Marshall Independent
1900 - Aug 17 - Beer at Maxinkuckee
A Disposition to Stop the Sale on Sunday
It is rumored that pleasure-seekers at Lake Maxinkuckee maybe of their Sunday beer, as
a result of a crusade inauguarated by the Christain church assembly at that resort.
The demand for the beverage is so great that it rquires many white-aproned waiters to
supply the customers.
It was given out last Sunday that the sheriff would appeat to close the saloons and
beer gardens, but he did not do so.
It is understoond, however, that the law will be enforced next Sunday.
1900 - Sept 14 - Recent discoveries of marl deposits on the farm of Amos Osborne, near Lake
Maxinkuckee, have attracted attention. State Geologist Blatchely is now at Culver to make an
inspection and see whether the marl is of such quality and quanity to justify. Mr. Blatchely
will spend three or sour days in Marshall county