Homer Hinton Tallman, M.D.
To Dr. Tallman goes the distinction of being Culver's oldest physician in years of practice there.
He was born out where the tAll corn grows - - Linn county, Iowa, hut has lived in Marshall county since 1901.
He was graduated from Northwestern university and come to Culver in 1911. He served for 28 months in the army during
the World War in the 8th Division, a regular army outfit, and part of the time was commander of a hospital. He still
holds the rank of major in the medical reserve corps.
Dr. Tallman has held a number of offices in the community, a part of them being post commander of the American Lergion;
worshipful master of the Masonic lodge here and at Lakeville, president of the Marshall County Midical Society; member
of the official board of the Grace Reformed church for a number of years; associate patron og the Eastern Star; all
offices in the Knights of Pythias; and charter member and Second Grand Noble of the I.O.O.F.
His main hobby is following the activities of the local rifle and conservation clubs. - Culver Citizen 1939
HOMER H. TALLMAN, La Paz's leading physician. |
Is an Iowan by birth, born in Linn county, that state, November 13, 1873, but is a representative of a southern
family from Virginia, the birthplace of his paternal grandfather, Nathaniel Tallman. John C. Tallman, his father,
was born in Franklin County, Ohio, November 26, 1848; and when a young man journeyed west and was in many of the
western states, finally locating in Linn County, Iowa. He wedded on the 1st of January 1873, Margaret J. Ebright,
in Franklin County, Ohio. From Linn county John C. Tallman went to Marion, that state, and worked for J. W. Kendall;
was later the manager of the retail department of the wholesale and retail hardware firm of C. E. Armstrong & Company
at Clinton, Iowa, for three years; for a time was identified with the retail hardware and later the grocery trade of
Grinnell, Iowa, and after a residence in both Rockford and Evanston, Illinois, engaged in the grocery and market
business; he traded for the John W. Thomas farm in North township, Marshall county, Indiana. After a time he sold
that land and bought the J. N. McNeil farm east of La Paz in North Township, which he now owns. He is a carpenter and
contractor in La Paz. Mrs. Tallman is also living. A son and a daughter were born to them, and the latter, Mary Effie,
is the wife of Clarence G. Hale, of Chicago.
Dr. Tallman, the elder of the children and the only son, was about seven years old when his parents moved to Marion,
Iowa, and there he first attended school, a pupil of Mrs. Lydia Knott. He was also a student in the Clinton schools,
and completing the grammar grade at Rochelle, Illinois, he entered the high school at Grinnell, Iowa, and spent two
years there.
He was next a student in the Northwestern University at Evanston, where he studied medicine and graduated in 1900,
while in June of the following year he came to La Paz. In the meantime he has spent two years in practice in Chicago,
but with that exception has practiced continuously in this city. He is a member of the Marshall County and the American
Medical Associations and of the Masonic order, affiliating with the blue lodge of Lakeville, No.353, F. & A. M., and the
chapter and commandery of Plymouth. He is also a member of La Paz Lodge, No.56, K. 0. T. M.; Lodge No.4325, M. W. of A.;
La Paz Lodge, No.613, A. 0. 0. G., and Lawndale Lodge, No, 3, N. A. U. He is the medical examiner of all these lodges
mentioned, and is also the surgeon for the Baltimore & Ohio railroad and for the Industrial Portland Cement Company, of
Syracuse, Indiana. Dr. Tallman is a Republican politically and belongs to the Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity of Northwestern
University. -- Pg. 554-5 HIstory of Marshall County, 1908, Mc DOnald
Homer Hinton Tallman BIRTH 13 Nov 1873 Grinnell, Poweshiek County, Iowa, DEATH 29 Mar
1947 Argos, Marshall County, Indiana BURIAL Masonic Cemetery Culver, Marshall County,
Indiana son of Margaret Jennie Ebright and John Commodore Tallman
Homer Hinton Tillman, aged 73, physician and Surgeon in Culver since 1911 and a well
known resident in the vicinity., died Saturday afternoon In Kelly hospital, Argos,
Ind He had been ill of pneumonia for a week.
Dr. Tallman was born In Gnnnell, la., Dec. 13. 1873 and was a veteran of world war I.
He waw a member of the Evan gelical and Reformed church; the Masonic lodce. of which he
was a past master: the Order of Eastern Star, of which he was a .past patron: the
Scottish Rite; American legion. Lions club and Chamber of Commerce.
Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Ethel Tallman: a daughter, Mrs. Marjorie Asper. Detroit, Mich.,
and a Bister, Mrs. Mary Kerr.
The body is In the Easterday funeral home. Mar 30 1947 South Bend (Indiana) Tribune
married Ethel Florence Schaal BIRTH 6 Oct 1884 DEATH 26 Dec 1972 BURIAL
Masonic Cemetery Culver, Marshall County, Indiana, daughter of
George W. Schaal & Mary E. Miller
Marjorie J. Tallman Birth 8 Oct 1914 Culver, Marshall, Indiana DEATH 6 Nov 2004 Hubbard Lake,
Alpena, Michigan Married 27 Feb 1946 Winamac, Pulaski, Indiana Cecil Bernard Asper BIRTH 9
JUL 1911 Culver, Marshall, Indiana DEATH 17 JAN 2001 Hubbard Lake, Alpena, Michigan son of
Charles A Asper and Elnora Zechiel
Indiana, U.S., Marriages, 1810-2001
Name Homer H Tallman
Gender Male
Race White
Age 39
Event Type Marriage Registration (Marriage)
Birth Date 13 Nov 1873
Birth Place Linn, Iowa
Marriage Date 12 Aug 1913
Marriage Place Indiana, United States
Residence Place Culver, Indiana
Father John C Tallman
Mother Margarett J Ebright
Spouse Ethel F Schaal
Page 260
FHL Film Number 001651776
Name Ethel F Schaal
Gender Female
Race White
Age 28
Event Type Marriage Registration (Marriage)
Birth Date 6 Oct 1884
Birth Place Missouri
Marriage Date 12 Aug 1913
Marriage Place Indiana, United States
Residence Place La Paz, Indiana
Father George W Schaal
Mother Mary E Miller
Spouse Homer H Tallman
Page 260
FHL Film Number 001651776
Indiana, U.S., Birth Certificates, 1907-1944
Name Marjorie Jeannetta Tallman
Gender Female
Birth Date 8 Oct 1914
Birth Place Culver, Marshall, Indiana, USA
Father Homer Hinton Tallman
Mother Ethel Florence Schaal
Certificate Number 40755
Roll number 40474_357349
Volume Range 801 - 805
1920 United States Federal Census
Name Homer H Tallman
Age 46
Birth Year 1874
Birthplace Iowa
Home in 1920 Union, Marshall, Indiana
Street West Washington St
House Number X
Residence Date 1920
Race White
Gender Male
Relation to Head of House Head
Marital Status Married
Spouse's Name Ethel F Tallman
Father's Birthplace Ohio
Mother's Birthplace Ohio
Able to Speak English Yes
Occupation Physican
Industry Medical
Employment Field Wage or Salary
Home Owned or Rented Owned
Home Free or Mortgaged Free
Able to read Yes
Able to Write Yes
Neighbors View others on page
Household Members
Household Members
Name Age
Homer H Tallman 46
Ethel F Tallman 36
Marjorie J Tallman 5
1930 United States Federal Census
Name Homer H Tallman
Birth Year 1874
Gender Male
Race White
Age in 1930 56
Birthplace Iowa
Marital Status Married
Relation to Head of House Head
Home in 1930 Culver, Marshall, Indiana, USA
Map of Home Culver,Marshall,Indiana
Street Address W. Washington Street
House Number 306
Dwelling Number 205
Family Number 209
Home Owned or Rented Owned
Home Value 6000
Radio Set No
Lives on Farm No
Age at First Marriage 40
Attended School No
Able to Read and Write Yes
Father's Birthplace Ohio
Mother's Birthplace Ohio
Able to Speak English Yes
Occupation Physician
Industry Medical
Class of Worker Working on own account
Employment Yes
Veteran Yes
War WW
Household Members
Household Members
Name Age
Homer H Tallman 56
Ethel F Tallman 45
Marjorie J Tallman 15
Mary E Schaal 71
1940 United States Federal Census
Name Homer H Tallman
Age 66
Estimated Birth Year 1874
Gender Male
Race White
Birthplace Iowa
Marital Status Married
Relation to Head of House Head
Home in 1940 Culver, Marshall, Indiana
Map of Home in 1940 Culver,Marshall,Indiana
Street W Washington
House Number 306
Farm No
Inferred Residence in 1935 Culver, Marshall, Indiana
Residence in 1935 Culver
Resident on farm in 1935 No
Sheet Number 13A
Number of Household in Order of Visitation 362
Occupation Doctor
House Owned or Rented Owned
Value of Home or Monthly Rental if Rented 2500
Attended School or College No
Highest Grade Completed College, 5th or subsequent year
Hours Worked Week Prior to Census 60
Class of Worker Working on own account
Weeks Worked in 1939 52
Income Other Sources Yes
Neighbors View others on page
Household Members
Household Members
Name Age
Homer H Tallman 66
Ethel Tallman 55
Marjorie Tallman 25
Mary Schaal 81
Indiana, U.S., Death Certificates, 1899-2017
Name Homer Hinton Tallman
Gender Male
Race White
Age 73
Marital Status Married
Birth Date 13 Nov 1873
Birth Place Grinell, Iowa
Death Date 29 Mar 1947
Death Place Argos, Marshall, Indiana, USA
Death Registration Date 1947
Father John C Tallman
Mother Margaret J Ebright
Spouse Ethel Tallman