Vandalia Railroad - Culver, Indiana Part 2 1883-1884
A brief history of the Vandalia Railroad before 1883 appears
here; along with the mergers while it was a part of Lake Maxinkuckee's history and after the service was
discontinued at the Culver Depot; to the demise of its successor the Penn Central.
1883 - In 1883 a subsidy tax of $30,000 was voted in Center township Marshall county, by a vote of 648 in favor
and 447 against, being a majority of 201 in favor of the tax. The Lake View club, at Maxinkuckee lake, composed
of eight residents of Plymouth, gave the company the right of way through their grounds, which was of considerable
value, as an inducement to build the road to Plymouth instead of by way of Walkerton to South Bend, as was
TERRE HAUTE, Ind., Jan. 1.- The annual meeting of the Terre Haute and Indianapolis Railroad Company,
known as the Vandalia Line, was held in this city this morning, and the following directors were
William R. McKeen,
Alexander McGregor,
Josephus Collett,
D. W. Minshall,
Henry Ross,
J. 0. Crawford and
George E. Farrington.
At 1 o'clock p. m. the new Board met and elected the following officers:
President, W. R. McKeen ;
secretary, George E. Farrington, and
treasurer, J. W. Crutt.
The old directors of the Logansport Division were reelected, and an election of oflicers resulted in
the choice of
W. R. MoKeen president and
George E. Farrington secretary and treasurer.
New York Times
Logansport Journal January 9, 1883 - The Vandalia people are pushing the work of grading the extension right
along. From a person who has been along the line, it is learned that six gang of men are now at work grading
the other side of Kewanna, and by the first of February they expect to have the track ready for
the rails from Kewanna to the"Nickel Plate connectiontwo miles on the other side of Lake Maxinkuckee. By the first of July
Logansport people can take a trip the famous Summer resort of Maxinkuckee.
Logansport Pharos Tribune January 9, 1883 - But little work is being done at present along the line of the Vandalia extension
between Logansport and Kewanna in the way of grading The bulk of the grade, however, has been completed. W. A. Ford,
who has the contract to build the bridges, has a crew of bridge and pile drivers at work, and expects t o have the piles all
driven for the bridges, between this city and Kewanna, by the 20th of this month. Considerable time has been lost by bridge
carpenters waiting for timber, which can not be furnished as fast as needed.
1883 - Jan 11 - The Vandalia Survey
Probabilition that the Road will be through North Libery
The Vandalia railway comany are still at work on the extension of their road to'
this city, which is already called the "South Bend division".
Surveyors have been over the line this week.
They were met by a gentleman from this city on his wat to North Libery last Monday
The cheif engineer of the party said that he had orders to run a line due north from
Maxinkuckee lake to the Grand Trunk railway track, which would strike the latter
road a short distance west of Crum's Pont.
He had no instructions to go further, but on reaching that point to report and wait for
This route strikes several miles west of Plymouth by way of Tyner City and North
Liberty, and is estimated to be cheaper by about $200,000 than either of the other
lines proposed.
The ugly hills and morasses between this city and Plymout are avoided on this line,
and it was thought by the engineer that the company would adopt it, unless Plymouth
would make up the difference necessary to take the road through that place.
THe North Liberty people are greatly interested in the new road, and will do
handsomely to have it strike their town.
President McKeen has already bought Bessemer steel rails, at $42 a ton,sufficient to lay
the track clear to this city, and has the refusal of steel rails as the same price to
continue the road on to Lake Michigan.
The building will be commenced as early in the spring as the weather will permit, and be
pushed forward as apidly as possible. President McKeen means business.
AS to the two routes under consideration there is no doubt among those thoroughly pasted
that the North Libery route is the most preferable.
Logansport, Kewannee, Marmont on the northwest border of Maxenkuckee lake, North Liberty
and Crum's Point, towhich place they surveyed, are on an air line, and to run to North
Libery, the only deviation from an air line would be in running alonf the western shore
of Maxenkuckee lake.
The grade is almost a level and the contry is splendid farming and timber region.
THe North Liberty route too, strikes the city in better shape than the Plymouth route. In
short everthing and most of the people are in favor of the North Liberty route. - South
Bend Tribune (Indiana) / Logansport Journal January 13, 1883
1883 - Jan 27 - Indianapolis Journal: "The Vandalla civil engineers, this week, completed the
survey of the northern extension, from Marmont to Plymouth. Here the old survey from Plymouth to
South Bend is reached. Undoubtly South Bend is the objective point of the McKeen syndicate,
who are buildlng the extension north from Logansport. The parties who are securing the right of
way are experiencing a good deal of trouble about Lake Maxinkuckee, where the owners of the land
put as great a valuation upon their property as though It was gold or silver mining lands containing
na [an] exhaustless supply of the precious metals, and are now taking steps to condemn several
pieces of property." - Logansport Pharos Tribune
Logansport Journal January 21, 1883 - The Vandalia road in its recent mortgage on the extension,
had to file the same in every county through which it passes. St. Joseph countyseems to be the
northern end of the road, and the mortgage was Hied there the middle of the week
Logansport Weekly Pharos January 24, 1883 Their Labors Appreciated. [Indianapolis Journal.]
Citizens of Logansport are loud in their praise of William K. McKeen, president,
and the management generally of the T. H. & L. division of the Vandalia.
They are beginning to realize that they do not have to exist on promises, as they did during
the state of affairs existing under the management of the old corporation, for the
reliable , Vandalia never does things by halves.
But what pleases the citizens most, and the citizens of South Bend as well, is the prospects for the
early completion of the extension north from Logansport.
The grade between Logansport and Kewanna, a distance of twenty miles, is nearing completion, and is
nearly finished that it can be called completed and ready for the iron.
Track laying will be commenced before the first of April.
The piles for the bridges have all been driven and several of the bridges have been finished and
a large force of carpenters are at work on the balance.
The road-bed is being substantially built, being fourteen feet wide on top, where it is embankment,
and twenty feet at its base where it passes through a cut, the banks having a uniform slope of one
and a half feet to one. The very best material is being used in the construction of the bridges.
Work has been commenced north of Kewanna and is being pushed with vigor, and the grade will more
than likely be completed to Lake Maxinkuckee inside of the next three months.
Logansport Weekly Journal January 27, 1883 - Terre Haute Expiess: The region around Lake Maxinkuckee
is one of the finest in the country for Summer sojourners, and when the Terre Haute & Loganspert
extension is completed, which will be in June, it will furnish the only all rail route to that place.
By other lines, a long and wearisome overland transfer is necessary, and the advantage of an all rail
route will do a great deal toward booming Lake Maxinkuckee as a Summer Resort. In view of this, it is
safe to say the 'Maxinkuckee Route,' in addition to an immense freight traffic, will enjoy a big
passenger business. All hail to the 'Maxinkuckee Route'.
Logansport Pharos Tribune January 27, 1883 -
Indianapnlis Journal: The Vandalia civil engineers, this week completed the survey
of the northern extension, from Marmont to Plymouth.
Here the old survey from Plymouth to South Bend is reached.
Undoubtedly South Bend is the objective point of the McKeen sundicate, who are
building the extension north from Logansport.
The parties who are securing the right of way are experiencyg a good deal of trouble
about Lake Maxinkuckee, where the owners of the land put as great a valuation upon
their property as though it was gold or silver mining lands containing an exhaustless
supply of the prrecious metals, and are now taking steps to condemn several pieces of
property. - Fort Wayne Daily Gazette - Jan. 29 1883
Logansport Weekly Journal January 27, 1883 - The Vandalia Railway Company gave a mortgage on
the Logansport division of their road for $1,000,000, for the purpose of building an extension
of the road to South Bend. The mortgage was recorded by Recorder Hiestand, of Carroll county,
the first of the week
Logansport Journal January 30, 1883 - South Bend Confident.
The Tribune, of South Bend, seems to be confident that the Vandalia extension
will reach that place, but is doubtful about Plymouth.
It says: Mr. Fitch, of Terre Haute, Chief Engineer of the Vandalia road, has been
in the city this week, and in a visit to the Tribune conversed very freely
about the probabilities of their road coming to South Bend. Indeed there
is no longer any probability about it. The road-will be finished to this city
before next New Year's day.
The only question now to be settled is whether it will come by way of North
Liberty or by way of Plymouth. Mr. Fitch says there Is a rich farming
country around North Liberty, the advantage of light grades and a good
feeling toward the company that is fully appreciated.
But Plymouth has awakened to the fact that she is being boxed in by important railway
lines which strike within a few miles of her — just far enough away to bo of no
advantage and she is determined if possible, to have the Vandalia pass
through the city limits.
Logansport Journal February 2, 1883 - The managemernt of the Vandalia line have purchased,
recently, 10,000 tons of steel rails from the Edgar Thompson Steel Works, to be delivered
between March 1, and August 1. Tbe rails will be used on tbe Western Division of the
Vandalia and the extension of the road north from Logansport. The con tract price is a
little less than $42 per ton at mill.
Logansport Pharos Tribune February 2, 1883 Captain A. B. Fitch Is in South Bend in
the interests ottlre Vandalia extension. He wiil return to Terre Haute on Saturday
with one of the surveying parties engaged in locating the preliminary line from the
Nickle-Plate to South Bend. - - John G. Williams and Henry Cashing, attorneys for
the Vandalia, were in the city yesterday settling up for right of ways on
the new extension.
Logansport Chronicle February 10, 1883 The surveying corps of the McKeen
syndicate are now locating the line betweenSouth Bend and the Nickel Plate, by which
the Vandalia Northern extontion will make a connection with that line.
Logansport Weekly Journal February 17, 1883 John Lee, who for years was president of the
Anderson, Lebanon & St. Louis railroad, is now engeged in securing the right of way for
he extension of the Loganspart division of the Vandalia.
Logansport Journal February 24, 1883 - Captain Fitch, of the Vandalia, was in the city,
yesterday, and settled with tbe Vandalia extension workmen. Some trouble was experienced
when one of the contractors failed to show up and settle with the men under him. It seems
that Tom Kenzer, of Terre Haute, took the contract to grade two miles of road ready for
the ties. He was to have been paid by the road and then to settle with his men. He finished
about half his contract and then jumped, leaving for parts unknown The men immediately took
possession of his tools, and held them until the pay for their work was forthcoming The
company settled with the men and will probably take Mr. Konzer's contract from him.
1883 - Mar 7 -The Terre Haute Express says the cars will be running on the Vandalla
extension as far north as Maxinkuckee by July first - Logansport Pharos Tribune
Logansport Journal March 7, 1883 - Terre Haute Express: "It is expected that the
Northern extension of the Terre Haute & Logansport division of tbe Vandalia,
known as the Maxinkuckee route, will be open for trains from Logansport to Lake
Maxinkuckee on the 1st of July. Grading has been completed for a considerable
distance north of Logansport, and as soon as the condition of the ground will
admit of work, large forces of men will be put on by the different cotractors to
carry it thiough rapidly."
1883 Mar 9 - Indianapolis Journal: "Work on the extension northward of the T. H. & L.
division of the Vandalia is to be resumed at once in earnest. Chief Engineer Fitch
expects trains to be running - through, from Logansport to Lake Maxinkuckee by the
1st of July. The grading on the first twenty miles out of Logansport is now practically
done, and there is little heavy, work beyond, except one bridge 300 feet long over
Tippecanoe river. The contract for this has been made with the Massilon, 0., works. -
Logansport Pharos Tribune
Logansport Journal March 22, 1883 - Ajudgment was today rendered on the verdict in the
case of Jane Crawford vs. the Vandalia extension company, giving her $1,250 for right
of way. Ninety days was allowed the defense to file a bill of exceptions, under a bond
of $2,000 with Patterson & Tomlinson as sureties.
Logansport Journal April 4, 1883 - Ties and iron are being distributed
along the route of the Vandalia extension between Logansport and Kewana,
and it is expected that track laying will be begun sometime this week
Logansport Journal April 7, 1883 - The latest from the Vandalia extension
is that the surveyed line to run through the city of Plymouth Is about
three miles longer than by the other route laid out, and is somewhat more
expensive to construct. It now depends on the liberality of the Plymouth people
to decide which route will be decided on
Logansport Journal April 10, 1883 - When the Vandalia extension is completed through to
South Bend from Logansport, which will be some time during the coming Summer, trains will
run through over the line from New York to St. Louis.
Logansport Pharos Tribune April 13, 1883 - The Vandalia extension company has
made a purchase of fifteen acres of land on the Westside, of the Stuart brothers.
The company have as yet expressed co intentionof building their shops on the
property. Tbe purchase was made oa account of the high price asked for the right
of way. The ground lies near the Eel River round house.
Logansport Journal April 14, 1883 - The following from the Warsaw Indianian-
Republican seems to be about the correct idea: "A new railroad is
being constructed from Logansport to South Bend, It runs about eight
miles west of Rochester and ten miles west of.lymouth, crossing the Tippecnoe river
at Letter's Ford, and making Tyner City a point. It passes Maxinkuckee Lake, and will
open that hitherto unreachable section to the outside world. The road is said to be an
extension of the Vandalia route;"
Logansport Journal April 20, 1883 - The following persons were registered
at the New Barnett hotel last evening, being Vandalia officials and others
connected with the road. The object of their visit here was to inspect the
Terre Haute and Logansport road, and to inspect the work being done on tbe
Vandalia extension. They are: Col. J. W. Hill. J. B. Kendall, N. K. Elliott,
F. M. Hill, F. C. Cleaver, J. S. Brothers, G. H, Prescott, C. W. Finch,
Captain Fitch aud A. J. Qibbins.
1883 - Apr 23 - An engine was sent to Logansport on Saturday last for the
use of the track-laying on the extension of the Vandalia north from that
point. President McKeen expects to h a nd regular trains running between
Loganspot and Lake Maxinkuckee by July 1. The extension of the road to
South B end is still unsettled. At South Bend the people are asking prices
thatwill make the cost of getting into that city nearly $100,000. Unless
better figures than these can be made, the road may not be bu ilt through
to that city for two or three seasons at least - Indianapolis Journal
Logansport Journal April 22, 1883 - The Iron of the Vandalia extension
will be laid the coming week. Ties have been strung along the track the
past week, and the work of putting down the steel rails will be pushed
along as rapidly as possible. Hon. H. P. Biddle has been invited by the company
to drive tne first spine, which will be at 7:30 o'clock Monday morning,
near the Eel Elver depot. By the Fourth of July, Logansporters can go
on an excursion to Lake Maxinkuckee over the Vandalia road
Logansport Weekly Pharos April 25, 1883 - That long expected and much advertised
event, namely, the laying of track on the extension of the Terre Haute & Logansport
division of the Vandalia, was commenced this afternoon. The point where the work
begun was on the Westside where the T. H. & L. road passes under the Panhandle.
From this poiiit the track will circle around to the north of the Eel River roundhouse
and then run eastwardly with the Eel river track to Homey's creek.
1883 - April 25 - Track laying on the rxension of the Terre Haute & Loganspport division
of the Vandalia wa cmmenced at Logansport, Ind., yesterday. The Hon. J. P. Biddle,
ex-chief Justice of the Supreme court of Indiana, drove the first spike in the presence
of numerous citizens and the officers of the road. This ceremony over, track-laying
began in earnest by a large force of men. The extension is to run from Logansport to
South Bend, touching Kewanna, Lake Maxinkuckee, Plymouth and other points. The Vandalia
COmpany has the project in charge, and will push it to an early completion. Thr
grading has already been done for a great part of the way. - Chicago Tribune
Logansport Pharos Tribune April 27, 1883 Track laying on the Vandalia extension
was carried on under difficulties up to yesterday. At the time the Injunction suit was
in progress the Wabash company spiked the switch which led to the side track containing
the cars of steel rails. Thus the Vandalia folks could not get the cars out
of the switch, and the only way left was to carry the rails from the cars to the place
where they were needed. This plan was followed out for several days. Yesterday,
however, the feeling between the two railway companies became better natured, and
the switch was restored to its original working shape once more
Logansport Weekly Journal April 28, 1883 All Aboard for Maxinkuckee. The work of laying
the iron on the Vandalia extension was to have been begun Monday but by delays was not
commenced until Tuesday morning. Judge Biddle who had been invited to drive the first
spike was on hand and also several spectators. The first rail was put in place near the
Eel river depot on the West Side. It took several blows from tbe sledge hammer in the
Judges hands to drive the spike to its place, and when accomplished the work was continued
by more powerful and experienced hands. Jacob Zicker bas charge of the force laying the track.
Logansport Journal May 4, 1883 The good weathtr is advancing thework on the northern
extension of the Vandalia, and track has been laid for a number of rods beyond the
corporate limits of Logansport. Seven miles of the grade has been turned over in a
suitable condition for track laying, and eight more will be added soon. The piling
for the trestles and bridges has been driven to within a few miles of Lake Maxinkuckee,
and the Massilion Bridge company, which has the contract for the iron bridges, is under
contract not to delay the work.
Logansport Chronicle May 5, 1883 - Work on the Vandalia extension progressing
finely and the rails have been laid beyond the Puterbaugh farm north of the city.
Logansport Journal May 6, 1883 - N. C. Stanley, who for a long time has been an engineer on
the Pan Handie, has left the employ of that company, and has taken a position with Col. Hill
and George Prescott on the the Vandalia. For the present he has charge of the construction
train on the Vandalia extension, overseeing and managing a force of men with a gravel train.
Mr. Stanley has done good service for the Pan Handle road and has made many friends among the
employes who wish him success in his new position.
Logansport Journal May 11, 1883 - The Vandalia will christen the extension
of the road to Maxenkuckee on the Fourth of July by a grand excursion to the lake.
Logansport Journal May 12, 1883 - A special train came in over the
Vandalia from Terre Haute Thursday evening. On. the train were President
McKean, Superintendent Hill, and others. Friday the party inspected
the work being performed on the Vandalia extension, and last evening went
over the Eel River division of the Wabash road to Michigan City. The object
of the visit to that city is for the purpose of looking into the advisibility
of extending the Vandalia road to that place. A committee of Michigan City
citizens will call on Mr. McKeen during his stay there, and talk over the
matter of the extension. - - - Roberti Lowry yesterday morningtook charge of the
iron train on the Vandalia extension.
1883 - May 12 - Col. Richard Thompson, ex-Secretary of the Navy; W. E. McKeen, president;
Col. Hill, superintendent of the Vandalia; Capt. A. B. Fitch, chief engineer; J. R. Kendall,
division height agent T. H, & L. ; John G Williams, attorney, returned to this city today in
McKeen's special car, having visited Maxinkuckee. The object of their visit was to arrange
for the extension of the Vandalia northward from Lake Maxinkuckee. They returned to Terre
Haute this afternoon. It can be safely stated that the road will be built to some point on
Lake Michigan at an early day. - - - Forty construction men arrived as
night direct from St. Louis, to assist in the building of the Vandalia extension. They
are large healthy looking men and will be quite an addition to the force already at
work. -Logansport Pharos Tribune
Logansport Weekly Pharos May 16, 1883 Tlie Vandalia Extennion.[Indianapolis Journal]
It begins to look a little as if the Vandaliapeople would push the northern extension
of their line on to Michigan City.
Last week a party consisting of William R.McKeen, president; Colonel J. Hill, general
manager; J. R. Kendall, assistant general freight agent; Captain A. B. Fitch, chief
engineer; John G. Williams, attorney, and Richard W. Thompson ex-Secretary of the
Navy, visited Michigan City and were very handsomely received by prominent business
men of the place, who showed the party what advantages extending the road to that point
would give the Vandalia people.
A meeting was called in the room of the First National bank, at whieh H. fl. Walker
spoke of the desires of the business men of that place that the Vandalia should come
in there, and he told Mr. McKeen that they must have the road. J. S. Hopper
then made a statement of the north and south business at that point for the year
1882, the following of which is a summary.
These statistics how the number of carloads shipped south via the W., St. L. &
P. and L., N. A. & C. roads
Lumber cars 14,617 | | 14,617 |
Iron ore cars | | 276 |
Ties, cars | | 280 |
Total | | 21,150 |
On the part of the road Hon. Richard W. Thompson said that the new line was only
located to Lake Maxinkukee, and that the party were now merely upon a tour of inspection,
and as to their northern terminus they would at an early day announce their
determination. He admitted that they were perfectly astonished at the magnitude
of Michigan City's business, and that everything looked far more favorable than
was expected.
Were this extension built the Vandalia would doubtless secure a handsome Business
in shipments of lumber southward,but from the coal traffic they would reap the
greatest advantage, as Clay county block coal could be shipped by tail from Brazil to
Michigan City and then distributed by lake vessels over the Northwest at prices which
could not be met by operators in any other coal of as good quality.
Logansport Journal May 22, 1883 The Vandalia Extension.
South Bend Tribune: The work on tie extension of the Vandalia road north of Logansport is
now in progress, and will probably be pushed through to this city the coming summer.
The Chicago Tribune, the most reliable journal in the west on railroadmatters, in its issue
of yesterday contains the following:
"Saturday the officers of the Terre Haute & Logansport, better known as the Vandalia extension,
visited Plymouth, Ind., and afrer a view they determined to make Plymouth a point on the same.
Their offer is to come through in case they receive a subsidy of $15,000 and a free right of
way through the city. Messrs. A. C. Capron and Horace Corbin were appointed by them to buy the
right of way and draw the contract for the same through the county. The people are eager for
the road, and will without fail vote the tax. The extension is from Logsnsport, Ind., to St.
Joseph, on Lake Michigan."
It will be seen by this that the company has abandoned its air line route north frcm Maxinkuckee
lake, which would leave Plymouth five or six miles one side and strike North Liberty and Crumb's
Point in this county. It would also appear from the above paragraph that the Michigan City terminus
has been abandoned also. Judge Stanfleld is of the opinion that the route from Plymouth to this city
will be on the old survey east of the Michigan road, which is the most direct line between the two
places. No surveyhas as yet been msde north of this city.
A million dollar mortgage has been placed on record by the company in the Recorder's office of this
city, in favor of Senator Harrison as trustee for the bondholders. Among its provisions are that the
road shall be built through the counties of Caas, Fulton, Marshall and St. Joseph, to the city of
South Bend.
Logansport Weekly Pharos May 23, 1883 - Indianapolis News; W. R. McKeen, president of the Vandalia,
while in the city, yesterday evening, said that a proposition had been made to carry the Logansport
extension to Michigan City instead of to South Bend, as originally intended. The matter is now under
consideration, but the extension to eitlier point will not be built this season. Rails are now being
laid at the rate of nearly a mile per day, and the line will soon be completed to Lake Maxinkuckee.
The Vandalia people promised to have an excurions to Lake Maxinkuckee on the Fourth of July, and
it now looks as though there were going to keep their word. - page 8 Jun. 24 1883 Logansport D
aily Journal:
Logansport Pharos Tribune May 28, 1883 - The Vandalia extension is now in Fulton
county, and is being put down at about the rate of a mile per day.
Logansport Weekly Journal June 2, 1883 - The Vandalia extension has now reached a point thirteen
miles north of the city, where the men are now engaged in laying the track, this takesthe road
over into Fulton county. It is expected that the track will be laid to Kewana by next Monday
evening. The men have put down as much as a mile a day of track, but do not average that.
Logansport Journal June 5, 1883 - The Vandalia extension is being moveded along towards Kewanna very
rapidly. It is expected that the track layers will reach that place Thursday
Logansport Journal June 9, 1883 - Indianapolis Journal: W. R, McKeen, president; A. B. Fitch,
chief engineer, and John G. Williams, attorney of the Vandalia Railway Company, were in South
Bend, on Tuesday prospecting. The business men of that live city are anxious that the Vandalia
extension should come to South Bend, and the Vandalia people show a disposition to gratify them
in the matter, and have proposed to build the road to South Bend via Lakeville on condition that
they are granted the right of way through the county and entrance into that city without any
expense to them. The Vandalia officials were met on Tuesday, at South Bend, by a number of the
leading manufacturers of South Bend. Among the number were: Messrs. Clem, and P. E. Studebaker,
James Oliver, A. Coquillard, J. C. Knobloek, and each expressed themselves as being confident that
the proposition would be accepted. Plymouth is also included in the route, and will give $15,000
and the right of way through the town to secure it. Major Fitch, chief engineer of the Vandalia,
states that the grades on the proposed route will be light, and the road easily constructed.
Logansport Chronicle June 9, 1883 - The Vandalia Extension in all probability,
will reach Kenawa by to-morrow.
Logansport Pharos Tribune June 11, 1883 - Kewana Booming [Rochester Sentenel]
Some good improvements ate being made at Kewaana in the way of buildings. Mr
Al Toner is erecting a three story brick hotel that will be by all odds the
best hotelbuilding in the county and do credit to many county seats.
He has also underway a large brick livery, feed and sale barn that will be equal
in size and appointments to any in this section of country. Several business rooms
are building at that place, also a goodly number of dwellings.
This business impetus is given to the town by reason of the building of the Vandalia
extension from Logansport via Kewanna to South Bend, the iron of which is now laid
from Logansport to Kewana.
That town and community has a large number of wealthy aud enterprising men who do
not hesitate to contribute liberally to any project that tends to promote the
business interests of that town.
Logansport Journal June 12, 1883 At Kewanna.
Yesterday the track layers reached Kewanna on the extension of the Vandalia.
The day was one long to be remembered in the history of this
little town.
Through the exertions of Mr. Al Toner and other prominent citizens of Kewanna,
this extension was pushed until the final arrangements were consummated for the
track laying. Of course such an unusual event as a railroad in that quiet part
of the country was sufficient to put everybody in a high state of excitement for
miles around.
The Vandalia people are pushing this extension as fast as possible, and yesterday
broke the ground within the limits of this town.
The good citizens in honor of this event set out a most bountiful banquet, to which
the whole country was invited, including all the railroad employes. The feasting and
rejoicing was continued until a late hour last evening.
The work will be continued rapidly, and the prospect is that Lake Maxenkuckee
will be reached by July 1st.
June 13, 1883 The Vandalia extention has now reached
a point about seven miles beyond the boundary between Cass and Fulton counties.
This makes a total length of nineteen miles of the line completed from this city,
leaving about three miles yet until Kewanna will be reached. It is expected that the
road will be completed to Kewanna by Saturday Logansport Weekly Pharos
Logansport Journal June 13, 1883 - The South Bend Register remarks: Whether we get
the Vandalia extension or not, we will have the consolation of knowing that we wanted it."
Logansport Journal June 16, 1883 - All is not pleasant between tne C. & A,
and Vandalia folks. The Vandalia Extension is now building, and track
laying as far as the C. & A. will soon be completed. When that point is
reached they will likely come to a halt owing to the fact that the Vandalia
officials refuse to comply with the Chicago & Atlanta company's demands
in the matter of effecting a crossing. The C. & A. people require the Vandalia
to put in the crossing, keep it in repair and employ a man to attend to the usual
business of these places along the line. They do not propose to do this and in order
to prevent that company from going farther, side tracks have been laid on
either side of the main track, upon which have been placed heavily loaded
freight cars. The progress of the work on the Vandalia Extension will be
greatly retarded on this account, and it will require a suit in court before
settlement of the difficulty can be reached
Logansport Chronicle June 23, 1883 - On July the 21st the people of Plymouth
will vote on the proposition to give twenty-five thousand dollars for securing the extension
of the Vandalia to that point
Logansport Journal June 23, 1883 - South Bend Register: "Capt. Fitch, chief engineer of the
Vandalia railroad, is examining the surveyed route between Plymouty and South Bend with a view
to ascertaining the cost of construction. He is now at Lakeville probing the bottomless pit
south of that place. The result of his investigations will have great influence on the location
of the line
Logansport Journal June 26, 1883 - The crossing of the Vandalia withthe Chicago & Atlantic
road was effected Sunday, and considerable track the other side of the C. & A. was put
down Monday.
Logansport Journal June 24, 1883 The Vandalia Trouble Ended.
In conversation with a Vandalia contractor last evening, it was learned that
the expected trouble of the Vandalia road with the Chicago and Atlantic
road with regard to the former crossing the latter's track, has been settled.
An understanding was effected Friday evening, which resulted in a perfect
agreement between all parties. The trouble arose with regard to the caring
for the crossing.
The Chicago and Atlantic people insisted that the Vandalia people should put
in the crossing and pay all the expenses of keeping the same in order, paying
the man whose duty it would be to tend to the crossing.
The Vandalia folks thought the C. & A. people were asking too much, and kicked,
whereupon the other road put in side tracks and dug ditches to prevent the putting
in of tie crossing.
This expected trouble has now all been cleared away, and to day the tracks of the
C. & A. will be cut and the crossing frogs put in.
The T.H. &L. have all the material on the ground. Friday evening the track
layers were within seven-eights of a mile off the crossing, and they expected
to reach the C. & A. road at sundown last evening.
The distance from the C. & A. road to Marmont, the head of Maxinkuckee Lake is
six and one-half miles. The grading is completed and ready for the ties and rails.
It is proposed to have this six and one-half miles laid and in shape by sundown of
the 30th of this month, next Saturday evening.
The Vandalia people promised to have an excursion to Lake Maxinkuckee on the Fourth of July
and it now looks as though they were going to keep their word.
Logansport Journal June 28, 1883 - President McKeen, of the Vandalia
road, Tuesday night went to New York to place on the market the new
$l,000,000 of bonds issued on the Logansport extension
Logansport Pharos Tribune June 30, 1883 The track of. the Vandalia extension
reached Lake Maxinkuckee to-day. - - While the Vandalia extension will not
run an excursion to Lake Maxinkuckee on the Fourth o£ July, the probabilities are
that our people will have an opportunity to go to the Lake on an excursion train a few
days thereafter.
Logansport Chronicle June 30, 1883 - The Vandalia extension contractors expect
to finish the road as far as Lake Maxenkuckee by the end of this week.
Logansport Journal July 1, 1883 -
The workmen on the Vandalia extension worked thorugh the steady rain of Thursday, and
that night there remained but one and three-quarter miles of track to be completed to
reach Lake Maxinkuckee.
In order to finish that before Saturday night, work was resumed again at 4 o'clock Saturday
morning, and by noon the road was completed to the lake.
When the extension was commenced it was the intentionto have it completed by the 1st of July,
and although work has been seriously interferedwith by rain, the original intention
-will be carried out.
It is not the intention, however, to celebrate the event by running a grand excursion as
the track is not ballasted and the excursion travel on the Fourth requires too
many coaches to admit of running this one to the lake.
Col. J. H. Hill, George B. Farrington, N. K. Elliott and G. H. Prescott were in the city
yesterday on their way to lake Maxinkuckee, to be present at the completion of the road to
that point.
The Vandalia road north, when ballasted up and put in good order, will be a fine
piece of road. None but steel rales have been used. The road has now nearly completed
a wire fence all along the extension.
It has not yet been decided where the road will run from the lake, whether through
Plymouth and South Bend, or to Michigan City.
On 1 July 1883 the last rail was laid on the 44 mile extension of the Vandial railroad
from Lucrene to Marmont.
Logansport Pharos Tribune July 2, 1883 - The trackmen on the Vandalia extension
were treated to a big supper Saturday evening by the people at lake Maxinkuckee.
1883 - Jul 2 - Colonel J. Hill, Geore E. Farrington, N. K. Elliot, G. H. Precott,
C. W. Finch, W. Baker, Captain Fitch and William Eaton, officers of the Vandalia road,
on Tuesday last made an inspection trip over the Logansport division and its extension
and witnessed the laying og the last rail which completed the extension t Lake Maxinkuckee.
Colonel Hill, who is an excellent judge of track, says he doesn't remebeer of ever having
rode over a new track that was more solid and smooth than the Vandalia extension from
Logansport to Lake Maxinkuckee - Indianapolis Journal
Logansport Pharos Tribune July 3, 1883 - The Vandalia extension men will stop
work to-morrow and celebrate the Fourth
Logansport Journal July 6, 1883 - Indianapolis Journal: "Wm. R. McKeen, President of the Vandalia, is expected
home from New York to-day. He found - no trouble in placing the amount of bonds he desired to on the Logansport extension
at a handsome figure. So light is the bonded debt per mile on the extension that it can but be a safe investment, and
such is the location of the road that it can but from the start do a good business." - - - St. Louis Globe-Democrat: "Colonel Hill
says that the last rail on the Vandalia's Logansport extension was laid Saturday last at noon, and the Chief Engineer will
now delineate the track on the company's map. The road now runs trom Logansport through Kewana to Marmont, and
stops on the shore of Lake Maxinkuckee for the time being. It will be opened for passenger traffic by August.
Wm. McIvor, of this city has the contract for constructing the bridges that will be required
for the Vandalia line between Lake Maxinkuckee and Plymouth... Rochester Sentinel
Saturday, September 1, 1883
An account found 29 years late in the Citizen recounts:
Vandalia's Early Days
It was 29 years ago June 20 that the Vandalia's rails reached Culver (Marmont then) from Logansport, and a
few weeks later a passenger service of the train each way between the two places was established.
The train was a mixed one, carrying local freight, and went down to Logansport in the morning and back in
the evening.
Bill Murray (Now Dead) was the conductor and Arthur Holton was the engineer.
Holton is till on the run. He boarded at the time, and until the road got through to Plymouth the next season, at
Jake Knapp's hotel who conducted Marmont's only hotel on the lot now occupied by the Pete Smith house, next to
George Rollins
Frank Huntsinger was the station agent and operator. He is now train dispatcher at Terre Huate.
The station was a small shack on the west side of the track where the the inlet to the Medbourn ice house
now is.
The building is the present handcar house at the east end of the depot platform - - 11 Jul 1912
1883 June 30 - While the Vandalia extension will not run an excursion to Lake Maxinkuckee on the Fourth of
July, the probabilities are that our people will have an opportunity to go to the lake on an excursion
train a few days thereafter - Logansport Pharos Tribune
1883 -Jul 2- COlonel H. Hill, George E. Farrington, N. K. Elliott, G. H. Prescott, C. W. Finch, W.
Baker, Captain Fitch and William Eaton, officers of the Vandalia road, on Tuesday last made an
inspection trip over the Lognsport division and its extentsion, and witnessesd the laying of the last
rail which completed the extentsion to Lake Maxinkuckee. Colooel Hill. who is an excellent judge of
track, says he doesn;t remember of ever having rode over a new track that was more solid and smooth
than the Vandalia extension from Logansport to Maxinkuckee - Indianapolis Journal
1883 - Jul 2 - The trademen on the Vandalia extension were treated to a big supper Saturday evening
by the people at lake Maxinkuckee - Logansport Pharos Tribune
1883 - Jul 5 - A special train, carrying a number of officials of the Vandalia road. went out to Lake
Maxinkuckee yesterday morning, returning in the afternoon. The object of their trip was to secure the
right of way for some needed side tracks. The further laying of track on the Vandalia extension was
stopped upon reaching- the lake, and nothing further will be done in this directionuntil a decision is
made as to the terminal point of the road. Ballasting is now going on at a lively rate - Logansport
Pharos Tribune
1883 - Jul 9 - An Injunction was filed...
at Plymouth, Indian Firday morning by George B. Forgy, Louis Fulwiler, Milton Sheik {Shirk}, and
Jouh Mullfield against the Terre Haute & Logansport railroad company , railroad company better
known as the Vandalia extension
It is to enjoin the defendant company from laying and completing theri track over and across
the lands of the plaintiffs, near Lake Maxenkcukee, without first settling for the right of way,
and to prevent the company from running trains over acrosee their tracks until the right
has been aquired.
An election will be held on the 11th inst. at Plymouth to vote an aid of $25,00 to this
company, and the prospects are very favorable for carrying the application -
Ft. Wayne Daily Gazette
Logansport Journal July 10, 1883 - The subscribers to the Vandalia extension
will be called on to-day for half the amount of their subscription, the same
being now due.
Logansport Pharos Tribune July 10, 1883 - Joseph T. MeXary was engaged to day
in calling on citizens who had subscribed to the fund to secure the building of the
Vandalia extension, and met with good success in his collections. Tha amount
subscribed in this city was about $3,500.
1883 - July 10 - The Vandalia people had not intended to put on regular trains
between Logansport and Lake Maxinkuckee before August 1, but pleasure-seekers are
urging so strongly that at least one train a day be run each way that probably Col.
Hill will arange to put one on. - Evansville Journal (Indiana)
1883 - July 15 - President McKeen, General Frieght Agent Hubbard, Attorney Williams,
Chief Engineer Fitch, Construction Superintendent Baker, several directors and others
interested in the Vandalia extension, on Fursday made a trip to Maxinkuckee - Ft. Wayne
Daily Gazette (Indiana)
Logansport Weekly Pharos July 18, 1883 - The Vandalia company have their men
hard at work ballasting the new extension. Two trains are now at work on the road
transporting the gravel along the route. Most of the gravel is obtained from the pit
in Wilson's field north of the city
Logansport Weekly Pharos July 18, 1883 - The injunction suit filed at Plymouth, recently,
by George B. Forgy and othera to restrain the Vandalia company from laying
its track across their lands at Lake Maxinkuckee has been dismissed. The company
had laid a track part way across the land in question, but claim that the work was
not meant to be permanent Their contract called for the completion of the road to
Marmount by, a certain date, and therebeing some question as to the location of
the corporation line, the work was run far enough to make it certain that the contract
had been fulfilled
Logansport Journal July 21, 1883 The Vandalia Extension.
Yesterday morning the writer hereof climbed aboard the locomotive which pulls
the Vandalia extension construction train at this end, with a view to see how the
work progresses.
For several weeks past a "steam Irishman" has been hard at work digging away in the
deep cut jnst east of the Michigan pike, loading the earth and gravel on flat cars to
be carried north for ballast.
At this end of the line the work of ballasting is well under way for a distance
of about seven miles.
Two trains are constantly in use, one loading while the other is absent. More than 7,000 car
loads have been taken from the deep cut above mentioned.
A curious feature of the work is that both the loading and unloading of the cars is done
entirely by steam power. An enormous iron plow is dragged from end to end of the train by a
wire cable attached to the engine, and iskept to its place by a guide rail running
along the middle length of every car.
There are so far two troublesome places which seem to have an insatiable appetite
for ballasting. No matter how much gravel is dumped under the ties, it slowly sinks
out of sight and the ground rises on each side of the track. By and by the perseverance
of the section men will have its reward,and the track will remain solid.
But the engineering diffiulties—with the exception of a rather stiff grade — are few,
and it will be only a short time till this new route to Maxinkuckee will be ready
for business.
Logansport Weekly Journal July 21, 1883 - Terre Haute Express : The Vandalia officials
received notice Thursday of the result of the special election that was held at Plymouth
day before yesterday for Center township of Marshall county, on the proposition to aid the
Terre Haute & Logansport railroad. Known Letter as the Vandalia Line. The vote resulted in a
majority of 201 for the appropriation., an unexpected vote in favor of the same
by the farming community, the sum voted,$25,000, to be paid when the road is
completed, The people of the city were jubilant over the result, and exhibited
their joy by a jollification at night. The Vandalia officials. including President
McKeen, who are now inspecting the completed portion of the extension, will probably
visit Plymouth before returning. A preliminary survey of the new route has been
made, and it is probable that arrangements will be made for carrying the work
through to Plymouth.
1883 - aug 10 - The engineers at the McKeen syndicate are now locating the northern extension between
Lake Maxinkuckee and Plymouth. It is proposed to have trains running between Lopansport and Plymouth by
December at furthest, and as much sooner as practicable - Logansport Pharos Tribune
1883 - Aug 14 - Logansport Branch
(From the Terre Haute Express)
Capt. A. B. Fitch has just returned from the extension,and reports work progressing rapidly. He
says everything will be by the 1st of Septe,ber, about two weeks later than was anticipated.
The cause of he delay has been excessive raiis in that lcality, but for the last thirty days the
weather has been such that the best of results have been accomploshed.
In the month of June, out of thirty days, rain fell on twnenty-five, and on may manny work had
to be entirely discontinued.
In all six new depots are to be erected along the Logansport. Between this city and Logansport
three large and commodious buildings will be put up. and will be located at ROckville, Crafordsville
and Frankfort. These are all under contracy, and will be put up immindiately
The plans for depots at Loganpsort, Kewanna and Lake Maxinkuckee have been drawn, and
contractors are now making estimates.
The road has been improved greatly since it has been in the hands of the Vandalia Company,
and it is the intention to pusch improvements until it will rank in completeness with the main
line. - St. Louis Globe-Democrat
Logansport Weekly Pharos August 15, 1883 - The Vandalia officials while on their trip
over the extension yesterday, fixed the location of the depot at Lake Maxinkuckee,
as well as those at stations between the lake and this city. The first station north
of here is distant ulne miles and is called Freshour's. The officers said that trains
would not be put on the extension until the whole line was ballasted, which will require
sòme weeks vet.
Logansport Chronicle August 18, 1883 - Two passenger trains, one each way
will be placed on the Vandalia extension north, the first of the month. The depots
are now under course of construct on and telegraph offices established as soon as
Logansport Journal August 23, 1883 - Chief Engineer Fitch, of the T. H. & L. division
of the Vandalia, has plans prepared for six new depots on this division, all of which
are to be handsome, commodious structures. The six are to be located at Rockford,
Crawfordsville, Frankfort, Logansport, Kewanna and Maxinkuckee.
1883 - Aug 29 - The Vandalia Plans
Logansport = August 29 - The Vandalia company have contracted for the building at
this point of a $15,000 round house.
The company next spring will build repair shops of some magnitude.
The extension of the T. H. & L division from this city to Lake Maxinkuckee is nearly
ballasted, and regular trains will be put on September 10th.
Grading north of the lake is in prgress and the track is to laid to Plymouth this fall.
- Indianapolis News.
1883 - Aug 30 - The excursion train to Lake Maxinkuckee
The excursion train to Lake Maxinkuckeeon Sunday will start from Sycamore (or Third street)
on the Westside at 7:30 a.m. Accommodations will be provided for one thousand people, so that there
will be no over-crowding.
The regular trains to be put on the Vandalia extension shortly will only run between this, city and
Maxinkuckee, but will make direct connections wilh T. H. & L. twins. It is understood that Witt
Murray,now freight conductor on the T. H. & L, road, will have charge of one of the passenger trains
on the extension and that Al Lennox will take the position of baggage master on Mr. Murray's train.
- Logansport Pharos Tribune
1883 - Sept 6 - Wm. Mclvor, of Rochester, has the contract for building the bridges on the Vandalia
between Marmont and Plymouth. - Argos Reflector
1883 - Sep 14 - Opened to Maxinkuckee
The extension of the Terre Haute and Logansport railroad has been completed to Marmont, Indiana,
and on Monday, Sept. 17th, will be opened, for business. For the present trains will run as follows:
A mixed train will leave Marmont at 7:30 a, m., Kewanna 3:49 and arrive in Logansport at 10:30 a. m.
Returning, (passenger) will leave Logansport on arrival of train from Terre Haute and the south at
11:30, Kewanna 11:22 p. m., and arrive at Marmont at 1:00 p.m. Returning, (passenger train) will
leave Muraont at 1.30, Kewanna 2:08 p. m., arrive in Logansport at 3:00 p. m. connecting with train
for Indianapolis, crawfordsville, Terre Haute, south, and southwest. Returning, (mixed train) will
leave Logansport at 4:00 p.m., Kewanna 5:44 p. m., and arrive at Mannont (LakeMaxinkuckee) 7:00 p. m.
T. S. Kerns has been appointed agent and will be found at the crossing of Sycamore street, where the
trains will arriveand depart
1883 - Sep 17 Railroads
Another Addition to the Vandalia Line...
Col. Joseph Hill, general manager of the Vandalia Line, has just returned from the East.
On his way back he took in the extension of the Logansport division of his line
to the end of the new work - Lake Maxinkuckee.
This line was opened this morning under the most favorable auspices and will prove a
vaulable feeder and distributor to the main line.
At present the road is only of a local character, but when the projected point, South
Bend, is reached, great benefits will be derived in more ways then one.
The distance from the lake to SOuth Bend is only thrity-fove miles and the distance
will be covered by rail at once.
Completed to SOuth Bend connection is made with the lines leading up to the [ineries, also
with a country in great need of coal, Col Hill anticipates that a great demand will
be found for nearly one-third of the coal produced by the mines on the Logansport division, coual
which has hitherto gone at very low figures.
Lake Maxinkuckee it is thought, will at no very great distant period become a favorite
summer sesortl it is already a great place for excursions. - St Louis Post=Dispatch
1883 - Sept 17 Railroads - Anothe addition to the Vandalia Line... Col. Joseph Hill,
general manager of the Vandalia line, just returned from the East. On his way back he
took is the extension of the Logansport division of his line to the end of the new
1883 - Sep 17 - Trains commenced running regularly on the extension of the Terre Haute & Logansport
road this morning, between this city and Marmont, or Maxinkuckee. Conductor William Murray, of this
city, has been given charge of a train which "doubles" the road daily. A time card will be found in
this Issue. - Logansport Pharos Tribune
1883 = Sept 17 - The Maxinkuckee Division
The T. H. & L. People Open This Division for Business Today
The Terre Haute & Indianapolis Railroad Company, operating the Terre Haute & Logansport
road, today opened the Lake Maxinkuckee division, two trains to be run each way between
Loganspot and Marmont.
From President McKeen is learned that the work of extending the division to South Bend is to
be pushed vigorouly
A connection withthe Nickel-plate, three miles north of Marmont, will be made by October 15, and
if the fall and wintermonths are favorable to railroad construction, by April 2
trains will be running to SOuth Bend.
Then the people of that thriving cityc can reach Indianapolis four to five hours qicker tahn
theynow can, and the citizens of Plymouth three hours quicker, and it promises to be the
great outlet to the southwest.
Seldom is a railroad built with as little noise and bluster as has this extension
The McKeen syndicate put their money into it with confidence, and when the road was completed to the
point it was originally proposed to build it, a light bonded debt per mile was put on to it ande
the bonds, in these difficult times to dispose of railroad bonds, have been taken readily by
capitalists. - Indianapolis Journal
1883 - Srp 18 - Our Southern Oulet
Yesterday the Vandalla road, or more correctly speaking, the Terre Haute & Indianapolis railroad
company, began running trains regularly between Logansport and Marmont, on their northern extension
which is heading for South Bend.
Two trains a day will be run each way. The distance run on the extension is 31 miles, and the stations
accommodated are Vernon, Altoner, Grass Creek, Kewana, Brune Lake, Mdordsland, Castleman and Marmont.
The track is reported in excellent condition and as good time is made over it as can be made over all
President McKeen tho ia highly gratified with the vote of our citizens, to bring the road here, says the
work of extending this division to South Bend will be pushed vigorously.
The Indianapolis Journal says: "A connection with the Nickle-plate, three miles north of Marmont, will be
made by October 5, and if the fall and winter, months are favorable to railroad construction, by April 1st
trains will be running to South Bend. The people of that thriving clty can reach Indianapolis four to five
hours quicker than they now can, and the citizens of Plymouth three hours quicker; and it promises to. be the
great outlet of the south-west.
Seldom is a railroad built with as little noise and bluster as has this extension.
The McKeen syndicate put their money into it with confidence, and when the road was completed to the point it
was originally proposed to build if, a light bonded debt per mile was put on it, and the bonds, in these
difficult times to dispose of railroad bonds, have been taken readily taken. capitalists. - South Bend
1883 - Sep 30 - Lines From St. Louis
St. Louis, Sept 17, - Col. Joseph Hill, General Manager of the Vandalia line has just returned from
the East. On his way back he took in the extension of the Logansport division of his line to the end
of the new work, Lake Maxinkuckee.
This line was opened this morning under the most favorable auspices, and will prove a valuable feeder
and distributor to the main line. At present the road is only of a local character, but when the
projected point, South Bend, is reached great benefits will be dirived.
The distance from the lake to South Bend is only thirty-five miles, and the distance will be covered
by rail at once.
Completed to South Bend, connection is made with the lines leading up the the pineries, and also with
a country in great need of coal. It is expected that a demand will be found for nearly one-third of
the coal produced by the many mines on the Logansport Division, coal which has hiterto gone at low
The Meridian Route of the Mobile and Ohio Road will be thrown open Oct. 15, making the shortest line
between St. Louis and New Orleans. C. J. Waller, General Passenger Agent of this line, announces that
on and after Oct. 1 the passenger rates will be reduced from 4 to 3 cents per mile. - The New York
Times 18 Sept. 1883
Another New Freight Line - Chicago, Sept. 29. - Mr. H. W. Hibbard, general freight agent to the
Vandalia, notifies agents and connections that the extensions of the Terre Haute and Logansport
branch from Logansoport has just been opened for business to Marmont, thrity-three miles.
The names of new stations are as follows: Verona, Altoner, Grass Creek, Kewana [Kewanna], Bruce
Lake, Marshland, Castleman and Marmont.
Tariff and classifiecation in force on the Terre Huate & Logansport disvision [division] will be used
on the new extension. Freight must be prepaid to all stations except Kewana [Kewanna] and Marmont.
Mr. J. Kendall, assistant general freight agent of the Terre Haute & Loganpsort division, will have
charges of rates and other freight the sam as on the Logansport Division. - pg. 1 Sep. 30, 1883
Loganpsort Daily Journal okay
1883 - Oct 6 - The.Vandaiia railroad company commenced laying iron at Marmount a day or two ago, and
withln a short time the tract will be completed from Maxinkuckee lake to the Nickle Plate railroad,
a distance of about three miles,- Logansport Pharos Tribune
1883 - Oct 29 - The willingness with which the Nickle Plate people allowed tha Vandalia company to
cross its track at a point above Maxinkuckee is a matter of favorable comment The last few years it
has been the disgraceful features of railway management that no line was constructed without the
Interference of the older roads, either by vexatious legal obstacles or by bolfi infractions
of the peace, more especially it likely to be a competitor. - Logansport Pharos Tribune
Logansport Journal January 10, 1884 - With the completion of the Vandalia extension three roads
cross each other at Plymouth so near that one singal man answers for the three.
The Vandalia has extended its telegraph wires to Plymouth, Ind., and opened an office there. Their
crossing is so near the depot of the P., Ft. W. & C. road at that point that it is probable
arrrngements will be made to use it until spring, when the Vandalia people will build a depot of
their own.
1884 - Jan 2 - After some little trouble the Vandalia has secured all the land wanted for
terminal facilities at Plymouth. The switch timbers, rails, etc. are all on the ground, and
as soon as there is a thaw the track will be laid - Daily Journal, Evansville, Indiana
1884 - Feb. 8 The Vandalia people have fully decided to erect a hotel at Maxinkuckee the - present
season to cost some $30,000 Evansville Journal Evansville, Indiana
Logansport Journal March 21, 1884 - The station at the point where the T. H.
& L. division of the Vandalia crosses the Nickle-plate road,has been named Hibbard,
to honor to the general freight agent of the Vandalia
1884 - Mar 24 - The Cincinnatie, Indanapolis, St. Louis, & Chicago and the Vandalia
people are arranging to, at an early day, put on through coaches between Indianapolis
and Lake Maxinkuckee, and, as soon as the northern extension is completed the coaches
will be run through to South Bend, the C. I, St. L. & C connecting with the T. H. & L,
division at Colfax This will then be the short route to Plymouth, Lake Maxinkuckee and
South Bend - - Indianapolis Journal
Logansport Journal May 16, 1884 - The new hotel that is now in process of erection
at the Lake, which is owned and will be controlled by the Vandalia Company,
will vastly improve the conditions for visitors. Lake Maxinkuckee is a great
card and the Vandalia people know how to play it
1884 - June 9 - The Terre Haute & Logansport branch of the Vandalia railroad from Logansport
to South Bend was completed to Plymouth and 3 trains runs each direction daily for a total of
six trains a day. At any rate the company got the subsidy, the road was built, and it has proved to
be a good investment
1884 - Jul 4 - Railroad postal clerks, after the 7th inst., on the Marmont and Terre Haute route,
will extend their run to begin at Plymouth, increasing the distance ten miles. The line will
hereafter he known as the Plymouth and Terre Haute. - Indianapolis Journal
1884 - Jul 26 - The officers of the Vandalia system report the earnings of the T. H. & L. division to be a
gratifying surprise. Not only in freight traffic are their earnings large, but their excursion
business to Lake Maxinkuckee is proving a bonanza. - Indianapolis Journal
1884 - July 28 - Assistant Chief Engineer Gibbons, of the Vandalia, is preparing plans for a
very handsome depot at Marmont, near Lake Maxinkttckee, which is to be erected this fall.
- Indianapolis Journal
1884 - Aug. 5 - The Vandalia people are putting np a very nice passenger depot at Marmont the station
at Lake Maxinknekee The building is to be a great improvement over ordinary plaoes of the kind The
same road has also let a oontract for a new bridge over this Wabash on the Loganeport Division It will
have five spans each 115 feet in length and capable of sustaining the heaviest locomotives -
Evansville Journal
1884 - Aug 7 - Commendable Eneterprise
The track=layers on the northern extension of the Vandalia expect to reach
South Bend by August 20.
The manner this extension has been pushed by the McKee syndicate, in spite of
the depressed times, is highly commendable.
In 1882 the McKeen syndicate owning the Terre Haute & Logansport road determined to
extend the line from Logansport, Ind. to South Bend, Ind., 67 miles.
In May and June, 1883, the track was laid from Loganpsort to Marmont, on Lake
Maxinkuckee, 33 1/2 miles, which was turned over to be operated by the Vandalia
line, under lease, in Septemeber.
In November 1883, 10 1/2 miles were laid from Marmont to Plymouth, and turned over
to the Vandalia in June 1884.
In May and June this year, track was laid from Plymouth to Lakeville, 13 miles, and
is nowbeing fully ballasted.
From Lakeville to SOuth Bend is 10 miles, the grading of which is nearly completed,
and the track will be laid at once and ballasted.
The work of building the extension has been very thoroughly don, the maximum
grade being 26.4 feet per mile, except going out of the Wabash Valley at Logansport,
where it is 40 feet per mile. Macimum curvature 3 degees (1,910 feet radius)
2,800 white or burr oak ties per mile, 60 pound steel rails, reiinforece angle
splices, split switches, and steel-rail spring frogs, and all work of track
superstructure of the very best - -Indianapolis Journal
On 13 Aug. 1884 an article appeared in the Logansport Pharos Tribune proclaiming that the opening
of the Vandalia to Maxinkuckee has maded it a too public place for the exculsive people of
Indianapolis, and they are hunting another resort where the common herd cannot go.
These quips on the depot has been found - and are some what confusing
Logansport Pharos Tribune July 30, 1884 - A new depot will be erected this fall at
Mnrmont, on the Vandalia, Marmont is on the northwest corner of Lake Maxinkuckee.
Logansport Chronicle August 23, 1884 - The new depot at Marmont is nearly
completed. It is an exact counterpart of the one in Logansport
noted eslewhere - was that the Marmont depot was completed on 11 April 1885 and features
a 200 foot platform and concession stand which contradicts the newspaper accounts..
1884 September 3 - Logansport Weekly Pharos
1884 - September - Logansport Chronicle - The Vandalia company are fixing up their property
fronting on Lake Maxinkuckee, just opposite the depot. They are leveling it off. When finished
they will ornament it with a pavillion and have a frontage equal to any in the Eastern watering
places. Lake Maxinkuckee will have a boom next year. Over $20,000 were invested in improvements
this year alone.
The impact of the Vandalia Rail Road on South Bend is stated in the "An American Trek into the
History of Northern Indiana Cities of Elkhart and South Bend"(2005) by Richard D. Taylor:
An enterprise of the greatest value to the people of the county was the extension in 1884 and 1885,
of the Vandalia railroads systems from Logansport, by way of Lake Maxinkuckee, Plymouth and Lakeville,
to South Bend.
This road brought us into direct connection with Terre Haute, Evansville, St. Louis and the Indiana coal
It was a most desirable acquisition, and came to us with the good will of all the people but without special
effort on the part of any one. The coming of the Vandalia is of particular interest from the circumstances
that it was the first distinctive indication that our manufactures and other local interests had become an
inducement for the outside world to seek our market. We had no longer any need ourselves to seek
connections with the trade centers and great thoroughfares of the country. Henceforth they were to seek
us rather than wait for us to seek them
1884 September 6 - Logansport Pharos Tribune & Logansport Weekly Pharos September 10, 1884 - The
Vandalia people will, in a few days put the finishing touch on tho Logansport extension, which is fencing the
road in both sides. The regulation fence of the road ia now of wire with a board at the top. This latter has
been found necesssary to protect stock from injury. A fence of four strands of wire and a board cost $600 per
mile for both sides, and in very mnch cheaper than an all-board fence could be put up for.
1884 - Sep 29 - The Vandalia p eople are grading three acres of ground neat their station at Lake
Maxinkuckee preparatory to sodding it and beautufying the grounds with flower-beds - Stl Louise
Globe-Democrat (Missouri)
1884 - Oct 7 The Vandalia management are so well satisfied with their Lake Maxinkuckee business
this season that before next summer they will not only beutify the grounds, but also arrange
to better accommodate the pleasrue seekers who go to the lake for a few days or weeks.
1884 - October 15 - Logansport Weekly Pharos - President McKeen, of the Vandalia, and Captain Fitch, who
superintended the construction of the Vandalia extension, have just completed a trip of Inspection over
that division. It is now but a question of time when the extension will be pushed into South Bend.
1884 - November 22 -Logansport Chronicle - The following are the new stations opened on the Vandalia
extension between Plymouth and South Bend: Wooland, Lapaz, (B. & O. crossing), Lakeville and Jaquith
1884 - Nov 23 - A New Road That Will Be Valuable to Indianapolis, Commencing Monday, Nov. 23, the C., L., St L.
& C. railroad, in connection with the new Vandalia road, now finished to South Bend, will put on two trains,
leaving Indianapolis at 4:55 p. m. and 7:10 a. m. for Colfax, Frankfort, Logansport Marmont, (Lake Maxinkuckee,)
Plymouth and South Bend. Trains returning will arrive at Indianapolis at 10:55 A. M. and 6:25 p. m. This gives
two trains daily, except Sunday, to points heretofore not so accessible to Indianapolis. For full Information and
for tickets call at 16 North Meridian street, 134 South Illinois street, or 48 West Washington street J. H. Martin,
D. P. A. - -Indianapolis Journal
Part One ~~
Part Two ~~
Part Three ~~
Part Four ~~
Part Five ~~
Part Six