Lake Maxinkuckee Its Intrigue History & Genealogy Culver, Marshall, Indiana

Streets of Culver Index  

Original Streets of Culver

    1906 - Watch us Grow!....
      The frame barns and sheds on Jefferson street, east of Main, belonging to Henry speyer, are being cut off to make them conform to the lot line. .

      They were erected a great many years ago before the street was regularyly laid out, and progected 6 feet beyond the lot line, making an obstrruction against the laying of a side walk.

      It is the desire of a number of citizens and property owners to make this street the principal evenue to the lake, and in carrying out this plane there will be a continous line of cement walk on both sides of the street, and it is also the intention of Dillon & Medbourn who own lots on the south side of the street to fill in and make desirable building sites.

      -When these improvements are compleed Jefferson will be an attractive street for both business and residence purpose - Nov. 22 1906

    1925 - Apr. 22 - New Sidewalk Built on Jefferson Street -
      During the past weekm a new sidewalk has been put in from McKesson Ford Agency to the Hawkins elevator

      This is a much needed addition to the city's network of sidewalks since this particular locality became quite muddy in bad weather.

      The new walk is about two hundred feet long.
Scott (Lakeshore Dr.)
    1924 - Nov 12 - Paving Work Progresses On Washington Street - The paving work on Washington street has been pushed along rather rpidly and already it begins to look like the finished product. The grading has been comloeted and most of the bricks have been layed. If nice weather continues, the street should be ready for use in two or three weeks.

1905 - Aug 31 - The town council has ordered all walks along Toner Avenue and Main Stree on both sides their entire length, and Scott from Main Street west to be built of cement or brick. All those who have fot already built walks must do so at an early date. We move to amend that all property owners in town be ordered to clean up the streets, allers and vacant lots and keep them clean.

1906 Sanborn Map

Cass Sreet
Jefferson Street
Lake Avenue
Lake View Street
Madison Street
Main Street.
Mill Street (East Milll) Ohio Avenue
Plymouth Street
Scott Street(Lake Shore Dr.)
Toner Avenue (Lake Shore Dr.)
    1891 - The road (Lake Shore dr.) was not opened up to North until this year - it was done by the railroad -
      The expenditure of ...over the previous year includes costs of litigation as follows:..; over opening roadway north of station at Marmont $567.25 - pgs. 38-40 Fourth-Fourth Annual Report of the President and Directors of the Terre Haute and Indianapolis Rail Road Company to the Stockholders for the Year Ending November 30 1891 By Terre Haute & Indianapolis Railroad Company
Washington Street

1908 Plat Map

Batabano St.
Cass Street
College Avenue
Lake View Street
Liberty Street {Academy property Adandoned}
Madison Street
Morment {Marmont} Street
Culver Street
Obispo Street
Parado St.
Plymouth Street
Scott Street (Lakeshore Dr.)
State Street (Slate Street)
Tampa Street
Toner Avenue (Lakeshore Dr.)
W Jefferson St.
Winfield Street aslo refered to as Winfield Avenue
Winamac and Plymouth Road {S. Main}

1909 - Apr 22- Motice of Adoption of Resolution.
    Notice is hereby triven bv the Board of Trustees of the incorporated town of Culver City, Marshall county. Indiana, that on Mmirtnv. April 19, A. D. 1909, they unanimously adopted a declaratory Resolution tor the laying out, establishment, and opening of a public street in said town upon the following described route to-wit:
      Commencing the east side of the Plymouth and Winamac state road or Main street extended where the same strikes or intesects the south line of lot No. six (6) of M. E. and B. F. Garn's addition to the town of Marmont, now Culver City, Indiana; thence west to a point fifteen (15) feet west of the section line between sections twenty (20) and twenty-one (21), township thirty-two (32) north, range one (1) east; thence due south a distance of three hundred ninety-eight (398) feet and there terminate
    the line herein above described forming the northern and western boundaries of said street herein established that portion of said street which extends east and west to be opened, laid out, and established at a uniform width or forty (40) feet, and that portion of said street which extends north nnd south to be laid out, opened, and established to a uniform widtn or thirty (30) feet.

    And said board did fix Monday, May 17. 1909, at the council chamber of said town at the hour of 8 o'clock p. m. as the time and place when and where it would meet to hear and consider any and all objections and remonstrances filed and presented therein and thereto and for the purpose of taking final action thereon. Such action shall be final and conclusive upon all persons.

    Witness my hand and the corporate seal of said town hereunto affixed this 20th seal day of April, A. D.. 1909. LEVI A. OSBORN, Town Clerk, Culver City, Indiana.
      Notice of Adoption of Resolution.

      Notice is hereby given by the board of trustees of the incorporated town of Culver City, Marshall county, Indiana, that on Monday, April 19th, 1909, they unanimously adopted a declaratory resolution for the vacation of a certain public street or way now existing and laid out upon the following described route in said town, to-wit:
        Commencing at a point forty (40) feet south of where the south line of lot No. six (6) of M. E. ana B. F. Garn's addition to the town of Marmont, now called Culver City. Indiana, strikes or intersects the Plymouth and Winamac state road thence extending in a general southwesterly direction, a distance of about three hundred and fifty-eight (358) feet, to where the same strikes or interseots the public street or hignway running south on tne section linebtween termty (20) and twenty-one (21), township thirty-two (32) north, range one (1) east, and there terminate;
      and said board did fix Monday, May 17th, 1909, at the council chamber of said town at the hour of 8 o'clock p. m. as the time and place when and where it would meet to hear and consider any and all objections and remonstrances filed and presented therein and thereto and for the purpose of taking final action thereon. Such action shall be final and conclusive on all persons

      Witness my hand and tne corporate seal saidtown hereunto affixed this 20th day or April. 1909. LEVI A. OSBORN, Town Clerk, Culver City, Indiana.

1911 - Gravel and Paving

1913 - Apr 10, 1913 Notice of Declaratory Resolution.
    Notice is hereby given that on 17th day of March, 19i3, the Board of Trustees of tha Town of Culver, Marshall county, Indiana, adopted a resolution declaring that it was necessary to construct combination cement curb and gutter on each side of the following streets in said town, to-wit:
      Main street from the north line of an east and west street on the north side of Ferrier's a ddition to the Town of Culver City, Indiana thence north on said Main street a distance of 2700 feet, or to the south line of Scott street
      Also Scott street from the west line or Main street to Toner's addition
      Also Toner avenue from Scott to the west line of lot six in Toner's addition.
      Also Plymouth street from the . south line of Scott street to the north line of Jefferson street
      Also Cass street from the east the of Main street to the west line of Plymouth street.
      Also Lake View street from Toner's addition to Washington street.
      Also Washington Main street from Main street to the tracks of the Vandalia Railroad company
      Also Marmont street from the east line of Ohio street to the west line of Main street.

    That said board of trustees have Monday evening, the 21st day of April,1912 at 7:30 o'clock at the council chambers of said town where all remonstrates or otherwise object to said improvement - Charles G. McLane, Town Clerk.

1914 Sanborn Map

Batabano St.
Cass Street
Culver Street
Jefferson Street
Lake View Street
Liberty (town)
Madison Street
Main Street
Mill Street
Mormont St.
Nueva Gorda
Ohio St.
Scott Avenue < (Lakeshore Dr.)br> State Street
Washington Street
Winfield Street also refered to as Winfield Avenue

1922 Plat Map

Batabano St.
Columbia St (Academy property now)
Indiana Avenue (now Academy Rd.)
Morris Street (Academy property now)
Lake Street
Lake View
Liberty Street (Academy property now)
Liberty Street (town)
Mill Street (East only)
Nueva Gerda
Ohio street
Pearl Street
S Plymouth
Scott Street (Lakeshore Dr.)
State Street
Slate Street
Toner Avenue (Lakeshore Dr.)
West Jefferson
Wilson Ct. (W. Clover St.)
White Street
Winfield Street asl refered to as Winfield Avenue
Winamac and Plymouth Road (S. Main)
Wiseman ( East Marmont)
Street Closed (Academy property
? Avenue (Academy property now)

1924 & 1937 Sanborn Map

Cass East & West
Culver (W. Clover St)
Culver Road - (Academy Road)
Flox (Hawkins Ct.)
Harding Ct
Hawkins (East)
Indiana (E Academy Road)
Jefferson East & West
Lake Shore Drive (Scott & Toner); West (Scott)
Lake View
Liberty (Town)
Madison East & West
Main North & South
Mill East & West
Morment (Marmont)
Morris St.
Neuva Gerda
North Terrace Road - 1937
Ohio North & South
S Plymouth
Scott (Lakeshore Dr.)
Toner (Lakeshore Dr.)
Washington East & West
Wilson Ct. (E. CLover St)
Wisman Ct. (E. Morment)

Streets of Culver

Academy Road East {Indiana Ave).; West & North {1924,1937 Culver Road/Houghton Ave.

Akron St.
Anchors Away - 2008
Autumn Glory Dr - 2016 Maple Ridge Estates
Baker St.
Batabano St.
Bradley Ct.
Cass Street East & West
Cavalier Drive
Clark St.
Clover St. East {1908 Culver} & West {1922 Wilson Ct.}
Clymax St.
College Ave
Coolidge Ct. {Lane}
Crimson Ln. - 2016 Maple Ridge Estates
Davis St. East & West
Fleet Pkwy
Gold Leaf Ln.- 2016 Maple Ridge Estates
Forest Place {Helen St}
Harding Ct.
Hawkins Ct. East; & West {Flox} (Main-Ohio)
Hoosier Ln.
Houghton St. (aka Carl)
Jefferson St. East & West
Lake St. {Lake Avenue}

1923 Aug 23 - Will Open another Street
    A petition asking for the condemning of certain property north of Culver for street purposes was read and approved. This street when opened would begin a little south of the corner where the road turns to go to the academy, known as the Cherry corner and would go straight west giving an outlet to the steet on which the school house is located.

1923- Aug 20 - condemning property for street
    DECLARATORY RESOLUTION Notice is hereby given to all parties concerned that the Board of Trustees of the town of Culver City, Marshall county, Indiana at its regular meeting held on the 20th day of August, 1923, passed a declaratory resolution condemning for street purposes the following real estate.
      Commencing at the North-East corner of Lot one (1), Bradley's addition to Culver City, Marshall County, Ind., running thence west on the north corporation line of town of Culver City, Marshall County, Ind., to the north west corner of Lot one (1) of Toner's addition to Vandalia addition, thence north along the east end of College Street a distance of sixty (60) feet, thence east to the west line of a public highway thence south to place of beginning
    and have set Monday Sept 17th 1923 at 7:30 at the town hall as a time and place for the hearing of remonstrances or objections if there be any.

    By order of the Board, of Trustees of the Incorporated Town of Culver City. Marshall County, Indiana.
Lakeshore Dr. East {Scott}, West {Toner} & North

Lakeview St. {Lake View}
Leader Ave.
Lewis St. East & West
Liberty St.
Lincoln St.
Main St. North & South {Winamac & Plymouth Road)
Maple Ridge Dr - 2016 Maple Ridge Estates
Marmont East {Morment] & West {1922 Wiseman Ct.}
Miami St.
Mill St. East & West {county road}
N Terrace Dr {North Terrace Road 1937}
N. Shore Ln.
Nueva Goda St.
Obispo St.
Ohio St North {Ohio Avenue}, & South {Mill to Davis}
Pardo St.
Pearl St.
Peru Ct.

Plymouth Street (Washington to Lakeshore};
North Plymouth(College to W Academy Road)
South Plymouth (aka Van Buren) (Marmont to Davis)

Red Sunset Avenue - 2016 Maple Ridge Estates

School St.

Slate St. North & South (1908 State Street}
    1944 - Dec 13 - Leander Easterday to Marshall county, Slate street extended 66 ft by 5 ft. adjacent College Ave. extended 66 ft., Culver

South St.
State St
Tampa St.
Vandalia St.
W. Terrace Pkwy
Wabash St.
Wall St
Washington St. East & West
White St. North & South
Williams St
Winfield Street,BR> Vandalia Street 1909/1926

1913 - Apr 17 - Declare for Paved Streets
    The town board on Monday night passed a resolution ordering the paving of Main and Scott streets in case the gravel road eleotion in the township is favorable.

    It is proposed to make Main strcct from Ferrier's addition to wide; from the Evangelical churoh to the hardware store 2S feet wide: the two blocks in the business section 45 feet wide, with 10 foot sidewalks; Main and Scott streets to the Bradley hotel 28 feet lwide; thence to the east line of the aloon opposite the depot 30 feet wide; and the remain of the distance to the top of Bunker hill 28 feet wide.

    The question of paving is one whicb has been pressing itself upon the consideration of tbe people of the town for some time. The time now seems ripe (as it did in the case of the school house and the water works and the electric lighting) to do something to settle the matter for all time and get it out of the way.

    The paving will be permanent - it will be here after our children's children have been forgotten. There will be no repairs to make. The roadway cannot wear out. Gravel or crushed stone, put on in the manner which the limited street fund has made necessary, is a constant bill of expense, and then we do not have a good street ex for a short Peod.

    Argos last year put in a mile of paving all of it from 40 to 70 feet wide - and the peeople think they have made a coed investment.

1933 - Sep 20 - Payments on First of Street Improvements Now Being Completed
    The first street improvements of the past decade are now being paid out, much to the relief of the property owners concerned.

    These improvements include
      Forest Place,
      Liberty street,
      the alley back of Main street between Madison and Jefferson streets,
      Obispo street and
      Batabano street.

    These pavements were the first of the decade that saw many miles of pavement laid out in various parts of Culver, improving both the driving conditions and the appearance of the town.

1945 - Johnson's Alley
    Harley A. and Evekyn E. Davis to Town of Culver tract for highway 10 feet east and west by 200 feet north and south, to be known as Johnsons's Alley - May 9 1945

2022 = Jul 14 - Culver Town Council Approves Community Crossing Matching Grant Bid Author Anita Goodan
    The Culver Town Council members approved a bid Tuesday night for Community Crossings Matching Grant projects.

    E&B Paving will be completing the work for the Town of Culver. The company bid $259,749.

    Paving work will be done on
      Jefferson Street from Slate to State Road 17,
      Baker Street from Wall Street to Lake Shore Drive,
      Wall Street from Baker to Academy Road,
      Pearl Street from State Street to Forest,
      South Street from Wabash to West Shore Drive,
      Lewis Street from Plymouth to Lakeview, and
      Slate Street from Madison to Mill.

    A request for funding for paving on Lake Shore Drive will be included in the second round of Community Crossings Matching Grant fund requests that opened up Monday and will close at the end of August.

2024 - Community Crossings Matching Grant Projects