Town Elections
Samuel E Medbourn
Marcus F Mosher
John W. Souder
Frederick L. Carl, Clerk
1895 - 1896
Thomas B (T. B._ Harris
James H. (J. H.) Castleman
Elijiah W. (E. W.) Geiselman
Charles (Chas.) Zechiel, Clerk
1896 - Election
Frederick L Carl
David B. Young
William Overman
James H Castleman
D. G. Walter
James H. (J. H.) Castleman
Elijiah W. (E. W.) Geiselman
D. G. Walter
Fred L. (F. L.) Carl clerk
D. B. Young, Treasurer
1897 - Election:
Fred L. Carl
Thomas E. Slattery
David H. Smith
Albert A Keen
Abraham Hayes
James H. Castleman,
Abraham Hayes
Albert A. Keen
Fred L. (F. L.) Carl clerk
1898 Trustees
Oliver A. Rea
Abraham Hays
Samuel E. Medbourn
Fred L. (F. L.) Carl clerk
1899 - Trustess
Oliver A. Rea
S. E. Medbourn
David B. Young
Urias Menser - Treasure
1899 - May 4 - - Clerk - Thos. Clifton
1905 - Nov 9 Tuesday's Election
Republicans Captire All Offices Except Two Trustees
The town election Tuesday was exceptionally quiet, causing hardly any excitement.
The Republicans elected their candidates for clerk, treasurer and trustee in the
second ward, the democrats being suddessul in the other two wards. The vote in
detail was as follows:
Easterday (Rep) 86
Saine (Dem) 53
Easterday's majority 33
Osborn (Rep) 102
Geiselman (Dem) 44
Osborn's majority 58
First Ward
Keen (Dem) 84
Hayes (Rep) 63
Keen's majority 21
Second Ward
Weiss (Rep) 95
Hines (Dem) 44
Weiss' majority 51
Third Ward
Cromley (Dem) 75
Morris (Rep) 63
Cromley's majority 12
1905 - Nov 9 - At the town election the Republicans elected the clerk, treasurer
and one trustee - Levi Osborn, Frank Easterday and J. F. Weiss; and the Democrats
elected two town trustees - A. A. Keen and J. W. Cromley
1909 - Nov. 4 - Culver Town Election
The town election was a quiet one. Thoughthe ticket was partisan,
the vote was divided, only about a dozen straight tickers being
voted by each party.
The total vote cast was 172 against 149 four years ago. Six
imperfect ballots were thrown out. Following is the results.
Earl Z Zechiel (Dem) 67
Albert A. Watkins (Rep) 92
Watkins' majority 25
Isadoe Hessel (Dem) 64
Franklin J. Easterday (Rep) 97
Easterday's majoirty 33
Henry Overman (Dem) 79
Fred W Cook (Rep) 87
Cook's majority 8
First Ward
(Dem) 77
Arthur Morris (Rep) 93
Morris majority 16
Second Ward
Lous R. Raver Dem) 62
Norman S Norris 100
Norris majority 38
Third Ward
Otto Stabenow (Dem) 76
Livingston C. Wiseman (Rep) 82
Wiseman's majority 6
1910 - L. C. Wiseman, Trustee
1913 Sep 18 - Make two Offices One
If the two political parties making nominations for town officials
this fall will agree the offices of clerk and treasurer can be merged
into one.
From the standpoint of convenience thisis desirable. I many ways the work,
when done by spearater officials, is really duplicated and proves more
troublesome to each than it would if one man did the whole work. the
inconvenience fot persons havinv vlaimsagainst the town is also considerale,
as it involves a wster of time and travel in running from on officer to
We are assured that the members of the town board, and clerk andteasurer as
well agree that it would be much more satiffactory to elect one man to the
two offices
1913 - Oct 2 Municipal Candidates
The republican convention on Teusday night placed the following ticket in the
field for the town election
Trustee 1st ward - William Cook
Trustee 2nd Ward - George Overmyer
Marshall - William Vanmeter
Clerk & Treasureer - S. G. Williamson
1913 - Ocr 16 - Is now Up to the Voters
The Democrats of Culver held their convention Friday night and nominated a '
town ticket as follows:
Trustee 1st Ward - O. T. Goss
Trustee 2nd Ward - Chas. Stahl
Marshal - Daniel G. Walter
Clerk & treas. - O. Stabenow
The list of candidates now in the field to be voted for Nov. 4 is given
below. The voters have plenty of time to decide upon the merits of the
different men, and if out of all the nominations an efficient set of town
officers is not selected it will be the people's own fault:
William Cook (Rep)
George Overmyer (Rep)
O.T. Goss (Dem)
Chas. Stahl (Dem)
Wm. Vanmeter (Rrep)
D. G. Walter (Dem)
Clerk & Treasurer
S. G. WIlliamson (Rep)
O. Stabenow (Dem)
1913 - Nov. 6 the winning Ticket
Oliver T. Goss (Dem)
Geo w Overmyer (Rep)
Clerk & Treasurer
Otto. Stabenow (Dem)
W. A. Vanmeter (Rep)
Oliver T. (O T) Goss
Geo W Overmyer
Otto Stabenow, Clerk & Treasurer
1915 - Oct 7 - Both Parties Name Tickets
Repbulican Nominations
Trustee 1st Ward - C. E. Hayes
Trustee 3rd Ward - C. Medbourn
Clerk-Treasurer - S. B. Williamson
Marshal - W. S. Vanmeter
The Town convention on Friday nigh was the largest held by
Culver republicans in ears, 88 votes being cast.
A. B. Holt was chosen chairman and Fred Gillespie secretary
The Ballots for the various nominees were as follows:
Trustee First Ward
C. E. Hayes 42
J. W. Riggens 23
E. J. Bradley 19
Trustees Thrid ward
C. Medbourn 28
Harvey Easterday 23
F. J. Easterday 19
D. H. Smth 17
S. G. Williamson 52
Fred Gillespie 24
W. H. Dalrymple 9
W.A. Vanmeter 49
Paul Fieser 22
Geo, Buchanan 17
The Democratic Ticket
Trustee 1st Ward Wm. Houghton
Trustee 3rd Ward Chas Asper
Clerk-Treas. - R. W. Livingston
Marshal - George Davis
The Democratic town convention Tuesday night was well
attended - 39 votes being cast.
D. W. Marks was made chairman and O. A. Gandy, secretary.
Nominations for trustees and clerk-treasurer were made by
The balloting on marshal was as follows:
George Davis 25
George Woodard 14
1915 - Nov. 4 - Results of the Election
For Trustee 1st Ward
Wm. Houghton (Dem) 137 Maj 13
C. E. Hayes, (Rep) 124
For Trustee 3d ward
Chas Asper, (Dem)108
C. E. Medbourn, (Rep) 147 Maj 39
For Clerk-Treasurer
R.D. Lvingston, (Dem) 121
S.G. WIlliamson, (Rep) 134 Maj 12
For Marshall
George Davis, (Dem),127
W. T. Vanmeter, (Rep) 135 Maj 8
1916 -1917 -
G. W. Overmyer
Wm. Houghton
Chas E. Medbourn
S. G. Williamson - Clerk & Treas.
1917 - Nov 7 The Town Election
The only interest attached to the election in Culver was
whether Bill should continue to serve as marshal, and if
it is doped right it looks as if the antis have made good.
Following is the vote:
Trustee - A. L. Warner, Rep 135
Trustee - WM. Houghto, Dem 109
Trustee A. M. Roberts, Rep. 190
Clerk Harvey Easterday, Rep 190
Clerk Edgar Shaw, Dem 45
1919 - Oct 8 - Town Officea to Re-elected
Calls are being published this week by both democrats and republicans for
town conventions to nominate a trustee for th 3d ward for four years. The
election will be held Nov. the retiring trustee is Chas. E. Medbourn and
the retiring clerk-treasurer is Harvey Easterday. Their terms will expire
in January.
1919 Oct 15 - Town Candidates
Charles E. Medbourn has been nominated by the republicans for re-election as
town trustee and S. G. Colby has been nominated for clerk-treasurer.
Chas. Asper is the democratic candidate for trustee and H. L. Henning for
clerk-trasurer. The latter was nominated in convention, and the former was
appointed by the town committeeman, the convention's nominee, Otto Stabenow,
declining to run.
1919 Nov. 5 - Democrats Win Election
There was but little interest taken in the Culver town election, only 141 votes
being cast. The democratic ticket won by a large majority
For trustee of the third was Charles Asper received 86 votes and Hener L Henning
for clerk and treasurer received 89 votes.
Charles E. Medbourn, republican, received 46 votes for trustee, and Samuel G.
Colby received 52 votes for clerk and treasurer.
Charles (Chas.) Asper
Fletcher (F. T.) Strang
Daniel W. (D,W,) Marks
George S. Williams, Clerk-tresurer
1923 Candidates
1923 - Oct 17 Another Hat in the RIng - Another hat is in the ring for
city clerk-treasurer - Daniel Schuerin. This enitry completes the
Republican ticket with Dr. H. H. Tallman running for the trustee position
1927 - Candidated Named for Twon Election
Two tickets Slated
Clerk-Treasurer and Trustee of Second War to be Chosen At Election, November
While the mational parties are still arguing over Al Smith, Ritchie, Highes,
Hoover, et al, as standarf bearers the local political parties have named
their tickets and set the stage for the town election to be held Tuesday,
November 8th, at the town hall.
The offices of clerk-treasurer and town trustee from the Second Ward are
in be filled by the voters on that date.
The citizen Party again takes the field in this election and on October 7th
placed a petition with the town board naming Claude Mikesell and Lester
Rockhill as their candidates for trustee and clerk-treasurer respectively.
On Monday night the Republican parth held a primary and selected William
Baker as a candidate for trustee and Ray Marshall as town treasurer.
The town board has named Henry Henning and George Williams as election
commissioners and George Voreis as election inspector. The place as clerks,
judges and sheriffs of the election will be named later by the party leaders.
1929 - Nov 6 - Ewald, Crabb Win In Town Election
Rockhill Re-Elected
Cleve Crabb Beats Out D. W. Marks by one Vote; Two New Members
on Town Board
Two republicans and one citizen party candidates were the choice
of the people in the town election held yesterday when M . H.
Ewald and Cleve Crabb were elected town trustees and L. A.
Rockhill re-elected clerk-treasurer.
Then results were
For trustee First Ward
Repuplican Ewald 232
citizen Blanchard 160
For Trustee Second Ward
Repuplican Crabb 200
citizen Marks 199
For Clerk-Treasurer
Repuplican Forster 150
citizen Rockhill 245
The oddity of the election was the Crabb-Marks race being decided
by one vote. It is probable that 200 voters are telling how their
one vote won for Mr. Crabb. The election board checked the ballots
three times to make sure of this result and talled the same each
time, removing any doubt as to the corectness of the count.
The vote was about the same as at the lat town election where 406
votes were cast. The highest total at the election was 399. The
weather cannot be blamed for the light vote as the day was bright
and clear.
The election places two new members on the town board at the first
meeting in January and leaves Claude P. Misesell as the ranking
1930 Trustees
1931 - Nov. 4 - Baker and Rockhill Win Town Election
Many Go To Polls
William Baker Elected Trustee by 44 votes; rockhill Gets 167 Margin for clerk
Contray to all expectations a large number of veters stepped into the voting
booths yesterday when Culver elected a town trustee and a clerk-treasurer.
The result was that William Baker, republican was elected to the town board and
Lester A. Rockhill, citizen, was re-elected clerk-treasurer.
The vote was:
For Trustee, third ward
William Baker, republican - 232
Claude P Mikesell, citizen - 208
Baker's plurality - 44
For Clerk-treasurer
Lester A ROckhill, citizen - 316
Steffen Rector, republican - 149
Rockhill's plurality - 167
Although there had not been much interest aroused in the election a large number
of voters turned out.
In 1929 when two trustees were elected amid a more discussed campaighn the highest
number of votes cast was 399. The highest total in yesterday's election was 465,
or 66 more than cast tow years ago.
The fact that one candidate from each of the tickers was successful indicated that
many of the ballots were split. This would signigy that party lines were not
observed and that most of the voting was for the individuals. One observer
stated that he believed that the majority of the citizen ticket voters cast straght
ballors wile the republican votersdidthe scratching. There was no democratic ticket
in the field.
The election officals were: inspector George Spangler; jidges - William Listenberger
and D. W. Marks; clerks fred Foster and Zenith Crossgrpve and sheriffs - Samuel Asper
and John Cromley.
1944 -
Clyde Shively, President
Conrad Mattox
Frank McLane
William R. Easterday, Clerk-tresurer
1947 candidatea
ward 1 Donald R. Hand (rep) Alva R McKesson (Dem)
ward 2 Emery J. Yocom Jr. (rep) Jesse E, Sims (dem)
ward 3 Harvey E. Guynn (rep) Earnest W. Carter (dem)
clerk-treasurer William R, Easterday (rep) Henry W. Hinkle (Dem)
1948 -
Donald "Don" R. Hand, president
Dr. E. J. Yocom Jr.
Harveyr E. Guynn
William R. Easterday, Clerk-tresurer
1955 Nov Republican Candidates
1st ward Donald P Osborn
2nd Ward Judd T. Stinchcomb
3rd Ward William R. Easterday
Clerk-treasurer - Harry D. WInkler
1959-Nov 4 -Democrats Win Offices In Close Town Election
G. O. P. "Paster" Fails To Stick!
A united Democratic party captured all four offices at stake in Tuesday's
town election caoitalizing on a Republican schism and legal technicalitites
which forced the G.O.P. to rosort to a 'paster" ballor as provided in the
Indiana Election code
There was a diffrence of only 26 votes between the high men on both tickets
and Culver lost a chance to do down in Hoosier political histoy as having
held the onl election where a "paster" ballot won out. The handicap was just
too tough got the underdog.
Taking over the three-man town board on Jan. 1 1960 for a four-year ter will
be Alva R. McKesson, a former member, who defeated Clarence W. Epley Jr. in
the 1st war 301 to 268; Bernard Busar, wh won out over Theodore R. Powers in
the 2nd ward 298 t0 279; and Charles Cook who headed the winning ticket with
305 to 265 for Dr.DOnald Reed in the 3rd ward.
Woman Clerk-Treasurer
Mrs Ruth Overmyer won out over James C.DeWittby a vote of 296 to 275 for the office of
Clerk-Treasurer. Mrs.Overmyerwasoffered the nomination adouple of days following the
Dempcratoc caucis last Augus after at least four male Democrats refused to be drafted
by the party for the $4,000 post.
Mrs. Overmyer will have the distinction of being the first woman member of Culver's
official family in history.
Only two of the present town officials sought renomination and both were defeated in the
respective party caucuses last summer. Jesse SIms, Democrat Town Boad member was beaten
by Bernard Busart and Harry D. WInkler, Republican Clerk-Tresurer was defeated by James
C. Dewitt.
32 Votes Thrown out!
Despite all of the campaigh fireworks only 616 veters went to the polls as compared with
652 localballots cast four years ago. And 32 voters might as well have stayed at home
because their ballors were improperly marked. Of the 32 rejected ballots, 21 wer cast
by Republicans and 11 by Democrats. WHile this is a cad commentary on adult education,
the 32 ineligible ballots probably had no effect on the out come of the election.
1963 - Nov 6 Republicans Gain Control of Town Board
The Culver Town Boaed will be Republican controlled for the nextfour years as the
result of Tuesday's town election.
Edgar (Tone) Shaw, who defeated Walter Johnson for trustee of the First ward, is
the onl Democrat to win in Tuesday's election.
The vote was heavy Tuesday in spite of the rainy weather.
There was atotal of 744 votes cast: 268 straighte republican vites were cast and
236 straight Democrat votes. Approximately 23 votes were mutilated and had to be
discarded. There were approximately 216 voted split ballots.
Both parties and their candidates waged a stron campaigh during the last six weeks.
Popularity, personalities, and past records had a hamd in the results.
The annexation problem had little to do with this election as those who are being
annexed could not vote because of the 30 day period which is allowed for possible
remonstrance proceedings.
Trustee first Ward
Edgar (Tone) Shaw (Dem) 377
Walter Johnson (Rep) 343
Turstee Second Ward
Wilfred Craft (Rep) 390
Benard Busart (Dem) 320
Trustee Third Ward
Theodore L Ervin (Rep) 406
Charles Cook (Dem) 306
Town Clerk Treasurer
Ruth B. Lennen (Rep) 369
Ruth Overmyer (Dem) 346