Lake Maxinkuckee Its Intrigue History & Genealogy Culver, Marshall, Indiana

Taxi's of Culver  

c 1911-1916 - Dan Miller (415 Lake Shore Taxi service located)

1919 - Buswell Taxi Line - Al Buswell

1923 - Palmer House Taxi Co. - Clifford Loser

1923-1935 - Culver Taxi Co. aka Palmer House Taxi Co. - Clifford Loser

1923 -1924 - Wiseman Taxi - Lon Wiseman - discontinued

1924-1938 - "Phil" Phillip R. McLane - Taxi Service

1925 -Ad found in the Citizen Sep. 30, 1925 - Culver Taxi Company Culver, Indiana Phone 305 / Phone 23

1925 - Wm. Loser Iaxi

1929 - Taxi - Ernest C. Patton

1930 - Reed's Taxi

1930 - Newmans Taxi, ad found in Jul 2, 1920 issue.

1930 - Rip's Taxi

1932 April 27 - Culver Taxi Co. - Paul A Eiler
    Retains Bus - After operating the Culver Taxi COmpany for about 12 Years Clifford Loser Last week sold the business to Paul A. EIler, who was been with the company for some time. The transaction did not include the large buses owned by Mr. Loser. The same firm name and drivers will be continued by Mr. Eiler. Mr. Loser has not announced his plans for the future

1933 - Mar 8 - The Culver Taxi company is now being operated by its former owner, CLifford Loser, while PauL EIler recent operator of the company has started another taxi company under his own name

1947 1961 - Long's A. B. Long Taxi (Asher Blaine “Nick” Long)
    1947 Jan 8 - New Taxi Servuce A new taxi service was put into operation under the name of Long's Taxi with A. B. Long as manager. Day and night service is being given as well as long hauls in addition to local trips.

1936 Jack Harris starts Taxi Line
    1936 - May 20 Jack Harris announces that he will start a taxi business on Staturday. He is securing a new car. Mr. Harris is well known here and his friends wish him the best of success

1938 - John Wagner buys Jack Harris's Taxi Line
    1938 - Apr 27 - Buys Taxi Business - John Wagner announces that he has purchased the taxi business formerly operated by the late Jack Harris effective May 1st. It will continue to be known as Jack's Taxi

1949 - Mar 9 - Sells Taxi Business
    Jack Wagoner, operatior of Jack's Taxi for the past 11 years gas sold his business to Henry Hinkle and Dan Weirick. Mr. Hinkle will continue as manager of the Marathon Service Station it was explained. Dan Weirick who has been located in Bremen for the past twelve years was formerly employed by NIPSCO here in Culver. Other than a brief vacation Mr. Wagner's future pans are indefinite.

1949-1963 - Jack's Taxi - Henry Hinkle 1963 - 15 years

1963-?- Jack's Taxi Tom & Ruth Walker
    1963 - Apr 24 - Tom Walker's Purchase Jack's Taxi Business
      Mr and Mrs. Thomas H. Walker, W 17th Road, Culver, have purchased Jack's Taxi at 108 E Washington St., from Henry Hinkle, who has owned and perated the company for the past 15 years

      Mr. Walker who has been self-employed, took over management of the business on Monday and announces that he plans no change of policy and will endeavor to give the same cheerful and courteous service as in the past.

      Mrs. Walker, who is employed at the Culver Military Academy Tailor Shop, will not be assoicated with the business at the present time, and Mrs. Blance Woodridge will continue to work in the office of the taxi stand.

      Mr and Mrs. Hinkle will devote full time to the Ideal Cleaners, which they recently purchased.

Mar 1984-19_ - Culver Taxi & Courier Inc. - Jill (Coit) Steely & Mrs. Richard Skrine.