Lake Maxinkuckee Its Intrigue History & Genealogy Culver, Marshall, Indiana


1840 - March 1, 17 residents present petition requesting establishment of Union Township, as 5th civil township in Marshall County. From 1836-40, area had been attached to Green Township.

The name probably selected to perpetuate name of Union County, Indiana, former home of many etitioners. New township was 6 sections (6 mile) wide, east-west; and 7 sections (7 mile) long, north-south Much of area heavily timbered, many sections inaccessible because of marshland and lakes carving out many acres.

Culver's name has varied throughout the first years - on a plat map of 1843 it is found listed as Geneva. Then for a short time was known as Yellow River Post Office which was ran by Mr. Kennedy.

At some point in time during this period it was also referred to as Birmingham - but no documentation for that name has been found so far - maybe an abstract will turn it up.

The the subdivision plats show Uniontown boundaries as represented in the image to the left.

In 1844 it was plated and laid out by Bayless L. Dickson,who owned farm bordering Northwest side of Lake Maxinkuckee, officially filed, on June 8, a 26-acre plat for a village, -- and became Union Town or Uniontown for the township it was within. Dickson's log cabin only dwelling on town plat roughly extends today(Culver) from Mill Street, south to a bit north of Lake Shore Drive; from Lakeview-Plymouth Streets, east to Slate Street, west.

State of Indiana to Bayless L. Dickson
Certificate of Entry
The West half of Section 16-Tp. 32 N. R. 1 E. 150.76 Acres. Recorded in Tract Book No. 1 at Page 4.

Original Plat of Uniontown now Marmont, Indiana

Uniontown is pleasantly situated in the S.W.1-4 of Sec. 16-Tp. 32 N.R. 1 E. It is laid out in such a manner that it presents to the eye a view of Lake Maxenkuckee and is surrounded with as good a country as can be found in Northern Indiana. It has the advantage of three State and two County roads running through it. The lots are all 66 feet in width by 82 1-2 in 'breadth'. The streets are all 66 feet in width. The alleys are 16 1-2.

Platted June 8' 1844. by Bayless L. Dickson Proprietor. Lots number from 1 to 51 inclusive. Left for record June 29' 1844 Recorded Plat Book Page 10. Deed Record D page 88

Union Town resurveyed and transferred by Bayliss Dickson to his brother-in-law, Thomas K. Houghton.

Thus in 7 years Uniontown had expanded in size by 15 lots.

On the 9th of June 1857 Thomas K. Houghton filed a certificate and became the owner of Union Town.:

State of Indiana by Auditor of Marshall co. Ind.
Thomas K. Houghton, Assignee of John Houghton, Assignee
of Bayless L. Dickson

School Land Deed July 17' 1856.
Forty acres off from South end of W 1-2 of W 1-2 of Sec. 16-Tp. 32 N. ER. 1 E.
Received for record Nov. 11' 1858
Recorded in Deed Record M. page. 25.

Resurvey and New Plat of Uniontown (Now Marmont)

Uniontown resurveyed April 24' 1851 by Thomas K. Houghton, Proprietor, as follows: - 'Uniontown is situated in the S. corner of 16-32-1.E. Marshall County, Indiana, the S.E. corner of said section is the commencing point of the town plat; the streets are all of a width being 66 ft. the alleys are 16 1-2 ft.; the lots are 66 feet in front and 99 feet back, so planned by the original survey. All lines running North and South bear N. 0 degrees 10 min E. and those that run E and W. bear S. 89 degrees E. The magnetic variation at this date is 5 degrees 10 min. E. This survey made and acknowledged by. Thos. K. Houghton Proprietor April 24' 1851. Recorded Plat Book No. 1 page 44. Recd. for record June 9' 1857. Lots run from 1 to 66 inclusive.

Map with the description and layout of the town (Click on will bring larger version) as follows:

1853 - Mar 3 - Great excitement!!
    A Store at Maxenkuckee Lake.

    The undesigned take this method of imforoming the citizenss, for somem distance on all sides of Maxinkuckee Lake, that they have opened a Store at Union Town on the west side of the Lake, where we will be glad to see customers who owish anything in the line od Dry Godds & Groceries. In exchange for or goods we will take Wheat, Oats & Corn; and in short all kinds of produce; Deer Skins, Rackoon, Mink, Otter and Bear skins, and Cash. Come and see us all of you and tell your neighbors to come also, & especially the Ladies and children. - - Don't go to Plymouth when you can do better nearer home, and take a ride on the Lake to boot, if you find you own boat.
        L. M. Boles
        Ephraim Moor
        Willaim Thompson
        T. F. Myers
      Under the Firm and Style of "L. M. Bowles & Co."
      Jan 3d 1853 Plymouth Weekly Banner.

1859 - May 26 - Union town is 12 miles in a south westerly direction from Plymouth, and About 2 miles from this place, on the opposite side of the Lake, is a small village which, perhaps, is called Maxinkuckee, though of this I am not certain. Here are 2 steam saw mills