Vandalia Railroad - Culver, Indiana Part 3 1885-1890
1885 Apr 11 - A new depot has been built at Marmont and is said to be one of the prettiest
structures at the lake. It has a 200 foot platform in front - Logansport Pharos Tribune
They established Vandalia Park sometime in 1883 yet another source says early 1890. The Vandalia
Park encompassed an area of 3.2 acres. Yet from the Logansport Journal May 15, 1886 pg. 3 under
Maxenkuckee Notes is:
The Vandalia Company have purchased a nice piece of ground from Mr. Toner and will convert it into
a park and picnic ground for the benefit of excursionists and others visiting the lake.
The Vandaila Railroad company have made a flag station at Long Point for the benefit of those
wishing to stop on the west side
1885 - Apr 18 - The improvements on the Logansport division of the Vandalia last year were such
that the road was placed in splendid conodition. It is not the intention of the company to make
such a liberal expenditute this year as the road does not need a great amount of improvement.
A new hotel has been built at Maxinkuckee and other accomodations for [leasure seekrs enlarged.
Preparations are beinf made for a heavy travel to the lake this summer, and officials of the
Vandalia express themselves as of the belief that Maxinkuckee will be a very popular place
this summer. - Indianapolis Sentinel
1885 - May 10 - The Vandalia people have fully decided to erect a hotel at Maxinkuckee the
present season to cost some $30,000. Daily Journal, Evansville, Indiana
1885 - May 25 - A book advertising Lake Maxinkuckee as a watering place will soon be issued. It
will be published In Terre Haute. The Express says: Mr. C. C. Oakey goes to Lake Maxinkuckee
to-morrow to arrange for illustrating and advertising the beautiful lake in the book soon to be issued.
In addition to 8,000 of the books, 25,000 pamphlets containing the Maxinkuckee views will be issued
and distributed in all the stations on the Vandalla line. These 33,000 books will be a valuable advertising
medliam. - Logansport Pharos Tribune / Jun 4 Daytoh Herald
1885 - May 27 - The Vandalia people will soon publish a book illustrating Lake Maxinkuckee
ant is pleasant s urrounding. In addition to the 8,000 books, 25,0000 pamphlets containing the
Maxinkuckee view will be issued and distributed in all the stations on the Vandalia lines. These
33,000 books will be vaulable advertising "medium - Indianapolis Journal
1885 - Aug 5 - "Lake Maxinkuckee, the Gem of Indiana"
is the title of a beautiful pamphlet just published by the Vandalia Railroad
The work was edited by Secretary C. C. Oakey, of the Board of Trade of Terre
Haute, and was got out under his direction.
Several thousands of copies have been issued, and will have a wide distribution
over Indiana and Illinois and especially in the territory tributary to the
A a pleasure resort, Lake Maxinkuckee is rapidly becoming popular, and lacks
only better hotels accomodations.
Parties can leave Indianapolis at 5 p.m. over the C. I. St. L & C to Colfax,
then over the T. H. & L. divison of the Vandalia to the Lake, which point
they reach at 9:40 p.m. Returning they leave the lake at 6:30 a.m. and reach
Indianapolis at 10:40 a.m. - Indianapolis Journal
1885 - September 8 - Tourist travel has been an important item in the passenger business of ihe
Logansport division of the Vandalia, and a number of persons who went to Maxinkuckee a month
or two ago are now begianing to return home. During the comingwinter President McKeen, of tbe
Vandalia, will make many Improvements at this delighful place. - Logansport Pharos Tribune
1886 - The Boat and Bath house was built in 1886. The 1908 plat map does not
show this building but it appears on the 1922 plat map in the form of backwards "L" to
the far east of the Railroad grounds - this would be the boathouse that was ran by "Mont"
Monton H. Foss. This was not given on the 1908 plat map so the boathouse and would lead
one to believe that it was built sometime between 1908 and 1922 by this fact. The
building is in the far background in this photo |
1886 - May 21 - In the Logansport Pharos pg. 3 under the heading Maxenkuckee News is found:
The Vandalia pier is completed and in much better shape than last year.
The Restaurant at the station is being remodled and greatly improved.
John H. Koontz has erected a lemonade and fruit stand on the water at the Vandalia pier.
The Restaurant at the station was remodeld and became the
Ohmer House and
at a later date became the the
Colonnade." |
1886 - 21 May the Logansport Pharos pg 3 is a write up of one of the excursions to the lake:
Railroad Conductors' Excursion
"All aboard", conductor at 9 o'clok a.m., and away bounded fourteen coaches loaded with
excurionsists, about three hundred strong, at the rate of about thrity-five miles an hour
for Lake Maxinkuckee. Every on seemed as merry as a bug sunflower - even the babies cried
for joy, while great, great grandmothers looked back over a life of 86 years and failed to
remember any more jolly crowd.
Superintendent Watts and his gallant band of conductors enlivened the occasion with a friendly
greeting to all. Occasionally the Big Six band would strike up some national air to cheery us
on our way.
At 10:30 our party landed at Maxinkuckee, a beautiful sheet of transparent water, some two miles
in width and three miles in length, on which is launched an abudant supply of boats, steam and
sail, together with an endless variety of roaw boats. On landing, some too to the lake, some of
the grove, some to the rink, where they danced to the merry tune, pronounced by Mr. Hasey the
"Arkansaw Traveler", and others adjoining field to have a shootin match at glass balls, with the
following score
Sample | 1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 |
Railsback | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 |
Laible | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | |
Smyser | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
At 13 o'clock a royal dinner was served at the Rink Hotel, which proved to the center of attraction
of at least two hours. Dinner over, another ride on the lake, s swing in the grove, a waltz in the
rink, throwing rings for capes but gots none - and the merriest day of the season was over.
"All aboard for Logansport". and were homeward bound. At 7:30 the Vandalia platform received the
happiest excursion part it was ever our good fortune to be with. As a day of pleasure it was a
grand success, and an occasion to be remembered by the lucky paticipants.
But we can not pass the opportunity without saug that the railroad conductors deserved better patronage,
especially at the hands of the business men of our city. Business men could have thrown aside their
cares of traffice for one day at least, and paid their respects to the railroad conductors who have
patronized them these many years - this being the first excursion thendered the publiv by the railroad
conductors of Logansport.
True a few business men were there, but few indeed; other bought a ticket and stated at home. It was
not so much their dollars that the railroad conductors wanted as their presence. But it never to late
to do good and it is safe to assure the railraod condouctors that ample amends will be made in the
future. Our business men are libertal when the are once aroused. Long live the railroad conductor.
Lynn C. Doyl
1886 - Jul 2 - Lake Maxinkuckee Looking Up
Special to the Indianapolis Journal. Terre Haute, July 1 — A party of Terre Haute gentlemen have just
returned from Maxinkuckee, where they were taken by President McKeen, of the Vandalia road, to look for
a site for a hotel. It is proposed to form a stock company and erect a big summer-resort hotel, after
the style of those at the lakes of Wisconsin and Minnesota. The project is so far advanced that there
is no doubt that the work will begin shortly, with the intention of having the house ready for guests
next spring - Indianapolis Journal
1886 - Jul 10 - In the Logansport Journal pg. 4 10 Jul 1886 under the heading of 'At
Lake Maxinkuckee' is found:
The Vandalia has built a neat and commodious news stand at the station.
1886 - Jul 12 - The news stand at the station is competed and Indianapolis, St. Louis, Terre
Haute and Chicago dailies are kept on sale. - Loganpsort Daily Journal
1886 - May 26 - John Hanley of Terre Haute has secured the sole privilege of Greeting tents
on the Vandalia grounds at Maxinkuckee. Mr. Henley will go into the business on an extensive
scale, and will have quite a number of fine tents to erect. - Logansport Pharos Tribune
1887 - November 10 - Freight Train Collide - Plymouth, Ind. Nov. 9 - A frieght train on the
Nickel-Plate Railway ran into a freight train on the Vandalia road at Hibbard Station, where
both roads cross, ten mies south of here, last night, blocking both tracks several hours.
Engineer Newt Banghman, of the Nickel-Plate, jumped and alighted on his head, causing a fracture
of the skull. pg. 1 Logansport Daily Journal
It is said that the first depot was just a shack and was located around the area where the Cove sits
today on E. Jefferson St. BUT no documentation has been found to support this passed down information.
1887 - May 20 -
MAXINKUCKEE... Mr. George E.
Parrington, general agent of the Vandadia, says Lake Maxinkuckee has awakened... There will also
be individual reduced rates. Tickets will be sold for ten days, thirtv days and for the season,
"In fact," said Mr. Farrington, "a tourist will be able to get most any kind of a ticket he may
desire."... The railroad company will not erect a hotel at Maxinkuckee this season. The matter was '
talked of but nothing definite was done in regard to it. - Logansport Pharos Tribune
1887 Jun 17 The Vandnlia company is making important improvements at Maxinkuckee.
The depot will be enlarged. - Logansport Pharos Tribune
1888 - Apr 14 - A small wreck occurred yesterday on the Vandalia at Marmont. A car overloaded with scrap
iron broke down and tore up some of the track. A portion of the scrap iron was dumped into the lake -
South Bend Tribune
Part One ~~
Part Two ~~
Part Three ~~
Part Four ~~
Part Five ~~
Part Six