Culver Town Clerk's
1894 - 1899, May 3 - - Frederick L Carl
1899 - May 4 - Thos. Clifton
1900 - Thos. Clifton / A. A. Keen
1901 - A. A. Keen / Geo. W. Voreis
1902 - Geo. W. Voreis
1903 - Wm. E. Cook / Geo. W. Voreis
1904 - Wm. E. Cook / Geo. W. Voreis
1905 - 1909 - Levi A. Osborn , Clerk / Frank Easterday, Treasurer
1910 - Albert A Watkins, Clerk /
Franklin J. Easterday, Treasurer
1912 - Charles G. McLane, Clerk
1913 Sep 18 - Make two Offices One
If the two political parties making nominations for town officials this fall will agree
the offices of clerk and treasurer can be merged into one.
From the standpoint of convenience this is desirable. I ncmany ways the work,
when done by sepearater officials, is really duplicated and proves more troublesome
to each than it would if one man did the whole work.
The inconvenience for persons having claims against the town it is also considerale, as
it involves a waste of time and travel in running from one officer to another.
We are assured that the members of the town board, and clerk and teasurer as well
agree that it would be much more satiffactory to elect one man to the two offices
1913 - Charles G. McLane
1914 - Otto Stabenow
1915-1917 - S. G. Williamson
1918 - Harvey Easterday
1919 - Harvey Easterday
1919 - - S. G. Wililamson, Pro Tem
1920 - Henry L Henning
1922- George S. Williams
1923 - Sep 26 - Terms Have Expired.... while George Williams has served a term
of two years...
1923 - Oct 3- No Democratic ticket... A new ticket has been formed for this
city election which is known as "The Citizens: ticket.... On this new ticket will
be two men, one from each party. Geogre Williams for Clerk-Treasurer...
1923 - Nov.7 - Citizen Candidate Take Both Places.... While George Williams
is Clerk-Treasurer... For Clerk Treasurer Williams 325; Schueren 191...
1924 - JAN 4 - George S. Williams city clerk-treasurer handed in his
regsignation to take effect at the next regular meeting night.
No one has been named to take Williams' place. However, it is
understood that the board has offered the position to Lester Rockhill
and that he is considering it. Yesterday afternoon late, he was
undecided wheter he would accept the position.
1924 - Lester A. Rockhill
1926 - F. C. Leitnaker
The matter of appointing a new Clerk-Treasurer was discusses at some length;
F. C. Leitnaker had resigned the week before because the work to much time
from his own business. After considering the names of applicants for the position
the board finally selected L. A. Rockhill . Mr. Rockhill had formely had the position
and it was considered that his ecperience in the work would make his service more
valuable than any thother that could be selected at this time. Mr. Rockhill will take
over the work immediately - Nov. 3 1926
1926, Nov.-1936 - Lester A. Rockhill
1937 - J. Earl Foreman<br>
1944 - 1955 - William R. Easterday
1956 - 1960 - Harry D. Winkler
1961 - 1963 - Ruth Overmyer
1st woman Clerk-Treasurer Nominated Aug 1959
1964-1969 - Ruth B Lennen
?- May 28, 1972 -Erma Jane Long
1972, May 28- 1983 - Marizetta Kenney
198_199_ (12 YEARS) Bobetta Lee "Bobbie" Cummins Washburn
Kay Davis - deputy clerk treasurer
199_-199_ - Donald L Slyh
Cassie Howard
2012 - Karen Heim.
Julie Cowell - deputy clerk treasurer