Healey, Madge Maroney, Chole Appleton, Letitha costello, margaret McDonald and Mary Hanson Logansport Pharos-Reporter Logansport Pharos-Reporter SATURDAY, AuGUST 5,1916

Mr, and Mrs, Frod Six will go to Lake Maxinkuckee tomorrow to spend several days, Their two sons Donald and Norman will also go at that time to camp with the Boy Scouts, Logansport Pharos-Reporter MONDAY, July 31, 1916

Miss India Randall has gone to Lake Maxlnkuckee, where she will be the guest of Mrs. Emil Keller of Fort Wayne. Logansport Pharos-Reporter FRIDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1916

Miss Vine Knowlton has returned from Lake Maxinkuckee, where for sometime she has been the guests of Mrs. Ralph Mowbray. Logansport Pharos-Reporter FRIDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1916

Frank Murphy, Pennsylvania conductor, residing with his family at 900 East Broadway, has purchased the Scoville cottage at Lake Maxinkuckee Logansport Pharos-Reporter MONDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1916

Mrs. Sue Richardson and Miss Carrle Haney of this city and Mrs. Minnie Rannelles of St. Louis, went to Lake Maxlnkuckoe to stay over Sunday. Logansport Pharos-Reporter SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1918

Members of the logansport ministerial association had planned to picnic at Lake Maxinkuckee today, but bad weather caused postponement of the eventLogansport Pharos-Reporter SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1918

Ministers to Picnic, All ministers represented in the Ministerial association and their families will picnic tomorrow all day at Lake Maxinkuckee Logansport Pharos-Reporter FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1916

Mr, and Mrs. Harbert Dunn will enjoy a week's outing next week at Lake Maxinkuckee. Logansport Pharos-Reporter SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 2,1916

Mrs, Frank Etnire has returned from a week's outing at the Jenks cottage at Lake Maxlnkuckee Logansport Pharos-Reporter SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 2,1916

Mr, and Mrs, John Plank and family, Mr, and Mra, Delbert Shope, and family, Mr, and Mrs, Willie Alspaugh and family, Mr, and Mm, Will .Forgy and family and Mr, and Mrs. Earl Plank, and Mra, Sarah Runk motored to Lake Maxinkuckee Sunday Logansport Pharos-Reporter friday AUGUST 18 1916

Miss Alice Louise Galllgan left today for Lake Maxinkuckee where she will spend a few days with Miss Marie Holvie, Logansport Pharos-Reporter WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 16,1916

Club to Enjoy Outing Members of the T ulip club will go Lake Maxinkucker and enjoy a weeks outing Logansport Pharos-Reporter TUESDAY august 8 1916




Scoutmaster Charles D Chase, In charge of Loganapart Troop No, 1 Boy Scouts of America, who for eight days had been in camp at Lake Maxinkuckee, in the vicinity of the Chadwick hotel, arrived home last night In two cars, the first being a coach filled with a bunch of boys tinged the color of the redskins and the second car carrying a load of camp , equipment that had had a tremendously hard week's work. Everybody was healthy and happy and already talking about the 1917 camp

A large crowd of parents, brothers, sisters, uncles and aunts and even grandmothets were at the station when the train p ulled in shortly after 7 p.m. and the youngsters received a rousinfg reception. When the train stopped the boys lined up and marched to the baggage car, where they received their grips and cots and other individual camp belongings and in a short time they were on their way home.

This year's Boy Scout camp was the most successful on recod Before starting from Logansport every bill contracted had been paid and the receipt was in the hands of the officers; when the time came to embark at Culver for home, every bill at the otherend had also been paid, and Scoutmaster Chase, after having paid all expenses, fed from one hundred to one hundred and fifty-seven people for a week three meals a day and furnished as fine stuff as any person would want, came back to Logansport with a clean $100 whlch goes into the Boy Seo ul treasury.

The camp from all standpoints was superb, Discipline was perfect the c ulinary and sanitary departments were perfect and the care of the camp was as fine as any military organization under strict supervision could have produced.

Flrst prize for the best kept tent was' awarded to Norman Six, george closs, Donald younf and dean Swadenerm this being two dollars Ja in cash; Second prize of one dollar was captured by Robert Worstel, and the third prize to three boys whose names could not be secured today

Yesterday Mrs. Richard Burkett of the Chadwick Hotel took charge of the commissary department and served, a fine dinner to the boys in, the hotel and ended up the day just before leaving by carving a lot of pies and and distributing the segments to the boys Logansport Pharos-Reporter WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 8, 1916




By Scout Dean 8wadener. - Lake Maxinkuckee, Monday morning, Aug-, 7,— Yesterday was a great day in camp. Many people from Logansport and other placea were among tho visitors, some coming by, train, but tho most of them in automobiles. Some folks even walked in several miles from the country to get a sight of the camp and see how a bunch of real live boys do when they got away from home.

Naturally wo were on our good behavior. We want to go to camp next yoar and to break the camp r ules would mean that next year our name would riot be on the list.

Among tho vsitors to camp yesterday wore Mr. and Mrs Homer Closson of Logansport. We were tickled nearly to death because Mr. and Mrs, Closson live next door and we heard straight from home.

But camp days for 1916 are drawing to a close, Tomorrow the reveille will sound for tho last tlme at noon, the soupee, soupee, soupee will call us into the mess tent for tho last meal and then our tents will be struck and thw camp equipment will be loaded on car ready for shipment back to Logansport. we expect to arrive in Loganaport on the Vandalia at 7:05 Tuesday evening, August 8.

We, have had a jolly time since wo came horo last Tuesday, Everything has gone off without any trouble, There havo boon no accidents worth mentioning, the boys, getting a stubbed toe occasionally and an occasional bump that was always made as good as new by Dr. Beeman, the physician-scoutmaster from North Manchester, Everybody has been good natured only once in awhile has there been any grouchlness and even that didn't last very long.

Scoutmaster Chase has been a daddy all of us boys and we feel that to his good management is due altogether tho good times we have had, The scouts from North Manchester, Fort Wayne and Winamac have been genuine "good scouts" and they and Iho scoutmasters who have been with them have been good shod parts of the finest Boy Scout camp that ever was.

But that's all for this time, Will see you tomorrow