St. Mary of the Lake Catholic Church 1955 to Present
St. Mary's of the Lake Church dedication and formal opeing was August 28, 1955; the
dedication booklet. |
1955 - Nativity Scene |
A 1960's post card showing the red doors. |
Photo by Lawerence white 1971 |
A Mass of Thanksgiving was offered on 20 June 1971 and the red doors were painted green to signify the liquidation of the morgage
A 25th anniversary Mass was held on 19 August 1973 in observation of the church's silver anniversary nad the silver anniversary of
Father Lenk's ordination.
Father Lenk continued as paster until ill helath forced his early retirement in February of 1978.
He was succeeded by Father Matthew S. Kafka [ordained 29 May 1965,] was
appointed administrator for St. Mary of the Lake in Culver in 1978. By 1979, Father Kafka
was appointed as pastor of St. Mary of the Lake and shepherded the faithful there until
1986 when he was appointed pastor of St. Hedwig Parish in South Bend |
1986-1990 - Father Steve Morrison
1990-1995 -
Father Leonard Chrobot
St. Mary's served the Culver Military Academy students until September 1985.
In 1989 St. Mary's was 96 parish families strong and also served the lake residents and visitor,
the Culver Military Academy faculty and visitors to the community of Culver.
1995-June 2001 - Fr. Jeffrey A. Largent
June 2001 – August 2009 - pastor was Rev. Glenn Kohrman [ordained 28 Nov. 1992]. |
2009 - Aug. 20 - Monsignor Thaddeus Balinda from Uganda is the new priest at St. Mary of the Lake
Catholic Church.
Bishop John D’Arcy (right), James Fitzpatrick, (center) “Father Tad”) being installed
as pastor of St. Mary's |
New beginning and a fond farewell
Bishop John D’Arcy (right, assisted here by the bishop’s Master of Ceremonies James Fitzpatrick,
center ) of the Catholic Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend visited Culver December 5 to officially
install Monsignor Thaddeus Balinda (at left, better known locally as “Father Tad”) as pastor of St.
Mary of the Lake Catholic Church here.
The Bishop told parishioners they’re lucky to have Balinda, a scholarly and experienced priest
who acted as Vicar General -- among other duties through the years -- at his home Diocese of
Fort Portal in Uganda, Africa. Balinda arrived in Indiana in January and started at St. Mary’s in
Balinda praised the bishop as well as his Culver congregation, emphasizing he is here “to be
your servant” and joking the people of St. Mary’s have “acted as Africans towards me” in terms
of welcoming hospitality. A fellow priest from Uganda, Fr. Charles Oyo (not pictured here), also
celebrated the Mass with Balinda and D’Arcy.
The occasion was especially poignant in that it’s likely the last visit to Culver D’Arcy will make
as bishop. It was announced in recent weeks he will retire in January; bishop Kevin Rhoades of
Pennsylvania will take over his role as the Fort Wayne-South Bend Diocese’s new bishop at that
time. He will likely visit Culver this spring to confirm local Catholic students.
A reception and dinner for Bishop D’Arcy and Fr. Balinda was held following the installation Mas
at St. Mary’s - Dec 17 , 2009 Citizen
Fr. Jeff Largent assigned to return to St. Mary’s Culver
In an unusual move for the Diocese of Ft. Wayne-South Bend, it was announced during Masses at
St. Mary of the Lake Catholic Church in Culver that Fr. Jeff Largent, who served as pastor at the
parish from 1991 to 2001, has been reassigned to St. Mary's starting in August.
The announcement was made by a visiting priest in the absence of current St. Mary's pastor, Fr.
Thaddeus Balinda, who underwent a heart-related procedure over the weekend.
Reports indicate Fr. Tad, as he is known in the parish, has been released and is recovering well.
Fr. Balinda has been reassigned to a parish in Fort Wayne, according to the weekend announcement.
August 2009- Jul 2013 - Father Thaddeus "Tad" Balinda |
Fr. Thaddeus Balinda, pastor at St. Mary of the Lake Catholic
Church in Culver, bid the parish farewell at a well-attended
gathering following the 11 a.m. Mass at the church July 28. Fr.
Balinda, or “Fr. Tad,” as he asked preferred, served the church
for four years and has departed for Arcola, Indiana. Fr. Jeff
Largent, who served St. Mary’s for 12 years until 2001, celebrated
his first Mass there last Sunday. - Citizen - 8 Aug. 2013
Fr. Largent installation Mass, reception at St. Mary’s
Fr. Jeffrey Largent, left, was formally installed as pastor at St. Mary of the Lake Catholic
Church in Culver at the Sept. 14 vigil (evening) Mass. Largent, who was pastor at the
church for 12 years ending in 2001, was re-assigned to St. Mary’s in August. Bishop
Kevin Rhoades would typically have presided over the liturgy, but fell and broke his collar
bone shortly before, and so was represented by vicar Fr. David Ruppert, right. A reception
followed the Mass in the basement of the church. |