Lake Maxinkuckee Its Intrigue History & Genealogy Culver, Marshall, Indiana

Logansport Snipets 1918  

Ann ul Picnic. The L. S. to the B. of .U F. &. E. are planning their annual picnic for August 14, at Lake Maxinkuckee again this year. Owing to the change of train, time everybody will have to go at 6 a. m. Logansport Pharos-Reporter FRIDAY, July 26,1918

Robert Kelsey died Wednesday at bis home on the east side of Lake Maxinkuckee, aged fifty-six years. He is survived by his wife and two daughters. The funeral was held this afternoon from the Corinth Church in Adams township. Logansport Pharos-Reporter FRIDAY, July 26,1918

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Murray spent Tuesday at Lake Maxinkuckee Logansport Pharos-Reporter WEDNESDAY,. AUGUST 28, 1918

W. W. Surendorf and two little nephews, who are visiting him from Richmond, Ind., are spending today at Lake Maxinkuckee Logansport Pharos-Reporter WEDNESDAY,. AUGUST 28, 1918

Miss Ruth Heppe has returned home after a few days visit with Mrs. Carl Wagner at their summer home at Lake Maxinkuckee. Logansport Pharos-Reporter SATURDAY, July 27,1918

For Rent—The Fisher cottage at Maxinkuckee. Phone 1193. Logansport Pharos-Reporter Thursday July 25, 1918

WANTED—Maid to do housework at Lake Maxinkuckee lor summer. Call 1133. Logansport Pharos-Reporter July 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 1918

Mr. Casebeer and George Black went, to Lake Maxinkuckee Saturday. Mr. Casebeer and George Black went, to Lake Maxinkuckee Saturday. THURSDAY, July 18,1918 Logansport Pharos-Reporter

Mrs. Arthur Sharts, son Harold and Robert Riggs spent the week end at Lake Maxinkuckee, guests at the F. J Bott cottage. Logansport Pharos-Reporter MONDAY, July 15,1918

Charles Weser and family have returned home after a month's outing a the Traut cottage at Lake Maxinkuckee. Logansport Pharos-Reporter MONDAY, July 15,1918

ilr. and Mrs. A. P. Jenks and daughter Ada, have returned from Lake Maxinkuckee, where they have been visiting. Logansport Pharos-Reporter MONDAY, July 15, 1918

Enjoy Day at Lake Mrs. Don Richason and sons Paul and Donald of Race street, Mrs. D. A. Cook and son Robert and daughter Eloise of College street and Mrs. Smith and children of College street spent yesterday at Lake Maxinkuckee and report having spent a very enjoyable day. Logansport Pharos-Reporter FRIDAY, July 12,1918

Loren Clouse and wife, Ross Good and wife. "William Faust and Grover Pa ulus and family, motored to Lake Maxinkucke'e Sunday, and spent the day. Logansport Pharos-Reporter WEDNESDAY July 10, 1918br>

Entertained at Slimmer Home. Mrs. Frank Murphy was hostess to the L. A. to the 0. R. C. all day yesterday at her summer home at Lake Maxinkuckee. Quite a number of ladies atended and report having spent a most delightf ul day. Logansport Pharos-Reporter TUESDAY, July 9,1918.

SHOWS FINE CATCH. Charles (Nig) Weser, who with, his family has been spending the season at Lake Maxinkuckee, while fishing last evening captured a six-pound bass, one of the largest captured at the lake for a long time. Weser captured the big fellow alive and in order to prove to his "sportsmen friends that this is no mere "fish story," lie brought tie fish to Logansport andnow has it on exhibition in the tank at the Johnston hotel buffet. Logansport Pharos-Reporter WEDNESDAY, JulyS, 1918.

Entertained Century Class Mrs. S. A. Fisher was hostess to the Centup- class of the Ninth Street Christian church yesterday at her summer cottage at Lake Maxinkuckee Over fifty folks were present, some motored up and others went "on the train. The day was ideal, nothing to mar the pleasure of anyone. Tables were arranged and spread in the yard in the shade of the trees. Members of the, class were seated around the tables that were filled with good things to eat. Those who did not attend the affair missed'a very pleasant time. Boat riding, swimming, bathing and social conversation was enjoyed during the day. Rev. E. Richard Edwards was a special guest Logansport Pharos-Reporter THURSDAY, JUNE 27,1918 .

A number of the members of the Lucerne Christian church motored to Lake Maxinkuckee Sunday after Sunday school and enjoyed an elegant picnic dinner. Logansport Pharos-Reporter SATURDAY, JUNE 22, 1918..

Mrs. George W Funk is at Lake Maxinkuckee visiting her brother, George Barnes. Logansport Pharos-Reporter - TUESDAY, JUNE, 18, 1918

To Graduate Mlss Frances Murphy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Murphy of 900 EOO East Broadway will graduate from Lewis Institute at Chicago Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Murphy and daughter Winifred, will attend the graduation exercises and all will then motor to Lake Maxinkuckee where they will spend the summer at their summer cottage. Logansport Pharos-Reporter 1 Jun 1918

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bott and family will shortly open their cottage at Lake Maxinkuckee for the summer season. Logansport Pharos-Reporter SATURDAY, JUNE 15, 1918

Mr. and Mrs. Sidney R. Vaughn returned last evening from a week's outing at Lake Maxinkuckee. Logansport Pharos-Reporter FRIUAY, MAY 31, 1318

For Rent- -At Lake Maxinkuckee, furnished cottage, with boat. Address P. O. Box 403. Logansport Pharos-Reporter Thursday, May 28, 29, 30, 1918

Mrs. Frank Murphy and Mrs. Cotnor spent Monday at Lake -Maxinkuckee. Logansport Pharos-Reporter TUESDAY- OCTOBER 8, 1918.

J. W. Ballard left yesterday for a few days visit at the Fisher cottage at Lake Maxinkuckee Logansport Pharos-Reporter Thursday, September 05, 1918

Mr. and Mrs. Victor Selter and family have returned after spending two weeks at Laie Maxinkuckee. Logansport Pharos-Reporter Tuesday, September 03, 1918

Picnic At Lake - Mr. and Mrs. chris keisling, sr. and family, Mr. and Mrs. John W. keisling and family. Mr. and Mrs. George Keisling and family, Mr and Mrs. chris Kiedling, Mr. and Mrs. H. G Reed and daughter caroline; Mr. and Mrs. t W collins, and mr. and Mrs. and Mr. and Mrs. john newby Jr. and daughter Marguerite motored to Lake Maxinkuckee Sunday where the enjoyed a family picnic Logansport Pharos-Reporter TUESDAY, AUGUST 27, 1918.

Miss Edith Scherer, employe of the Wiler & Wise store is taking a two weeks vacation and will spend next week at Lake Maxinkuckee with relatives. Logansport Pharos-Reporter THURSDAY, AUGUST 22, 1918,

Mrs. Buelah Applegate and son Franklin were Lake Maxinkuckee visitors Sunday. Mr. and 'Mrs. Walter Clark, who were also, visitors at the Lake with the. latter's sister, Mrs. St ultz of Logansport returned home with her. Wednesday, August 21, 1918

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Fetters and daughters. Hilda, Trella and Florence spent Sunday at Lake Maxinkuckee. Logansport Pharos-ReporterTHURSDAY, AUGUST 15, 1918

The Boy Scout Choir go to Maxinkuckee tonight for a four days outing at the Arlington hotel. Logansport Pharos-Reporter MONDAY, AUG. 12, 1918.

Mr. and Mrs. W. A Purcell spent Sunday with, the F. C. Murphy family at Lake Maxinkuckee. Logansport Pharos-Reporter MONDAY, AUG. 12, 1913.

William Schroeder, wife and daughter, Mary Louise, and Miss Nettie Bergman will depart tomorrow for a ten days' outing at Maxinkuckee Logansport Pharos-Reporter SATURDAY, AUGUST 10,1918.

House Party Mrs. Elizabeth Reynolds, Mrs. M. M. Biackmer and Charles Chambers of this city, and Ben Gnge of Peru, span a tow days at the Fisher cottage a Lake Maxinkuckee. Mr. and Mrs O M. Howard chaperoned the party They report having had a most delightf ul time fishing and otherwise amusing themselves. Mrs. Reynolds expects to spend a month at the lake Logansport Pharos-Reporter MONDAY, July 29, 1918