Maxinkuckee Snipets Logansport Pharos Tribune 1920
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Goodnow and Mr. and Mrs. James Digan are at Lake
Maxinkuckee for a few weeks 1920 28 Jun -
Con Curry will depart Tuesday for Culver , where he will enter Culver Military Academy. 1920 28 Jun -
Mrs. A. P. Jenks and daughter, Ada will depart for Maxinkuckee Tuesday to spend a few days. 1920 28 Jun
Mrs. Sol Cook and Mrs. Will Murdock have taken the Keller cottage at Maxinkuckee for two weeks 28 Jul 1920
20 years ago… Misses Ella Shafer and Agnes Follen have returned from Maxinkuckee where they spent a week with Miss Gertrude Funk. 28 Jul 1920
20 years ago...Attorney George W. Funk, who returned from Maxinkuckee this morning, reports it is so. cold at Maxinkuckee that
last night he had to bathe his feet in warm water to keep them from freezing. 28 Jul 1920
20 years ago...Mr. and Mrs. W: T. Giffe went to Maxinkuckee today where they will be guests at the Jenks cottage. 26 May 1920
Mrs. B F Keesling will go to Maxinkuckee tomorrow to spend Sunday with her son Arthur, who is attending school at Culver academy 13 Apr. 1920
20 years ago... Frank M- Kistler will spend this week at Lake Maxinkuckee 13 Apr. 1920
20 years ago... Mrs. D. D, Dykeman today denied the rumor that her home was robbed
sometime dating the last few days Somehow the .report became circ ulated at Maxinkuckee yesterday. 13 Apr. 1920
Bremen Youths Harass and Attack Automobile Parties Leaving
Seven local automobile parties, it is understood narrowly escaped being victims of the insane horseplay of six intoxicated youths from Bremen, Indiana, at
Lake Maxinkuckee Sunday night. The Bremen thugs gathered some little distance away from the lake on one of the main traveled thoroughfares leading
south of the lake. All automobile parties passing that way were harassed and If any of them resented the treatment of
the c ulprits, the latter showed fight.
According to report, one of their favorite antics was to jump on the running board of the passing automobiles, slap the women passengers in the face,
p ull the ears and noses of the children, if any, and punch he driver of the car In the face or head with their fists. In one or two instances the men
returned the blow and a general free-for-all fight ensued, which usually res ulted in a victory for the organized gang by reason of their superior numbers.
One automobile was wrecked, according to reports, and blood flowed freely In at least one fight.
One of two local parties was just ready to leave for Logansport when the driver was warned of the presence of the near-highwaymen. The authorities
were finally notified and swearing in deputies, made a raid upon the gang. It was only after a fight in which the officers used their clubs freely, that they
were able to arrest them and take them to Culver
The men arrested and fined on charges of Intoxication and assa ulted battery were j. E. Miller, c.t. Coverstone, Ora Klopestian, Rudolph Klopestain,
Walter Kimes and Harold Hochomer.
After the payment of their fines they were released, according to- word from Culver . 10 Aug 1920
Lake Maxinkuckee has been chosen as the seat of this year's Indiana Pharmaceutical association convention, which is to be held on Monday. Tuesday
and Wednesday. June 22, 23. and 24- All Logansport druggists are planning to attend and take an active part in the meeting daring these three
day's. w. H. Porter is president of the local druggist organization and Roy Dickerson, secretary.
Those planning . to attend are George Babcock, Ben Porter. Bert Nicholson. Homer Closson, Earl Guthrie, Henry Heine: Joe Kinney, Roy Dickerson,
Waldoshop. Dr. John Bushjahn. Mark Langfritz, Hugh Smith and James Kimbrough 19 jun 1920
Hydroskipper the Product of Genius of Logansport Machinists Makes Appearance
Orpha Carter, Stetson Tarver, and Lee Turman have combined wits in the manufacture of a device which Carter terms a hydroskipper. It was given
its first tryout on Eel river opposite Riverside park last night before the astonished eyes of park frequenters.
The water-going mechanism consists of a boat, upon which has been constructed a body. probably six feet high enclosing a Ford engine. The body is
flanked with wings and the affair has the appearance of a sea monster of antediluvian days
When the hydroskipper has been completed, it is the purpose of the designers to launch it on Lake Maxinkuckee with proper christening ceremonies.
It is understood that a bottle of vinegar will be used in stead of champagne. "Baldy" Turpin, too, will probably take the place of the blushing maiden
who, since time immemorial has christened sea-worthy vessels.
Interest in the performance of the hydroskipper was keen last night and hundreds watched from the bank with quite as much skepticism as those
deluded New Yorkers who decried F ulton's attempt to propel a boat by steam, more than a century ago.
Carter has been working on his invention in the rear of his home at Twenty-fourth and High streets for many moons. While not, admitting that he
intends to secure a patent, it is known that-preliminary steps to prevent infringements have been taken.
In many partic ulars it resembles the motor propelled sled which Carter used last winter to travel back and forth from his home at lunchtime.
The hydroskipper was able to make a speed of thirty knots an hour under its own power last night. The inventors extravagantly exclaim that their
product will in time revolutionize ocean travel by supplanting the slow going ocean liners 19 Jun 1920
Guest at Maxinkuckee. Miss Made Delong Is a guest of Miss Lucille Barnes at the Barnes cottage, Lake Maxinkuckee. 9 Jul 1920
20 years ago...Misses Clara and Dora Moore, of High street, are spending a week at
Maxinkuckee the guests of Mrs. M. C. McCormick. 20 Jul 1920
20 years ago...Otto Burgmaa, Clem Schloss and Joe Zimmerman will leave on the 30th instant for a two weeks of camping out at
Lake Maxinkuckee. 20 Jul 1920
Will Murdock is down from Lake Maxinkuckee where they have a cottage, spending a few days in the city. 13 Jul 1920
Mr. and Mrs. J. D Ferguson, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Foskett have gone to Lake Maxinkuckee for a two months stay. 13 Jul 1920
Miss Mary Jane Sells is spending a few days at Lake .Maxinkuckee at 29 Jul 1920
Dr. F A. Bushjahn, Henry Geiger, and Rev. C. H. Reuter motored to Lake Maxinkuckee this morning. on it. at the Barnes cottage.29 Jul 1920
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wise motored to Lake Maxinkuckee Sunday, where they spent the day with their son, Jack, who is attending the Culver
summer school. 12 Jul 1920
20 years ago...Mr. John E. Barnes returned to Lake Maxinkuckee yesterday afternoon
after spending a day at her home. the industrial club will go to the lake and the guests of Mrs. Barnes for a few days 24 Jul 1920
2o years ago...A. J Murdock and Deputy county Treasurer Ed Donovan have returned from a fishing trip to Maxinkuckee 24 Jul 1920
Sunday at Maxinkuckee. Mrs. Carl Wise, Mrs. A. P. Jeans and daughter, Miss Adah Jenks, motored to Lake Maxinkuckee for an over-Sunday visit with
Jack Wise and James McClung, who are attending Culver summer school 7 Jul 1920
Harry Hildebrandt has returned from a hunting expedition to Lake Maxinkuckee 6 Dec 1920
FOR SALE—Gerrard's cottage at Lake Maxinkuckee; take $1,050. F. E- Keen, Agt., Culver , Ind. - - 22,23,24,25 jun 1920
20 years ago… It was learned today that Harry J. McSheehy, the eldest son of H. J. McSheehy, editor and publisher of Logansport Chronicle, had been married Wednesday afternoon to Miss Frances Stockley of Toledo. 0. they were at Maxinkuckee Wednesday, having been here until the morning of that day. where Mrs. McSheehy was the guest
of Miss& Blanche S ullivan of North street. The Pharos extends well wishes for their future and congrat ulations. 8 Jul 1920
20 years ago… A. j. Murdock went to Maxinkuckee this afternoon to enjoy the cool breezes over sunday 8 Jul 1920
Charles H. Barnes and family have returned to Lake Maxinkuckee, after spending a few days at their home on Front street 5 Jul 1920
Mr. and Mrs. W, C. Routh, and Mrs. Charles Tucker and children of Lake Maxinkuckee spent Thursday in the city 2 Jul 1920
Logansport and Cass county were well represented during- the first two days of the Indiana' Pharmaceutical association convention held at Maxinkuckee Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of this week. Yesterday was a big day at the convention
and many local druggists were in attendance.
Prom over the state about 600 druggists had assembled by yesterday. The entertainment provided for that day was of the best. Logansport druggists won prominence
among the representatives of the state by the fact that several local men carried off prizes.
Druggists from, the city and county attending were Earl Guthrie., Mark Laagfritz, Asa Smith, James Ktmbrough, Waldo Bishop, Roy Dickerson, T. E. Kinney, Pete Ummel,
Ben Porter, Bert Nicholson, Glen Johnson, J. A. Funk of Galveston, Edwin Bushjahn, Fred McCuIlough, Marlon Parks, Charles Hammond and Paul Hyman
Headquarters for the convention were established at the Palmer House. Ben Porter is president of; the local organization of druggists
Logansport pm first prize in the tug-of- war of Wednesday afternoon, the local men being placed against the Indianapolis men. The local druggists feel very proud of the
fact that they carried off honors of the afternoon. The prize offered was 6 dozen packages of toilet preparations prepared and donated by the various wholesale drug- houses.
The prize of the evening was carried off by Mark Langfritz, local druggst for being the best dancer at the decision of a. board of judges. The prize was awarded as the res ult
of the evening's try out in waltzing. The local delegation was very proud of th.9 fine dancer which they had in their midst,
Pete Ummel won a prize during then afternoon in a the running contest. The Culver campus was turned over to the members of this association where the sports of the afternoon were enjoyed. Many of the local druggists returned to the city today
after yesterdays session. 24 jun 1920
FOR SALE—Cottage, also 13 lots Lake Maxinkuckee, Long Point J. H Reitemeier Logansport Pharos-Tribune 24 mar 1920
FOR SALE—Good furnished cottage- Lake Maxinkuckee,. $2,000. S. E , keen Culver , Ind- . 5, 9 Aug 1920
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tucker and children of Akron, Ohio are visiting Mr. and Mrs. W C Routh at their summer home at Lake Maxinkuckee.
Logansport 17 Jun 1920
Mrs. Walter Graham is entertaining her auction bridge club at her home at Lake Maxinkuckee today the feature of the day is a picnic
dinner, served at noon. 9 sep 1920
Miss Dorothy Wilson is spending a few days at Lake Maxinkuckee. 15 jun 1920
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Wiler spent a few days at Lake Maxinkuckee at the Murdock and Cook cottage. 20 Jul 1920
Weekend at At Maxinkuckee A party composed of the following young people will enjoy the weekend and Decoration Day at the Fisher
cottage at Lake Maxinkuckee: The Misses Rose Mahoney, Marjorie Douglass and Helen Railsback, Mr. and. Mrs. Eugene Armacost. Mr. And
Mrs. Arthur Grund of Kokomo. Dr. and Mrs. L U. Mclntyre and Messrs. Francis Dunn. Fred Tanguy and 9 May 1920
WALTERS BUY HOME George Walters has purchased the H. W. Graham property in 1127 North street. Walters sold his North street
home several weeks ago. Graham and family expect to spend the summer at Lake Maxinkuckee. 28 May 1920
Eli Donovan of the Gas company, left for Lake Maxinkuckee, ona fishing trip 2 sep 1920
FOR RENT—Cottage, Long Point. Lake Maxinkuckee, September and October, best months of the year. Phone 300- 26 Aug 1920
FOR SALE—Three 40 foot, lots on Lake Maxinkuckee, at Arlington station. See or address S E. Allen Route 2, Culver , Arlington Station 27,28,30 Aug 1920
Return From Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sellers and children, Pa uline and Raymond, and
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ross and son earl, have returned . home after spending a week's outing at Terre Haute cottage, Lake Maxinkuckee. 23 Aug 1920
Margaret and Elizabeth Minneman, North street, have returned to their homes here, after a visit with Isabelle Murdock, Lake Maxinkuckee 14 Aug 1920
Miss Mary Dwyer will visit Sunday at Lake Maxinkuckee with Miss Naomi Campbell. 22 Jul 1920
Picnic at Murphy Cottage. Members of the L. A. to O. R. C. Bridge City Division No. 42 spent the day picnicking at the Winitip Cottage of Mrs.
Frank Murphy at Lake Maxinkuckee. Tuesday. The ladies left the city early in the day. Boating, serving a fine picnic dinner and general good time
were enjoyed throughout the day. 5 aug 1920
WANTED TO RENT—Cottage at Lake Maxinkuckee for week beginning August 22. Phone 1217-R, 7 aug 1920
Spend Week at Lake. Wednesday evening: at the Baptist parsonage. occurred the marriage of Miss Augusta Lambert to James B. Lynas, Rev. Tunison officiating. The
groom is eldest son of Mr. And W T. Lynas, while the bride is charming young lady of this city. Both Mr. and Mrs. Lynns have been in the employ of the J. B. Lynas firm
on Market street. They are spending a week at Maxinkuckee. After which they will be at home in an apartment on Market street. 20 Jul 1920
Summer in Massachusetts. Mrs Winfield and daughter Janie and Mrs. Rodgers left for Bedford Mass., where they will spend the summer. Miss Margaret Winfield
left today for lake Maxinkuckee where she will spend the summer et the lake 10 Jul 1920
Return to Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tucker and children returned to their homes in Akron. Ohio after visiting for a few days and over the fourth with Mrs. tucker's parents, Mr. and Mrs. w C Routh at lake maxinkuckee
6 Jul . 1920
Charles H. Barnes and family have returned to Lake Maxinkuckee, after
spending a. few days at their home on Front street. 3 Jul 1920
Dr. H. H. Miller and family, and J.A. J. Funk and wife spent Wednesday at Lake Maxinkuckee. 25 jun 1920
20 years ago...Luther Smith, son of a widow residing at 316 Linden avenue, was
going to Maxinkuckee to fish. He boarded the pilot of a. Vandalia passenger locomotive and when near Verona when the locomotive struck three horses on the crossing
killing two and crippling one, Smith was crashed to death on the pilot 6 may 1920
20 years ago... Mrs. A. P. Jenks, president
of the W R C, will entertain the members of that organization at the Jenks cottage at Maxinkuckee tomorrow 10 Aug 1920
25 years ago... april 26, 1985 - Maxinkuckee is enjoying a prosperous growth
this spring. Besides the erection of an immense building at Culver Military Academy, four houses are being erected at Marmont. Improvements are also being
made at Kreuzberger's park and at, various cottages about the lake. 27 Apr. 1920
25 years ago - April 26 1895 -Robert
kreuzberger visited his handsome park at Maxinkuckee today, accompanied by Peter Wallrath and other friends 26 Apr 1920
20 years ago... Mrs. A R. Shroyer and daughter Mrs. Claude 0 Wise and little son
Eugene will go to Lake Maxinkuckee tomorrow to spend some time at the resort- 23 Jul 1920
20 years ago...The family of Ed Rogers,
accompanied by Miss Jessie Eversole, returned yesterday from a week's outing at Maxinkuckee. Mrs. Eversole returned several days ago. 24 aug 1920
Mrs. A. P. Jenks is quite ill at summer cottage at. Lake, Maxinkuckee, and last night Dr. J.Sh ultz was called to attend her. she s reported better today. 24
Aug 1920
20 years ago...The Culver herald reports that M. J. Winfield of this city while bathing at maxinkuckee Tuesday, experienced a slight paralytic stroke of the left side
and was rendered almost helpless, but by the next day had recovered. 24 Aug. 1920
20 years ago...Mrs S E Howe and daughter, Miss Mae, went to Maxinkuckee today to spend the summer. 9 May 1920
Mr. and Mrs, Carl Wiler were the weekend guests of Mr, and Mrs. Sol Cook and Mr. and Mrs. Will Murdock at their cottage at Lake Maxinkuckee. 6 Jul 1920
20 years ago...Mrs J T Elliott and family are spending some time at the Barnes cottage at Lake Maxinkuckee. Mr Elliott joined them this afternoon
11 Aug 1920
25 years ago... John Gray will return this evening from a weeks' fishing at Maxinkuckee 23 Jun 1920
20 years ago...Under the leadership of Supt. A, F. Fleet, Culver Military Academy, at Lake Maxinkuckee, has become one of the leading
military schools of the United States. Enrollment of students last year was 242. It now stands next to West Point in numbers and equipment.
4 aug 1920
Motor to Maxlnkuokee. Mrs, Fred Murdoch. Mrs. Ed Donovan, Mrs. May Patterson and the Misses Margaret Emsllei end Margarita Patterson motored
to Lake Maxinkuckee today where they will spend a few days at the Murdock: cottage and attend the Culver commencement dance. 8 Jun 1920
Entertained at a houseparty. Mrs. Sam Fisher is entertaining the members of her club at a house party at her cottage at Lake Maxinkuckee this week.
The following ladies compose tho club the Mesdames Sewell, Douglass, Gibson, Misner and Taft. 8 Jun 1920
Attend Culver Prom- Miss Frances Grube is visiting at lake Maxinkuckee where she will be the guest of Leo Rubsam at the Culver prom.8 Jun 1920
25 years ago...Judge G. E. Ross. John Gray and John W. Barnes went to Maxinkuckee today for a lew days fishing. 17 Jun 1920
20 years ago...Mrs E B. McConnell and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Fleming are spendinga few days at Lake Maxinkuckee 2 Oct 1920
Luncheon at lake Mrs. Walter graham will entertain members of her dinner club at a one o'clock luncheon Tuesday at her summer home at Lake
Maxinkuckee. The ladies plan to leave Logansport early in the morning, so that they may spend a large part of the day at the lake. Luncheon will
be served at one o'clock. The dinner club is composed of the following ladies: Mesdames George Cann, Walter Lewis, Will Dixon, F. M. Taft, T.
McElheny, Lincoln Gipe, Harry Wright, W R. Binslie and Mrs. Walter Graham. Miss Bertha Swigart of lola, Kansas, who is visiting Mrs. Tom McElheny,
will be a guest at the luncheon Tuesday. - - 2 oct 1920
Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Hunter and Mr. Cecil Gifford and family spent Sunday at Lake Maxinkuckee and Culver and also ate their dinner on
the banks of the Tippecanoe river. 6 Aug 1920
20 years ago...Mrs c. D Eversole and daughter Jessie, will depart tomorrow for lake Maxinkuckee, where they will enjoy a
few days outing 14 aug 1920
City Engineer W. A. Osmer spent ,the day at Lake Maxinkuckee on business.9 aug 1920
20 years ago...Messrs. Charles Taber, C. W. keller and W. W. Ross are spending a few days at Maxinkuckee. 12 Oct 1920