Lake Maxinkuckee Its Intrigue History & Genealogy Culver, Marshall, Indiana

Marmont - 1857-1895;

Resurvey and New Plat of Uniontown (Now Marmont)

Uniontown resurveyed April 24' 1851 by Thomas K. Houghton, Proprietor, as follows: - 'Uniontown is situated in the S. corner of 16-32-1.E. Marshall County, Indiana, the S.E. corner of said section is the commencing point of the town plat; the streets are all of a width being 66 ft. the alleys are 16 1-2 ft.; the lots are 66 feet in front and 99 feet back, so planned by the original survey. All lines running North and South bear N. 0 degrees 10 min E. and those that run E and W. bear S. 89 degrees E. The magnetic variation at this date is 5 degrees 10 min. E. This survey made and acknowledged by. Thos. K. Houghton Proprietor April 24' 1851. Recorded Plat Book No. 1 page 44. Recd. for record June 9' 1857. Lots run from 1 to 66 inclusive.

In 1857 when the above re-survey was filed it was upon request of Dr. G.A. Durr that the name of town was changed from Union Town to Marmont, in honor of famed French General. and the surveyed town became Houghton original plat. - There were Eight streets in Marmont:


At the age of 91, Peter Spangler gave an interview about his life on May 14, 1930, three years before his death. He always wore a full beard, was a carpenter and moved houses and barns.

He helped to construct many of the buildings for Culver Military Academy as a brick mason.

As he said, "Four stores formed the town, the lake was surrounded by swamp, including where the town of Culver and the Academy are now located."

He declared at that time the village of Maxinkuckee was more promising than other nearby communities as it had industrial prospects in the form of two saw mills.

1890 - Aug 2 - LAKE Maxinkuckee is the gem of Indiana lakes. The prosperity of the town of Marmont has only begun. Ten years will develop it into a thriving town. Logansport Reporter

1895 - Jul 20 - There is a movement on foot to change the name of the post office at Marmont to "Culver City," in honor of the man who has done so much to advance the interests and growth, of Lake Maxinkuckee.. The Marmont Herald is favoring the change, and the Plymouth Democrat, which almost has a proprietary interest in the lake, seems favorable to tbe new; name. A petition is in circ ulation at Marmont, and is being numerously signed, requesting that the authorities change the-name - Logansport Pharos Tribune

When petition for change of name was forwarded to the Department the same was returned to the postmaster at Marmont with the follow Govering indorsement:
    Respectfully returned to the Post master at Marmont, Marshall Co., Ind., with the information that the Department cannot take into consideration the proposed change in the name of post office at Marmont to Culver City because the Department objects to double names. R. A. Maxwell, Fourth Asst. P.M. General

In 1896 it was proposed the name be changed to Culver City but the Post office Department in Washington D.C. declined the name as a village in Tippecanoe county Indiana existed under that name. Mr. Henry H. Culver negotiated with their town officials after finding out that it was named for Crane Culver . He offered to pay all expenses involved with the name change from Culver to Crane. He prevailed and Marmont became the town of Culver during a Specia Fall Term of court in 1895 It is recorded in the Miscellaneous Deed Book D pg. 497 In part it reads:
    Change of Name of the Town of Marmont, Indiana to Culver City, Indiana ...At a term of the Board of Commissioners of said county, begun of Wednesday the 23rd day of October 1895.. the following proceedings were had on the 24th day of October 1895 in the cause of...Comes now O. A. Rea and ninety-nine other qualified electors of the town of Marmont, Indiana and present their "verified" petition... And it is now ordered, considered and adjudge by the board that said town of Marmont, Indiana shall from and after this date be known as Culver City, Indiana....Received for record October 25th, 1895 at 9 1/2 o'clock A.M. Thomas H. Walker, Recorder Marshall County, Indiana.

    A Marshall County Village Voted On The Question Saturday.

    The quiet village of Marmont, this county, on the west bank of Lake Maxinkuckee, held a special election Saturday on the question of incorporating the town.

    It was tried three years ago, but certain saloon men, who were opposed to paying corporation license, defeated t measure by one vote.

    The election Saturday resulted victorious for incorporation by a majority of thirty-one.

    The incorporation is thought to be necessary on account of police protection to take care of the disorderly crowds that go to Marmont every summer and make it unpleasant for visitors who visit that pleas ant summer resort. - Bremen Enquirer

1896 - Nov 2 - The town at Lake Maxiokucfcee is no longer called Marmont. th name having beeb changed this week both by the government and railroad company to Culver Ciity The change is in honor of H. H. Culver, the St'. Louis millionaire, who has done so much to build the lake resort. His latest-move was tbe erection of the Culver militaryacademy at a cost of $65,000.

1897 - Jan 23 - Name Has Been Changed. After mouths have passed, the post 0ffice department has finally acted upon the change of the name of Marmont, to Culver City. But notwithstanding the fact that it was the earnest desire of our citizens that it would be Culver City, it was changed to the name of “Culver ". Hence the Herald is printed in "Culver " this week instead of Culver City. The action of the postoffice department, we understand, will take effect about March 1st

Marmont to Culver City City

1895 - Nov 4 - Culver City
    Upon the petition of a large majority of the legal voters of the town of Marmont, the northwest shore of beautiful Lake Maxinkuckee, the name of that place was ordered of record be changed to Culver City and the department at Washington has also ordered the name of the post officee changed to Culyer City. This was done in honor of H. H. Culver, the St. Louis millionaire, who fif so much to beautify and permanently adorn northern Indianas charming summer resort. On the east shore of the lake Culver owns about two miles of front property and there constructed public road at his own expense and expended large sums of money in handsome improvements and buit 1,000 feet of sea wall at a cost of $2,000. On the "north shore he under-drained, dutr lagoons, put in flowing wells and by the dozen, laid out beautiful walks, out flowers, plants, shade trees; a tabernacle a few years ago, a large hotel hotel and other apartment buildings; secured the building of a switch from the main track of the Vandalia railroad donated the fair grounds and assisted mainly in the erection of the necessary buildings and in constructing the track. Last year he established Culvber Military academy, but in the dead winter the building was destroyed fire; bot discouraged by the heavy loddhe continued the school in his and adjoining buildings and at pmvr commenced the erection of a academy, absolutely fire proof with all modern improvements, which was completed the middle or September at a cost of $65,000. The opened with Msjor C. zzzzzzh. Tebbetts, formerly of West Point, in charge with large attendance and bright prospects. For making these improvements and others in contemplation, his social qualities and his teal in their interests, the people of Marmont honor Mr. Culver by changing the name of their town to Culver City. Plymouth, Ind., Demmo Crat - South Bend Tribune.

1895 - Nov. 28 - The Government cannot comply with the request to change the name j of Marmont to Culver City. Had the petitioners followed the Reflector's advice and made it plain "Culver," there would have been no law to interfere with the gratification of their desires.. - Argos Reflector

1895 - Dec 2 - Owing to a prevailing law, passed In 1S94, which, prevents the granting of new post offices containing - two words in the name, tbe pos tofSoe department will not grant the changing of the name of tbe post office at Marmont to Culver City. It is thought they will compromise om z'zculver City". - Logansport, Pharos-Tribune