Lake Maxinkuckee Its Intrigue History & Genealogy Culver, Marshall, Indiana

Snipets Logansport Pharos-Reporter - 1919  

POISON KILLING MANY FISH AT MAXINKUCKEE Will Obenchain the carpenter contractor, has recently returned from a trip to Lake Maxinkucckee and reports that Lake Maxinkuckee seems destined to be utterly depop ulated of game fish owing to the mysterious disease or poisoning, which has attacked the fish. He states that the shores of the lake are littered with dead bass and salmon and other game fish, the German carp and other soft fish not seeming to be affected. The cause of the death, of the fish still remains a mystery. State fish and game authorities have, been, investigating the matter, but have not arrived at any conclusion, it is said. Whether it is poison that has been injected into the water from some subterranean disturbance, a disease traced to local causes or what the cause is not ascertained. What seems to be very apparent, however, is that fishing at the lake is practically destroyed, according-to the report. Fishermen, are afraid to use the fish when caught because of the infection from which the finny tribe is suffering. The same fatal malady is said to have attacked the fish of this pop ular ftshing ground about thirty years ago Logansport Pharos-Reporter Tuesday May 27 1919

WATER MOLD KILLS FISH. - It has been determined by the state officials who have examined the water of Lake Maxinkuckee, that water mold has caused the death of the many fish that have been discovered on the lake. This mold is known to have killed many fish in the lakes of the state, but the epidemic that is visiting Lake Maxinkuckee this time is the "worst one ever known. Authorities state that fish taken out of the lake may be eaten, without any ill res ults Logansport Pharos-Reporter Wednesday, May 28, 1919

BASS FISHING AT LAKE MAXINKUCKEE IS GOOD - The epidemic amongst the fish at Lake Maxinkuckee is the same as they have each year, only this year it is a great deal more prominent. Twenty-two years ago it was much worse than this year. That year they died in the Tippecanoe river the same as they did in the lake. The most reasonable solution of the matter is poisonous woods. There is no danger of catching a sick fish as a sick fish will not bite or eat anything. Bass fishing at the lake has been good tho past few weeks. Logansport Pharos-Reporter MONDAY, MAY 5, 1919.

American Dancing Club. The final dance of the season just past was given last evening by the American Dancing club in Stettiner hall. This dance, unlike former ones, was informal. Dancing was continued from 9 until 1, music being furnished by the colored orchestra appearing at the Nelson theatre. Old members who were present last evening for the first time this season were Dr. and Mrs. Rodney Troutman, the former having just returned from military service, and Dr. and Mrs. Franz Herman, who spent the winter in Florida. During the evening a dainty lunch was served. Plans were discussed for the club to go in a body to Lake Maxinkuckee for a day's outing and enjoy a dance in the evening. Logansport Pharos-Reporter Tuesday Jay 27, 1919

Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Keller have returned home after spending a few days at their cottage at Lake Maxinkuckee. Logansport Pharos-Reporter THURSDAY, MAY 22, 1919.

house Party at Maxinkuckee. Dr. and Mrs. Mclntyre entertained the following guests at a week end house party at the Fisher cottage at Lake Maxinkuckee, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Scott. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Drompp, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smyser, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hyman, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dowling. Logansport Pharos-Reporter Wedensday May 7, 1919

FOR SALE—At Lake Maxinkuckee, summer cottage; seven rooms, two large porches, good well, shady yard; fine bathing beach; interest in large pier. Address Mrs. Oberlin, Culver Indiana. Box 320 Logansport Pharos-Reporter THURSDAY, MARCH 7, 8, 11, 13, 1919.

25 years ago....Today at Maxinkuckee. Bishop White of the Episcopal church officiating, the corner stone of Culver Military acadamy was laid. The founder Mr. Culver and a small party of friends were present. The Masonic fraternity conducted the ceremony. Logansport Pharos-Tribune MONDAY, MAY 17, 1919

WANTED—Experienced cook for Maxinkuckee for months of May and June. Mrs. W. H. Snider, 140 Eel River Ave Logansport Pharos-Reporter SATURDAY, APRIL 10, 11, 12, 1919.

"Planning House "Party. The Phi Delta Kappa Fraternity has arranged to hold a house party on April 27th at the Fisher Cottage at Lake Maxinkuckee. Those attending will go from here in machines. A cateress has been engaged to serve meals and from all indications, a fine time will be enjoyed. They will wind up the day by a big steak roast at night. Logansport Pharos-Reporter Wedensday april 9, 1919

"WANTED—A girl for general housework at Lake Maxinkuckee. about May 15th. Address Mrs. M. Winfield, 719 Market St. Phone 212. Logansport Pharos-Reporter Wedensday april 2, 1919

Class Picnic. The Century Class of the Ninth Street Christian church held their annual picnic at the beautiful summer home of Mrs. S, A. Fisher, at Lake Maxinkuckee. Fifty members were present, also a number of friends, making a total of 65 people. The day was spent in bathing and boating, and at noon a delicious picnic dinner was served, victrola music being played all the while. At Ihe close of a most enjoyable day, most of the guests returned home by aoto. The day went off without the slightest mishap of any kind. Logansport Pharos-Reporter fRIDAY, JUNE 27,1919.

Fishing and bathing is fine at Lake Maxinkuckee. A four-pound salmon was caught at Long Point on last Thuursday evening and with a worm at that can you beat it? Logansport Pharos-Reporter TUESDAY, JUNE 24, 1919.

MAXINKUCKEE 0. K. According to Mayor James Barnes, who returned from Lake Maxinkuckee the conditions which caused the death of many fish early in the spring have disappeared and the fishing is now very good there. Bathing and boating also have been taken up again and are being practiced by all pleasure seekers visiting the lake. Barnes states that the number of dead fish at the lake has been greatly exaggerated and that for this reason many pleasure seekers who have been accustomed to visiting the lake in former years, did not return this year Logansport Pharos-Reporter TUESDAY, JUNE 24, 1919.

Camp Fire Meeting. The Pottowattamie Camp Fire Girls met at the home of Tamar Smith, 301 19th street Thursday evening. At the close of an evening spent in games, dainty refreshments were served. The girls will leave June 8 for a weeks outing at the Barnes cottage at Lake Maxinkuckee. Those present Thursday evening were: Florence Ciine, Colossa Kinneman, Francis Lux, Serene Rowland, Mary Jane Sell, Martha Rafter, Mildred Warfelt, Emily Barnes, Tamar Smith and their guardian, Miss Adda Rafter. Logansport Pharos-Reporter SATU11BAY, JUNE 7, 1919.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Murphy will go to Lake Maxinkuckee today, where they will open their cottage for the summer. Logansport Pharos-Reporter TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 1919.


J. S. Wentzel, of Kewanna. was in the city this morning and secured a long; list of signatures of representative people to a petition which has been circ ulated and signed throughout all the country between Logansport and Culver at Lake Maxinkuckee

The petition is addressed to the Indiana State Highway Commission and asks for the constmction by the state of a highway between Logansport and Culver

The road will start from Third street in Logansport and ran north an what is known as the Pleasant Grove Pike to Kewanna in F ulton county. Then the route turns to the west one mile and then proceeds north across the Tippecanoe river to the county line where it bends to the east one half mile and then runs practically due north to Culver .

Tho petition contains an immense number of signatures already and Mr. Wentzell states that no person who has been, approached upon the subject but is enthusiastic and is a booster for the proposed road. He states that it would be a great feeder for the Michigan highway and would prove one of the most pop ular roads than can be constructed.

Logansport Pharos-Reporter MONDAY, JUNE 9, 1919.

Pishing is getting good at Lake Maxinkuckee, and the fish are good to eat, the water being pure. Boating and bathing is now open f ull blast. Call or write M. H. Foss, Culver , Ind Bell phone 141-K. Logansport Pharos-Reporter WEDNESDAY, JUNE IS, 1919

FOR SALE—At Lake Maxinkuekee summer cottage; seven rooms, two large porches, good Well, shady yard; fine bathing beach; interest in large pier. Address Mrs. Oberlin. Culver Indiana, Box 320 Logansport Pharos-Reporter MONDAY/MARCH 8, 10, 1919.