Logansport Snipets 1921
Miss Georgia Harrison and Miss Marie Eckerly spent Monday at Lake Maxinkuckee. Logansport Pharos-Tribune TUESDAY, MAY 31, 1921.
Mr. and Mrs Charles Campbell and sons spent Decoration day at Lake Maxinkuckee. Logansport Pharos-Tribune TUESDAY, MAY 31, 1921.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Rehm and family motored to Lake Maxinkuckee, where they spent Decoration day Logansport Pharos-Tribune TUESDAY, MAY 31, 1921.
Dr. and Mrs.. Busjahn and Marie and Edwin Busjahn motored to Lake Maxinkuckee and Lake Manitou yesterday. Logansport Pharos-Tribune TUESDAY, MAY 31, 1921.
Dr. and Mrs. Masters. Mr. and Mrs. Bob King and Mr. an Mrs. Art Routh motored from the Routh cottage at Lake Maxinkuckee, to Lake
Manitou, where they spent last evening Logansport Pharos-Tribune TUESDAY, MAY 31, 1921.
Picnic Preparations. Preparations are being made to entertain over one hundred guests at tbe picnic for members of the
Ladies Auxiliary to the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Engine and their families, which will be held at Lake Maxinkuckee Wednesday,
August 10th. This is an annual affair and much interest is being shown for its success. Logansport Pharos-Tribune WEDNESDAY, July 6, 1921
Auxiliary Picnic. Mispah Lodge, No. 26, L. A. to B. of R. T. expects over fifty guests at its annual picnic which is to be held
Thursday, July 14th, at Lake Maxtnkuckee. Logansport Pharos-Tribune WEDNESDAY, July 6, 1921
Tri Kappa Outing. Mrs. Joe Graffis will be hostess to members of the Tri Kappa sorority Thursday at an all-day picnic at the
Graffis summer cotage at LaKe Maxinkuckee. The party will make the trip in machines and during the day will enjoy a picnic dinner, bathing
and boating. Logansport Pharos-Tribune WEDNESDAY, July 6, 1921
Miss Marje Douglass is spending several days at Lake Maxinkuckee at the Fisher cottage, Long Point. Logansport Pharos-Tribune WEDNESDAY, July 6, 1921
Russel Fristoe spent Monday In this city with friends while enroute to his home at Sheridan, Ind, from Lake Maxinkuckee Logansport Pharos-Tribune WEDNESDAY, July 6, 1921
Mr. and Mrs. Hairy Case motored nere yesterday morning from Lake Maxinkuckee. and will spend the week in the city Logansport Pharos-Tribune WEDNESDAY, July 6, 1921
Adam H. Felker of the Lebanon Reporter spent Sunday with hls parents in Logansptirt and left this morning for Lake Maxinkuckee to fish for muskelunge.
Pelker is a patient, methodical fisherman, and while fishing invents some patient, methodical fish stories which he puts out for the truth when he returns
to the ways of civilization. He has promised TO tell the truth, the whole truth and then some when he returns. Logansport Pharos-Tribune FRIDAY, MAY 6, 1921.
Guests at House Party. Miss Helen Lauterbach of East Miami avenue, left Sunday for Lake Maxinkuckee. where she will spend
two weeks, a guest at a house party given by a number of young people from South Bend. Logansport Pharos-Tribune TUESDAY, AUGUST 9, 1921,
Annual Picnic The annual picnic of the Ladies Auxiliary to the Brotherliood of Firemen and Engineers will enjoy their
annual picnic tomorrow at Lake Maxinkuckee Logansport Pharos-Tribune TUESDAY, AUGUST 9, 1921,
Mrs. Frank Murphey who has been spending several days in the city with friends returned to Lake Maxinkuckee this afternoon. Logansport Pharos-Tribune TUESDAY, AUGUST 9, 1921,
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Wills motored to Lake Maxnikuckee and Bass Lake Sunday. Logansport Pharos-Tribune MONDAY, July 25, 1921
Mr. and Mrs. Tom McElheny rriotored to Lake Maxinkuckee Sunday where they spent the day Logansport Pharos-Tribune MONDAY, July 25, 1921
Miss Caroline Lowman has returned from Lake Maxinkuckee where she was the guest for the weekend of Mrs. Harry Case. Logansport Pharos-Tribune MONDAY, July 25, 1921
Miss H ulda Coleman left Monday morning for Lake Maxinkuckee where she will be the guest of Mrs. Harry Case. Logansport Pharos-Tribune MONDAY, July 25, 1921
Guests at Lake Mrs. Walter Graham. of this city, was hostess today to the ladies of her dinner club, at her summer home
at Lake Maxinkuckee. Logansport Pharos-Tribune THUKSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1921.
Mr. and Mrs. George Babcock and children motored to Lake Maxinkuckee yesterday, where they were
the guests at the Ferguson cottage. Logansport Pharos-Tribune THUKSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1921.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ferguson motored to Lake Maxinkuckee yesterday and were guests at the Ferguson
cottage. Logansport Pharos-Tribune THUKSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1921.
Miss Kate Van Horn of Zanesville,Ohio, who has been visiting friends at Lake Maxinkuckee is
spending the weekend iln the city with Mrs. D. H. Chase. 829 North street. Logansport Pharos-Tribune SATURDAY august 27. 1921
Mr. and Mrs. Malon Manson and daughter, Geraldine of Terre Haute, who are spending this month at
Lake Maxinkuckee motored to the city yesterday and visited with their relatives, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Martin
of Michigan avenue Logansport Pharos-Tribune SATURDAY august 27. 1921
Mr- and Mrs. Will Murdock spent the weekend at Lake Maxinkuckee with friends Logansport Pharos-Tribune MONDAY, AUGUST 22, 1921.
Mrs. Caroline Wise, daughter Mrs- Mollie Lowman and granddaughter, Caroline Lowman visited the weekend
at Lake Maxinkuckee with Mr and Mrs C S Wise. Logansport Pharos-Tribune MONDAY, AUGUST 22, 1921.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Donovan and Mrs. Patterson motored to Lake
Maxinkuckee yesterday. Logansport Press SUNDAY, July 24, 1921
Mr. and Mrs. Arbie Bailey and Mr. arid Mrs. Russell Leonard have returned from a two weeks outing
at Lake Maxinkuckee. Logansport Press Logansport Press SUNDAY, July 24, 1921
At Maxinkuckee Lake. Thursday at the summer home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Behmer at
Lake Maxinkuckee, fifty local members and friends of the G. I. A. to the B. of L. E. were entertained
at a picnic and outing. A delicious picnic dinner was served and boating and bathing was enjoyed.
Logansport Press SATURDAY, July 23, 1921,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Klinck of North street left yesterday for a ten days outing to he spent at Lake
Maxinkuckee. They will have as their guests, Miss Nellie Paterson, and their nephews Charles and Edward
Paterson Logansport Press Lake Maxinkuckee. FRIDAY, July 22, 1921
W. C. Routh and Mr. and Mrs. Bob King motored to Lake Maxinkuckee last evening and spent the
night with Mrs. W. C. Routh. Lake Maxinkuckee. FRIDAY, July 22, 1921
Miss Frances Young returned home last evening after being the guest of Mrs. Harry Case at their
summer home at Lake Maxinkuckee. FRIDAY, July 22, 1921
Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Cllngenpeel and son Joe of Flora, spent Sunday
at Lake Maxinkuckee. LOGANSPORT MORNING PRESS, WEDNESDAY, July 13, 1921.
Charles Rhineberger and wife of Star City and Earl Nichlos and wife of Logansport returned Sunday
from a week's outing spent at lake Maxinkuckee LOGANSPORT MORNING PRESS, WEDNESDAY, July 13, 1921.
(By Associated Press)
The home of Major Fleet, one of the officers of the Culver Academy, was almost totally destroyed
yesterday afternoon at Culver , the blaze starting from an oil stove.
Unable to get any water the Culver fire department was helpless for a time, but a hose was
si retched to the water works of the academy and water secured Later.
The cadets were called to the scene and managed to save practically all the furniture.
The house was a frame, twos tory structure. The walls were left standing, and it may be possible
to utilize them in rebuilding.
At Maxinkuckee Mr. and Mrs. William Gremelspachor and son Joe and Donald O'Neill and Lloyd Carithers will
motor to Lake Maxinkuckee today where they will spend the day and return to the city tomorrow
Camp Fire Girls. There will be a ceremonial meeting of the Westanu Camp Fire
Girls at tne home of Miss Charlotte Borwn in north street, Tuesday evening. During the evening final
arrangements will he made for their camping meeting which begins the 17th of this month at
Lake Maxinkuckee. Miss Ada Rafter is guardian to this camp fire LOGANSPORT MORNING PRESS, SUNDAY, July 10, 1921.
At Lake Maxinkuckee. Mr. and Mrs. Arbie Bailey and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Leonard will leave the latter part of this week
for Lake Maxinkuckee where they will spend a two weeks outing. LOGANSPORT MORNING PRESS, WEDNESDAY, July 6, 1921.
Mr. and Mrs. William Gremelspacher and son Joseph of 304 Burlington avenue were the week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. James I.
Barnes, at their cottage at Lake Maxinkuckee LOGANSPORT MORNING PRESS. TUESDAY, JUNE 21, f921.
To Spend Summer Mrs. Abbie Winfield and daughters Janie and Margaret of 824 High street will go to Lake Maxinkuckee
where they will spend the summer it their cottage. They expect to leave the latter part of the week. LOGANSPORT MORNING PRESS. TUESDAY, JUNE 21, f921.
Mr. Ed Donavan ia spending the day at Lake Maxinkuckee with his family. LOGANSPORT MORNING PRESS, SUNDAY, JUNE 19, 1921
Mr. and Mrs. Robert King and Dr. and-Mrs. E. Masters are spending the day at Lake Maxinkuckee,
the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Art Routh. LOGANSPORT MORNING PRESS, SUNDAY, JUNE 19, 1921
Chicago Doctors Have Picnic
300 Members of North Side Medical Society at Lake Maxinkuckee
Culver , IND., Aug. 18. — Three hundred doctors of Chicago, representing the north side branch of the
Chicago Medical Society, held their annual outing at Lake Maxincuckee Tuesday. The doctors and their
families were the guests of the Culver Summer Schools, and the arrival of their special train at noon
was greeted by a parade of cadets.
Colonel L. R. Gignilliat, Superintendent of the academy, welcomed the visitors and presented them
with the keys to the institution. A box luncheon on the lake shore was followed by games and sports, Including
a flag raising contest for the women, a surgical clinic, a stretcher race, swimming and a boat ride around Lake Maxinkuckee.
After viewing parade of the naval cavalry, artillery, aviation and woodcraft schools the entire party
was the guest of the academy at the mess hall for dinner. The evening program included rough riding exhibitions
by the cavalry cadets, a tank. attack on trenches by the artillery, a council ring and campfire
by the woodcraftsmen, .and an informal dance in the Recreation building. Dr. A. A. Hayden is president
of the society.
Big Celebration At Maxinkuckee
Plans for a huge celebration consisting- of water spectacles and parade on land to be staged in behalf
of the fund for helping disabled ex-service men of Indiana next Tuesday are being made by the students
of Culver Military Academy at Lake Maxinkuckee.
Invitations have been sent to Secretary of the Navy, Denby, Assistant Secretary, Roosevelt and to
Governor Warren T. McCray by Col. Gignilliatt, deportment commander of the American Legion. Admiral
Albert Ross, head of the Culver Summer Naval school also Joins in the invitation.
Governor McCray has definitely promised to attend the exhibition and is sched uled for an attdress. The
program will include hydroplane and tank demonstrations and drill and sports as presented by cadets
at Chicago Pageant of Progress. Period programs will be given in the morning and afternoon and
largre crowds are expected to attend spending the day picnicking on the lake.
Cutter races between crews from Culver and The Great Lakes Naval training station, parades of cavalry
cadets, troop drills, rough riding and the famous music ride are among the other events sched uled.
The 40 cadets of the Woodcraft school will do scout and woodcraft. work, war dances and show Indiana
life of which the features are directed by Ralph Hubbard of Colorado
Ed Donavan is spending the week-end at Lake Maxinkuckee
with his family. LOGANSPORT MORNING PRESS, SUNDAY, July 31, 1921.
Miss Marguerita Patterson will go Monday to. Lake Maxinkuckee
where she, will spend a few days. LOGANSPORT MORNING PRESS, SUNDAY, July 31, 1921.
Mrs. Mae Patterson, Misses Margaretta Patterson. Lucille Robertson,
Dorel Beale and Harry Corriden motored to Lake Maxinkuckee Monday where they spout the day at the Murdock cottage.
Mr- and Mrs. Allen Nelson and daughter have taken a cottage at
lake Maxinkuckee for the summer. Their parents, Mr. and M's. Frank B. Wilkinson spent the Fourth with
them at the lake. LOGANSPORT PHAROS-TRIbUNE TUESDAY, July 5, 1921
Frank McHale spent the weekend with friends at Lake Maxinkuckee. Logansport Pharos-Tribune MONDAY, JUNE 27, 1921.
Don Brown spent the weekend with friends at Lake Maxinkuckee. Logansport Pharos-Tribune MONDAY, JUNE 27, 1921.
Picnic at Lake Maxinkuckee. Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Rice entertained the employes of the First National Bank yesterday at an all
day picnic at their summer cottage at Lake Maxinkuckee. The trip was made in machines. Swimming and other out-of-door
amusements were enjoyed during the day. At the noon hour a picnic dinner was served at the cottage.
Logansport Pharos-Tribune MONDAY, JUJNE 13, 1921.
To Close cottages .
Mrs. Mae Patterson and Mrs Edw. L. Donovan have gone to Lake Maxinkuckee at Culver where they will
spend a final week end and next week will close their cottage there, returning for the winter to their
home on East Market Street.
J. D. Ferguson and Walter Foskett have also gone to Maxinkuckee to join their families and to enjoy
one more week end party before closing their cottages for the winter season.
week-End Party.
At their spacious cottage at Lake Maxinkuckee, Mr. and Mrs. Jean Armancoat of this city are entertaining
with a week-end party for friends from this city and other guests. A dance is to be given this
evening as a part of the pleasant entertainment to be afforded the guests.
The Armaucost cottage will be closed with this event, and Mr. and Mrs. Armancost will return to their
home, 1603 East Broadway.
Miss Katheryn Seiters who ls spending the remainder of the summer at Lake Maxinkuckee will arrive today to be the guest of Miss
Kathryn Bradfleld over the week emd LOGANSPORT MORNING PRESS, FRIDAY, AUGUST 26, 1921.
Miss Ellen Taylor and Mrs. Harry Case who are spending the summer at Lake Maxinkuckee have returned
after spending several days in the cityLOGANSPORT MORNING PRESS, FRIDAY, AUGUST 26, 1921.
Outing at Culver Misses Alice Shorter, Ruth Flanigan, Georgia Shortre, Frances
Daugherty, and Marie Baker will go Lake Maxinkuckee Sunday to to Lake Maxinkuckee Sunday to
spend a week at Dr. Oberlin's apartment Mrs. w W. A. flanigan will shaperone the party Logansport Pharos-Tribune
A mammoth exhibition of sports and military features in behalf of the fund for helping the disabled service
men of Indiana, will be staged by the students of tiie Culver Military Academy at Lake Maxinkuckee on
August 22nd. Invitations have been sent to Secretary Navy Denby, Assistant
Secretary Roosevelt and to Governor Warren T. McCray by Col. Gigniliatt, department commander
of the American Legion. Admiral Albert Ross, head of the Culver Summer Naval school also joins in
the invitation.
The exhibition will consist of cutter races between crews from Culver and the Great Lakes Naval training
station, parade of cavalry cadets, troop drills, rough riding and the famous music ride- The 400 cadets
of the Wocndrcraft school will do scout and woodcraft work, war dances and Indian life, the Indian life,
the Indian features being directed by Ralph Hubbard of Colorado who was responsible for the success of the Indian
pageant put on at the international Boy Scont jamboree held in London in 1920.
Governor McCray has definitely promised to attend the exhibition and will deliver an address. Governor expressed
hearty approval of this work in accepting invitation. Exhibition will include hydroplane and tank
demonstrations and drills and sports as presented by cadets at Chicago Parent of Progress- Period programs
will be given in morning end afternoon and hundreds are expected t0 attend and spend day in picnicing on
Lake Maxinkuckee. Boat rides on lake part of program. Cutter races, Culver against Great Lakes training
station in afternoon
Logansport Pharos-Tribune THURSDAY, AUGUSTUS, 1921
Return From Lake. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Fisherbuck and family of 1815 North street have
returned home after a week's outing at Lake Maxinkuckee. Logansport Pharos-Tribune TUESDAY AUGUST I6 1921,
A reunion of cousins A reunion of cousins was held Sunday at Lake Maxinkuckee, in the
form of an all day picnic. Those in the party were Mr. and Mrs- Hush Smith and their house guest Miss
Thelma Sieininger, and Mr and Mrs Claude Briggs, all of this city Mr and Mrs. Harvey Woods and daughter
Ruth, Mr. and Mrs. John Hansen, daughter Marjorie and son Osborne, Mr. and Mrs. John Levering and
daughter, Mary Jane, all of Peru; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Koust and daughter Melba, of South Bend, and
Mr. and Mrs. Edwardfrazier of Speedway, Indianapolis.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank McGaughey and Miss Ode Helvie spent yesterday
at Lake Maxinkuckee. Logansport Pharos-Tribune MONDAY, July 18, 1921.
Dr. and Mrs. E. E. Masters and son Bobbie spent yesterday at Lake
Maxinkuckee Logansport Pharos-Tribune MONDAY, July 18, 1921
Mrs. I. W. Gehr and daughter Helen and Misses Helen and Peggy Krone, all of St. Louis, former residents
of Logansport, have returned to their summer cottage at Lake Maxinkuckee after visiting friends
here. Logansport Pharos-Tribune SATURDAY, July 9, 1921
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tucker and children have returned to Lake Maxinkuckee after spending several
uays here with friends and relatives. They will be the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Routh at Culver for several
days before returning to their home in Akron. Logansport Pharos-Tribune SATURDAY, July 9, 1921
J. L. Akerman, Lawrence O. Corey and H . L. Miller spent Friday
hunting at Lake Maxinkuckee. LOGANSPORT MMORNING PRESS NOVEMEBER 1, 1921
Accepts Position With Bailey Store
Jean Armacost, who with his wife have been spending the summer at the Crismond cottage at
Lake Maxinkuckee, haa returned to Logansport, and accepted a position in the sales department of the
Henry Bailey Clothing store. LOGANSPORT MORNING PRESS. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1921
Mrs. F. C. Murphy and daughters, Winifred and Frances, have returned from a trip through the West,
and will spend the month of October at their summer cottage at Lake Maxinkuckee.
twenty years ago...Messrs. John C. Dewenter, L. W. ullery and "W. H. Porter have returned from a three days fishing trip to
Maxinkuckee. Unlike most returned fishermen, they report buisness d ull Logansport Pharos-Tribune
twenty years ago...Charles I. Woll. Frank M. Rice and George B. Forgy are sounding
the depths of Lake Maxinkuckee in search of bass. They took with them two days provisions and an extra
supply of hooks and lines. Logansport Pharos-Tribune WEDNESDAY, MAY 4, 1921.
twenty years ago...Through the co-operation of Governor Durbin. the Culver military
school at Lake Maxinkuckee is to have a revenue cutter Irom the navy. Logansport Pharos-Tribune
Saturday, april 23, 1921
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Routh of Sandusky, O., motored to this city yesterdaywhere they will spend a few
clays before opening their summer home at Lake Maxinkuckee. They were accompanied by Mrs. J. W.
Smith of this city who has been their guest for a few weeks, Cook Routh of Sandusky, and Mrs. A. J. Greening
of Chelsea, Mich Logansport Pharos-Tribune WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20, 1921
Walter Sines and wife spent Sunday at Lake Maxinkuckee Logansport Pharos-Tribune
Cashier Ross of tbe First National bank, wife and daughter Alice, and Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Wilkinson will
spend Sunday at Maxinkuckee, as guests at the Shroyer cottage Logansport Pharos-Tribune
Return From Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Keller and family have returned to their home
in 401 West Miami avenue after spending the summer at their cottage
at Lake Maxinkuckee, Logansport Pharos-Tribune SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER, 10, 1921.
Miss Ellen Taylor has returned from Lake Maxinkuckee. where she spent several weeks visiting at the
Fisher cottage Logansport Pharos-Tribune SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER, 8, 1921.
City Fireman Charles Sellers and wife are enjoying a ten days outing
at Lake Maxinkuckee Logansport Pharos-Tribune FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1921
Carl S. Wise of the firm of Wiler & Wise, has returned from several wfeks spent at Lake Maxinkuckee.
The family remained at the lake. Logansport Pharos-Tribune WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 31, 1921.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Gremelspacher and son, Joseph of Burlington avenue have returned from a two
weeks outing at the Reitemeier cottage, Lake Maxinkuckee.Logansport Pharos-Tribune MONDAY, AUGUST 29, 1921
Mr. and Mrs. Lawson Castle, and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Smith are spending a ten days vacation' at the
Reitemeier cottage at Lake Maxinkuckee Logansport Pharos-Tribune MONDAY, AUGUST 29, 1921
Mrs- Ben Porter has returned to her home here after visiting Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Flanagan at Lake Maxinkuckee-Logansport Pharos-Tribune MONDAY, AUGUST 29, 1921
george H. Prescott Sr., Sundayed at Maxinkuckee Logansport Pharos-Tribune SATURDAY, AUGUST 27, 192L
Mr. and Mrs. Max Fisher and daughter, Mrs. Harry Case, and Miss Mabel Stettiner of Cleveland, O., tvho
have been spending the summer at Lake Maxinkuckee, where they have had a cottage, will return to this city
on Wednesday. Miss Stettiner has been visiting with her sister, Mrs Fisher, for several weeks. Miiss
Ellen Taylor, who has been visiting at the lake for the past few weeks will return with them.
Logansport Pharos-Tribune SATURDAY, AUGUST 27, 192L
WANTED—Girl for light housework to go to Lake Maxinkuckee for one week. Phone 1512-Y Saturday
a. m. 216 9th St Logansport Pharos-Tribune FRIDAY, AUGUST 26, 1921.
Cloyd Hershey spent Sunday at Lake Maxinkuckee. Logansport Pharos-Tribune THURSDAY, AUGUST 25, 1921.
Mrs. Ben Porter returned from Lake Maxinkuckee yesterday after
a short visit with friends Logansport Pharos-Tribune THURSDAY, AUGUST 25, 1921
Mr. and Mrs. Win. O'Morrow of Gary are in the city visiting the former's sister, Mrs. Ray Wickersham. They will leave the end of
the week for a visit at Lake Maxinkuckee Logansport Pharos-Tribune Wedensday august 24, 1921
The Ta TaPochan Girls Go Into Camp
With a spirit not only of enjoyment but with a something deeper a spirit to learn, to gain; to commune
with the out-of-doors is combined with wholesome fun for the Ta Ta Pochan Campfire girls who
are, to go .nto,camp next Thursday at Lake Maxinkuckee, The girls are to be the guests of Miss Francis
Murphy at the Murphy summer cottage there
It is expected that every girl will leave camp, after their five days, having - gained- three- things. First
she will have a definite Knowledge of the rudiments of camp technique, of equipment, the simple r ules of
hygiene for out-of-doors; secondly, she should have learned the rudiments of some handicraft or mental
activity such as bird study, block printing or basketry; thirdly, she should have assimilated the one
great thing that Nature has to give,inspiration.
The following is the program chosen by the group:
6:45 Reveille
7:00 Setting up exercises.
7:15 Morning Dip.
7:.46 Breakfast.
8:30 Preparation for tent inspection.
8:00 Tent inspeption and morning sing.
9: 30 Handicraft period or first aid classes.
11:00 Group games.
12:30 Dinner.
1:00 Rest hour.
2:00 Quiet hour.
3:00 Swimming.
4:30 Walking and canoeing.
6:00 Supper.
7:00 Evening stunts.
8:30 Bed.
9:00 Lights out.
The working will be done by the girls in groups of, three, but the enjoyment is to be shared by all-of
Those who are to participate in this pleasant event will be Peggy Horn, Mary Alice Porter, Charlotte
Grace, Beatrix Bumpas, Marlon Taylor, Velda Reed, Elizabeth Gordon, Florence Bowyer of Chicago,
and Rita Pope of Indianaepolls. Mrs. Bert Castle is head of this contingent of girls
Logansport Press TUESDAY, July 26, 1921
Mr's. Charles Skinner, Ileen Buck, Mr and Mrs. Frank Stauffer of Logansport and Mr. Charles Skinner
ol South Bend spent Sunday at Lake Maxinkuckee. LOGANSPORT MORNING PRESS, SATURDAY, July 23, 1921
Mrs. Victor Wiler and son have returned after spending several days at Lake Maxinkuckee, the
guests of Mrs, Walter Foskett. Mrs. Foskett accompanied them home and will spend a few days in the
city before returning to her summer home. LOGANSPORT MORNING PRESS, THURSDAY, July 21, 1921.
The ladles of the G. I. A. to the B. of L. E. with their families will enjoy their annual picnic next
Thursday at Lake Maxinkuckee. The day will be spent at the cottage of Mra. Walter Behmer in Arlington.
Outing At Lake, The Pottowatomle Camp Fire girls, Agda Rafter guardian, will
leave tomorrow for Lake Maxinkuckee wher» they will spend a week at the Dr. Obelin apartment.
The following sched ule will be used rise at 6:45, swimming, breakfast at 7:46, cleaning and marketing
morning hours, dinner 12:00 o'clock; each meal prepared by two girls, supper 5:30, swim at 7:00
and lights out at 9:30 LOGANSPORT MORNING PRESS, SATURDAY, July 16, 1921.
Mr. and Mrs. William Gremelspacher and son Joe leave this morning to spend the week-end at Lake
Maxinkuckee. LOGANSPORT MORNING PRESS, SUNDAY, July 10, 1921.
Sorority Picnic. A number of the local members of the Trl Kappa Sorority enjoyed an outing and all-day picnic at the
summer home of Mrs. Joe Gram's at Lake Maxinkuckee, Thursday. At one o'clock a luncheon was served
and the rest of the day was devoted to bathing and boating. Guests for the day wre: Mrs. M. L. Fansler, Miss Lousie Rabb,
Mrs. Walter FoskettMrs. George Fansler, Mrs. Charles Campbell, Mrs. Harold Sweet of Royal Centre, Mrs. L. U.
Mclntyre, Miss Marjorie Douglass, Miss Caroline O'Connor of Indianapolis, Miss Rose Mahoney, Miss Helen Railsback, Mrs.
Eugene Armacost, Mrs. Nina Ballard, Mrs. Walter Jenkins, Mrs. Cleo Tousley, Mrs. Allen Nelson, Mrs. Paul Souder,
Mrs. James O'Donnell, Mrs. Emma Grable, Miss Nelle- Wimmer and Mrs. Cox of Indianapolis. LOGANSPORT MORNING PRESS,
SATURDAY, July 9,1921.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tucker and children of Lake Maxinkuckee are spending a few days in the city.
Sorority Outing. The local chapter of the Tri Kappa sorority will be entertained atan all-day picnic today at the summer
horns of Mrs. Joe Graffis at Lake Maxinkuckee. LOGANSPORT MORNING PRESS, THURSDAY, July 7,1921
Miss Lucille Barnes is spending a few days in the city before returning to the Barnes summer home
at Lake Maxinkuckee. LOGANSPORT MORNING PRESS, THURSDAY, July 7,1921.
Mr. and Mrs Solomon Wickard east of Flora spent Monday at Liake
Prepare For Picnic Over 300 members of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Firemen with their families
are expected to attend the annual picnic of the organization at Lake Maxinkuckee August 10.
Plans are now being form ulated for the annual affair, and much interest is being shown.
Leo Cline, Art Holton, Frances Courtney and Sylvester Kelly are spending a few days at Lake Maxinkuckee.
Mr. and Mrs. James Moran and daughters Anna and Marguerite and Miss Clara Fettig spent Sunday
at Lake Maxinkuckee. LOGANSPORT MORNING PRESS, WEDNESDAY, July 6, 1921
Picnic at Maxinkuckee Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Gruenyer, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Cline and
Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Grusenmyer motorecl to Lake Maxinkuckee, Sunday where they enjoyed a picnic.
House party Mr. amd _ harry case is entertaining friends from this city at at home party at her summer
home at lake Maxinkuckee among the guests are Mr. and mrs. J. T. Elliot jr., Mr. __ ence Zinn and their
_ Miss Thuselda first and Mrs dwight Closson, Mr. ar_m clark and Herbert [was torn]
Logansport Delegation Is From Camp at Lake Maxinkuckee
A resolution to restrict the right of franchise in Indiana to American citizens only, a resolution expressing
sympathy to Mrs. F. W. Galbraith, wife of the national commander recently, killed in an automobie
accident, and a resolution supporting John C. Emory, present national commanderr, were passed
by the two day; conference of American Legion men of Indiana which closed Sunday at Culver . Other vital
topics were discussed.
Amid the greatest of enthusiasm, the lesion drew up a resolution expressing hope for Carpenter's victory
in his match with Dempsey next Saturday. A copy of the resotutiom was sent to Carpentier's
training camp. Only two objections from the 600 delegates were heard ajcainst the resolution.
Over 600 legion men from Indiana posts were present. First prize for best attendance went to the 13th
district. The 11th district of which Losausporl is a part, was second
In tha athletic events, Fred Case of Logansport was second in the markmanshlp contest, and Herbert
Condon represented the legion in horsemanship contest conducted w!th horses from the Black horse troop of Culver
athletic events Staurday and sunday held the interest of the conference. barrell boxin, anf freak contests were
devised to entertain the veterans in one match. merl walker of logansport, weighing 140 pounds was matched against a. redmon,
former Indiana Univeristy athlete, who tips the scales at 210. both boxers were blindfolded and were fitted out with a
boxing glove in one hand and a rattling tincup to denote their location of the other.
zfollowing various atheletic events rear Admiral Ross, commander of the naval station of the academy, gave an address
in the amphitheater Suday- afternoon. Following this talk moving plcture of "The Man Without a Country" were shown for
first time. Tho Logansport post obtained a date In the near future to show the pictures here.
four reels of official U. S. war pictures were shown Saturday evening and it was not until one o'clock
that the meeting broke up.
members of the Lojjansport post returned enthusiastic over their treatment by Culver officals, and voted the conference
one of the best the Indiana department has had.
State officials accompanied the Indianapolis delegation Saturday on a special train, and livened the conference
up with a band.
Those who attended the conference from here were Jerome Bopp, Fred Tanguy, Frank McHale, Merl
Wall. John Burke. Fred Case. Dr. j. stanton and herbert condon.
The annual Rose reunion was held at the home of Messers Harvey and John F. Rose on Sunday, June
26....The reunion will be held next year the last Sunday of June at Mackinkuckee Lake
Miss Lilttle Entertains Complimentary to her guest, Miss Eleanor Dakin of Charleston, W. Va., Miss Henrietta Little entertained
a number of girl friends, Friday afternoon at her home in East Broadway. Guests for the occasion
were Misses Catherine Viney, Jane Flynn, Frances Twells. Mary Flynn, Margaret Horn, Helen Bennett,
Thelma Snydlr, Ida Dale, Margaret DeHaven, Helen Scherer, Dorothy Porter, Cleota Heclde and Ml«s Emily
Barnes and Pa uline Fisher of Lake Maxinkuckee. LOGANSPORT MORNING PRESS, SUNDAY, JUNE 26, 1921.
W. S. Margowski and daughter Miss Mary left today for Lake Maxinkuckee where they will attend the Indiana Pharmaceutical
Mrs. Don H. Harwell and children, are spending several weeks at Lake Maxinkuckee. LOGANSPORT MORNING PRESS,
SATUKDAY, JUNE 18, 1921.
Local Girl Plays Lead In Pageant
Culver Authorities Expect Record Breaking Crowd.
Miss Dorothy Wilson, Logansport girl, will" play the leading role in a pageant entitled "The Glory of
the Morning," to be given by the academy at Lake Maxinkuckee, Saturday evening.
With an ideal setting Culver authorities are planning on making this one of the most. successful pageants ever staged. It will be held on the moonlit campus where the lake will be in the background and
campfires across the bay. Canoes will float down the river playedon by colored lights. A hugh orchestra
will play Indian music as a fitting accompaniment to the spectacle.
Miss Wilson, who is enthusiastically working for the success of the play, is helping as director as well
as taking the leading role.
J. R. Froome, Jr., producing director of the Little Playhouse theatre of Cincinnati, who is dramatic
instructor of the Culver summer school, is directing the pageant. Capt. Ralph Hubbard, son of
the late Elbert Hubbard, is directing the Indian dances and ceremonials.
He is an authority on Indian lore, stories and dances and has many thousand dollar's worth of
Indian costumes which will be used in the performance
Annual Reunion. At a meeting of the ladies auxillary to the Order of Railway Conductors which was held yesterday
afternoon in the Firemen's Hall, plans and final arrangements were made for their annual picnic to be
held Wednesday, August 24, at, Riverside park, in Indianapolis. It has been customary to have these affairs
at Lake Maxinkuckee after the Woodcraft school is over. Mrs. Ed Zinck is chairman of the committee
Mrs. frank Murphy, who has been spending several days with friends at Lake Maxinkuckee, has
The Thimble club of Walton motored to Lake Maxinkuckee Tuesday an all day outing.
Mrs. Walter Foskett who is spending the summer at Maxinkuckee will spend today In the city.
Miss Dorothy Schneider spent Sunday at Lake Maxinkuckee the
At Lake Maxinkackee. A number of local young people will motor to Lake Maxinkuckee
today and spend the day. Those composing the party are: Hazel Shellheart, Flossie Yund, Marie
Nicholson, Anna Kinney, Farmer Sedam, Ed Conroy, Fred Wilson, Everett Howe and Jospeh Hile
Entertained Q. Q. Club. Miss Metta Gammill entertained the members of the Q. Q. club at
her home in Columbia street Tuesday evening and plans were made for an all day outing to be enjoyed
Sunday at Lake Maxinkuckee. LOGANSPORT MORNING PRESS, THURSDAY, July 28, 1921.
TWENTY-FIVE YBAR8 AGO From Logansport Journal, July 27, 1898
Severe windstorm sweeps Lake Maxinkuckee, turning over bests,
and damaging cottages . No one injured. LOGANSPORT MORNING PRESS, WEDNESDAY, July 27, 1921.
Mrs. A. R, Shroyer has returned from Lake Maxinkuckee, where she spent the summer.
Logansport Pharos-Tribune WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1921
WANTED—Competent girl for cooking and general house work at Lake Maxinkuckee until middle of
December. House with furnace heat and modern improvements; good wages. Address R. H. Mowbray, 374
East Side road, Culver , Ind. Logansport Pharos-Tribune SATURDAY OCTOBER 15, 1921.
6eests at Lake. Mrs Milo Gibson, Mrs George funk, Mr. Orwln, Mrs. J. W Ballard, Mrs. Elizabeth Downey and
Mrs R T Sswell have returned to their homes here after a visit of several days at Lake Maxinkuckee,
where they were the guests of Mrs. Sam Fishen Logansport Pharos-Tribune MONDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1921
Mrs. A. P. Jenks and daughters, Miss Ada and Mrs. McClung of Ironton, Ohio, returned today from Lake
Maxinkuckee, where they have spent the past week with i!he latters' son, James, whoi has entered the academy.
Mrs. McClung vrill spend a week visiting in the city with her mother, previous to her departure Logansport Pharos-Tribune
TUESDAY, July 5, 1921.
Mr. and Mrs. John Wagner and daughter Jane have returned from the Routh cottage, Lake Maxinkuckee
where they spent several days. Logansport Pharos-Tribune TUESDAY, July 5, 1921.
Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Fisher and children who have been visiting in the city with Mrs. Adah Powell o£
North St., and at the Fisher cattage,Lake Maxinkuckee, departed for their home at Morehouse, Mo, after
an extended visit Logansport Pharos-Tribune TUESDAY, July 5, 1921.
House Party A party composed of Mr. and Mrs clarence Znn and their house guest, Miss Thuselda furst, Mr. and Mrs
Dwignt Closson and Herbert Arrick left today for Lake Maxinkuckee where they will spend several days
as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Max Fisher and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Case Logansport Pharos-Tribune Satuday june 2 1921
Harry Case and J. T. Elliott. Jr. are, spending a few days at Lake
Maxinkuckee. Logansport Pharos-Tribune Wedebsday June 29, 1921.
Tom Navin left, yesterday for Culver Military Academy where he
will enter the summer naval school. Logansport Pharos-Tribune Logansport Pharos-Tribune Wedebsday June 29, 1921.
WANTED — An experienced cook to go to Lake Maxinkuckee month of July. Phone 23S1.
Logansport Pharos-Tribune WEDNESDAY, JUNE 29, 1921.
Some of the young ladies in the office spout the weed-end at LakeMaxinkuckee and flirted to much
with Old Sol Logansport Pharos-Tribune TUESDAY, JUNE 28, 1921.
Miller Reunion. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Stuart, Miss Eva Stuart, Voss Polen, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Calvert. Mrs. Albert
and Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Stuart, ail of this city, and Mr. and Mrs. Granvine Kesling attended the Miller
family reunion which was held Sunday at Lake Maxinkuckee. Logansport Pharos-Tribune MONDAY, JUNE 27, 1921
Home Party. Mm. Harry Case is entertaining a party of thls this week at her summer horne at Lake Maxinkuckee.
The party lft this city this morning and will remain at the lake until Suturday Guests for the week will be the
Misses Irma Douglass, Frances Yang, Olive Downling, Heien Bishop Josephine Hatch. Ruth Scott, Ad Powell and Margaret
Emalie Logansport Pharos-Tribune MONDAY, JUNE 27, 1921,
Miss Virginia Bentley, Mies Dorothy Harrison and Don Grabe spent
Saturday at Lake Makinkuckee Logansport Pharos-Tribune MONDAY, July 18, 1921. Logansport Pharos-Tribune MONDAY, JUNE 27, 1921,
William S Margoiwki of this city nttended the Indiana Pharmeceoutical meetng at Maxinkuckee this wee
and won first prize, amounting to forty dollars, for being the best stager in the association.
Logansport Pharos-Tribune on June 25, 1921
Miss Sallie Greensfelder went to , Lake Maxinkuckee today, where she will be the gueet of Miss Gertrude
Funk for a tew days- Logansport Pharos-Tribune FRIDAY, JUNK 24, 1921.
Walter Foskett spent today at Lake Maxinkuckee at the Furguson
cottage. Logansport Pharos-Tribune Wedensday june 22, 1921
Mr. and Mrs. Max Fisher and Mr and Mrs. Harry Caso will leave soon, for Lake Maxinkuckee where they
will spend July and August. Logansport Pharos-Tribune WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22, 1921.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Goss spent yesterday at Lake Maxinkuckee Logansport Pharos-Tribune
MONDAY, JUNE 20, 1921,
Picnic at Lake Complimentary to her house guest Miss Caroline O'Connor of Indianapolis,
Miss Rose Mahoney of East Broadway, is entertaining & party of young ladies at a picnic at Lake
Maxinkuckee today. The party Is composed of Misses Irene Gainor, Marjorie Douglass, Rose Mahoneyi
Helen Railsback, Caroline O'Connor of Indianapolis and Meadames Eugene Armacost and L. U. Mclntyre,
the party motored to the lake Logansport Pharos-Tribune SATURDAY, JUNE 11, 1921.
Miss Dorothy Meyer of the Barnes apartments, has returned from Lake Maxinkuckee, where she was the
guest of the Menominee Campfire Girls, who are spending the week at the Nethercutt cottage.
Logansport Pharos-Tribune friday JUNE 10, 1921.
Mrs- J. W. Ballard is spending the week at Maxinkuckee. Logansport Pharos-Tribune
Mesdames Bell, Dykeman, Torr, Frazee, Nelson, Rogers and Miss Aldrich went to Lake Maxinkuckee
today for a short stay at the Snider cottage. Logansport Pharos-Tribune SATURDAY, JUNE 4, 1921
Outing at Maxlnkuckee. The Menominee Campfire Girls will leave tomorrow for a week's outingat Lake Maxinkuckee. where they
will be guests at the Nethercutt cottage. The girls will be chaperoned by their guardian. Miss Harriet Mehaflie
and Mrs. Arthur Burley. Logansport Pharos-Tribune THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 1921.
Mr. and Mrs. Art ROuth and childen have gone to lake makinkuckee where they will open their summer cottage
Logansport Pharos-Tribune Saturday May 28, 1921
State Geologist Blatcheley In his annual report for 1900 will show that Maxinkuckee Lake has forty-three
varieties of fish, more than any other lake in Indiana Logansport Pharos-Tribune SATURDAY, APril 2, 1921
WANTED—Competent girl for general housework at
Maxinkuckee lake for summer. no objection to lady with small child. Mrs. M. Winfield, 719 Market street.
Logansport Pharos-Tribune SATURDAY, APRIL 2,4, 1921.
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Routh have returned to their home In Sandusky, Ohio, after having spent several
months at their summer home at Lake Maxinkuckee. LOGANSPORT MORNING PRESS, SUNDAiY October 9, 1921
Returning Home. After a very pleasant vacation spent partially in Logansport and partly at Lake Maxinkuckee at the
old Vaughn cottage there, Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Vaughn, Jr., are returning today to their home in
Omaha, Neb. Mr. Vaughn Is connected with the Missouri Pacific railroad and duties call him home.
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Sines spent
the week end at Lake Maxinkuckee. LOGANSPORT MORNING PRESS, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1921.
VISITS FRIENDS HERE Sidney Vaughn and family of Omaha, Nebraska, are in this city visiting. Vaughn is employed in the
engineering department of the Union Pacific at Omalia, .and expects to visit with his sister, Mrs. Don Harrell for several days. He
later expects to spend several days at the Vaughn cottage at Lake Maxinkuckee.
Mr. and Mrs. George Babcock are spending the week-end at Lake Maxinkuckee, the guests at the Ferguson
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Ferguson and daughter Bertha have closed their
cottage at Lake Maxinkuckee and have returned to the city
Mrs. Ben Porter has returned from a visit with Mr and Mrs. M.
A. Flannagan at Lake Maxinkuckee LOGANSPORT MORNING PRESS. SUNDAY, AUGUST 28, 1921
Mrs. A. J. Murdock and Mrs. Patterson will return home today
after spending several weeks at Lake Maxinkuckee LOGANSPORT MORNING PRESS, SATURDAY, AUGUST 27, 1921.
Mrs. Grover Smith of East Miami avenue has returned home after spending a few days with Mrs. William
Gremespacher at their cottage at Lake Maxinkuckee LOGANSPORT MORNING PRESS, THURSDAY, AUGUST 25, 1921.
The week end guests at Dr. Oberlin'scottage at Lake Maxinkuckeeenjoyed a dance at Bass Lake Sunday
evening. Among the members in the party were Misses Ruth Flanegin, Frances Daugherty, Georgia
and Alice Shorter, Joe Helvie, Dod Warner, Dan Moore and Bud Campbell
Stars In Play.
One of the most beautiful pageants ever-staged was that presented Saturday evening at the Culver Military Academy when "The Glory of the Morning" charmed hundreds of spectators with the blue distanced
Maxinkuckee as the "back drop" and the perfect shoreline and trees the stage and "wings," lighted by
myriads of electric searchlights which shimmered to broken tints In the blue of the water, the stage setting
was all that Nature In her fondest moments could have provided.
The production with an added prologue and other adaptations was especially arranged for this occassions,
being among the first of the summer school commencement exercises and was perhaps of the most
picturesque. Of especial interest to local people
Of especial interest to local people is the fact that Miss DorothyWilson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Wilson who reside at the lake
during the warm weather months, was the star of the whole evening. She took the part of "Glory of the
Moaning," the leading lady in t|he playlette and brought much credit upon herself with her altogether
charming personality and splendid portrayal of her role. The story was of the early Wlnnebago
tribe and told of the marriage of "Glory of the Morning" and "The CheValier" which was taken by Lieut. Mather of' the
Academy. There was the prologue, and two scenes.
There were many local people in attendance and said that the play was Indeed worthy of all the praise
that could be said of it.
Miss Jessie Uhl wijl return this week from a visit at the Jenks cottage at Maxinkuckee Logansport Pharos-Tribune
Mrs. F. M. Taft and son Charlesraid Miss Gertrude Closson motored to Maxinkuckee yesterday and
are spending several days the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Graham.
Mr. and Mrs. Vic Wiler and son Billy have returned from a three weeks outing at Lake Maxinkuckee,
where they had a cottage which will be occupied during the remainder of the month by Mr. and Mrs Henry
Wiler, Mrs. Art Black and children of Toledo, Ohio, who left for the lake today. Logansport Pharos-Tribune
Local Woman to Have Leading Part in "The Glory of the Morning" at Culver Saturday.
Next Saturday evening on the shores of Lake Maxinkuckee, a beautiful pageant will be given, entitled
"The Glory of the Morning," by the academy. It is an Indian play andMist Dorothy Wilson ot this city, is
to play the title part, that of on Indian fill married to a Frenchman, back In the days of long ago.
J B Froome. Jr., producing director of the Little Playhouse the theatre of Cincinnati, who is dramatic
instructor of the Culver summer schools, is directing the pageant. Mr. Froome had charge of "Caliban," the
huge pageant riven at Harvard severai years ago, and has had considerate experience with out of door
Capt. Ralph Hubbartl, son of the late E!bert Hubbard is directing the Indian dances and ceremonials. He
is an authority on Tndian lore, stories and dances, and has many thousands of dollars worth of Indian costumes
and paraphernalia, which Is to be used in this performance. Mr. Huibbard witnessed a rehearsal of
the pageant and expressed great admiration and praise for the Indian atmosphere which has been injected
Into the play.
Miss Wilson is enthusiasticaly working for the success of the play, and Is assisting the director as well
as taking the leading role. She; states that the Culver authorities beautiful spectacles ever given on
the moonlit campus, where the lake will be in the background and campfires across the bay. Canoes will
float down the moonlit path on which will play colored lights. The big orchestra will play Indian music of
Cadman and Hiawatha, a fitting accompanymant to the magnificent spectacle.
Logansport Pharos-Tribune TUESDAY; AUGUST 16, 1921
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Menaugh, formerly of this city, have returned to their home in Sandusky, Oh. after a
month's visit with relatives in this city and at lake Maxinkuckee Logansport Pharos-Tribune
Tuesday August 16 1921
Adolph and Louis Tirmenstein spent Sunday at Lake Maxinkuckee. Logansport Pharos-Tribune FRIDAY, AUGUST 12, 1921
Miss Mary Hooley spent Sunday at the Hooley-CarrolI cottaga at the lake. Logansport Pharos-Tribune FRIDAY, AUGUST 12, 1921
Guests At Lake. Mrs. D, D. Fickle, Miss Ova Cox and Mrs. B. F. Louthnin spent yesterday
at Lake Maxinkuckee, the. guests cf Charles Barnes and Mrs. George Funk
Logansport Pharos-Tribune FRIDAY, AUGUST 12, 1921,
Honor Mr. and Mrs. Kline Complimentary to Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kling of South Bend, formerly
of this city,, who were recently married, the employes of the "South Bend Overland Agency and their
rarmlies, gave an elaborate all day picnic last Sunday at the Lake Maxinkuckee park. Mr. Kling is a
member of the South Bend Overland agency frim.
A color scheme of pink and white was carried out in the table decorations and the picnic dinner menu.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hooley of he Westside will spend Sunday with their family at Lake Maxinkuckee
Logansport Pharos-Tribune WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 10, 1921
Miss Naomi Harrington has returned from a week end visit with
friends at Lake Maxinkuckee. Logansport Pharos-Tribune WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 10, 1921.
Miss Jess Wymer and Del Shawley of Marion, are guests at the W. A. Routh cottage at Lake Maxinkuckee.
Logansport Pharos-Tribune WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 10, 1921.
House Party. Mr. and Mrs. Vic Wiler entertained at a weekend party at their cottage at lake Maxkinkukee. Guests
at the house party were mr. and mrs w. o. murdock,, mr. and mrs. sol cook, and dr. and mrs. charles Ballard.
Miss Ruth Sehrt will leave Sunday noon for Lake Maxinkuckee to spend
the week. Logansport Pharos-Tribune Friday August 5, 1921
Mrs. Pa uline Illingworth has returned home after visiting with her sistter, Mrs. J. D. Ferguson at
Lake Maxinkuckee Logansport Pharos-Tribune Thursday AUGUST 4, 1921,
Mr. and Mrs. Hariey Benner and family spent Sunday at Lake Maxinkuckee. Logansport Pharos-Tribune THURSDAY, AUGUST 4, 1921
Return from Culver .
The Ta-Ta-Pochon Campfire Girls returned yesterday from an enjoyable week's camping trip to Lake
Maxinkuckee. where they were guests at the F. C. Murphy cottage,
Campfire activities proved very interesting,especially the cooking. The girls were divided into three
groups, each group cooking a meal each day. The following menus took the breakfast, dinner and supper
Breakfast—Orange halves, bacon, scrambled eggs, bred, cr ulls, butter and cocoa. This was prepared by
Peggy Horn, Mary Alice Porter and Charlotte Grace.
Dinner.—Boiled bam. creamed potatoes, salad, corn on cob, bread, butter, jelly, fruit ealad, cake and
punch. Prepared by Frances Murphy, Marion Taylor, Florence Bowphy, Marion Taylor, Florence Bowyer and
Margaret Newby
Supper.—Tomato soup, crackers salmon, potato patties, cabbage salad, sliced peaches, wafers and orangeade
sliced peaches, wafers and orplace Gordon. Velda Reed and Beatrix Bumpas.
On Friday the girls enjoyed a seven-mile hiko and on Saturday eveing campfire stunts were put on and
six pounds of marshmallows were toasted. Those who enjoyed the trip — were the Misses Charlotte Grace,
Beatrix Bumpas, Mary Alice Porter, Marian taylor, peggy Horn, frances Murphy, velda Reed, Elizabeth gordon, Margaret newby,
florence bowyer of chicago and rita poper of Indianapolis. Mrs. bert castle, guardian.
Logansport Pharos-Tribune TUESDAY, AUGUST 2, 1921.
Mrs. Jonathan Grable spent the weekend at the Charles Barnes
cottage. Lake Maxinkuckee. Logansport Pharos-Tribune TUESDAY, AUGUST 2, 1921.
Mr. and Mrs. Victor E. Seiter and family, of Eel River avenue, will leave soon for Lake Maxinkuckee
where they have rented the Trout cottage for the month of August. Logansport Pharos-Tribune
Several from here spent Thursday at Lake Maxinkuckee taking advantage
of the Sunday school, excursion which went from Frankfort. Logansport Pharos-Tribune
SATURDAY, July 30, 1821
Mr, and Mrs. Victor Wiler and son wili spend the week end with Mr.
ar.ri Mrs. Walter Foskett at Lake Maxinkuckee Logansport Pharos-Tribune SATURDAY, July 16, 1921
Mrs.' Bob King is the guest of Mr and Mrs. Art Routh at their cottage
at Lake Maxinkuckee, Logansport Pharos-Tribune FRIDAY, July 15, 1921
Paul Norzinskay and Miss Mollie Livingstone spent Sunday at Lake
Maxinkuckee. Logansport Pharos-Tribune THURSDAY, July 14, 1921
Ta-Ta-Pochon Camp Fire girls met Saturdav sit the home of Miss Elizabeth Gordon
Broadway, for their meeting. During the afternoon plans were made for the camping trip to
Lake Maxinkuckee and arrangements were also completed for the reg ular monthly outing which will
be held at Lake Cicott Friday of this week. Logansport Pharos-Tribune TUESDAY, July 12, 1921.
Mr .and Mrs. Russel Leonard are spending a two weeks' vacation at
Lake Maxinkuckee. Logansport Pharos-Tribune TUESDAY, July 12, 1921.
Mr. and Mrs. Max Fisher returned today from Baltimore. Md where they have been for some time, and
are now at their summer cottage at Lake Maxinkuckee Logansport Pharos-Tribune MONDAY, July 11, 1921.
How to Get to Culver
There are two routes to this beautiful Summer resort, the shortest being through Kewanna, but owing-to the fact,
that this road is undergoing repairs, from Kewanna to Culver , the best route, although a little longer, would be through
Rochester. The route from. Logansport via Rochester our suggestion to motorists contemplating this trip would" be to
take the Pleasant Grove Pike directly north to Lease's Corner, a distance of about seven and one-half miles, then turn to
right, follow this route a distance of two miles, where it intersects the Michigan road, then turn to the left and follow
the Michigan road through F ulton and Rochester to a distance of seven mlies north of Rochester. Here you will find a sign
marked "To Culver ." Turn to your left and follow the H. M. C. Highway directly into Culver . This is a splendid gravel
road all the way.
Lake Maxinkuckee is one of the most pop ular resorts in Northern Indiana. Its shores are lined with cottages owned
by people from practically all over the State. It is the sits of the Culver Military Academy, whose Summer Naval
School ranks second to only that of Annapolis. At the lake you will find plenty of first-class hotel accommodations, excellent fishing, and numerous pleasure and row boats.
Logansport Pharos-Tribune FRIDAY, July 8, 1921