Lake Maxinkuckee Its Intrigue History & Genealogy Culver, Marshall, Indiana

Vandalia Railroad - Culver , Indiana Part 5 1892-1910

Names were given to the excursion trains one being the "Hootenanny". The old Pennsylvania rail line I have heard over the years many a time referred to as the "Pumpkin Vine".

1892 - Frank Huntsinger, agent at Marmont

1892 - Found in the Annual report for 1892 :

    The water tank at Marmont raised to furnish sufficient pressure for the hotel the expense $830.30. pg. 39 Forty-fifth Annual Report of the President and Directors of the Terre Haute and Indianapolis Rail Road Company to the Stockholders for the Year Ending November 30 1892 By Terre Haute & Indianapolis Railroad Company

1893 - Mar 9 - New Hotel at Maxinkuckee
    The vandalia railroad company recognizing the necessity of a more commodious hotel at Lake Maxinkuckee over a year ago purchased the old Plymonth club house and grounds, and will this seaaon build a fine hotel.

    The building will be a frame structure 34x98 feet, to which will be added the old club house. The flrst floor will consist of a reception room, 28x45; dining room, 30 x 30; office, 23x23; a wash room and four-large bedrooms. On the aecond floor there will be twelve bed-rooms constructed so as to be thrown into suits of three and four rooms.

    The name of the new resort has not yet been decided upon. Frank Lampson, who conducted the Lakeview last year, will taike charge as soon as the new building is completed, which will be some time in May. Logansport Pharos Tribune

1893 - Found in the 1893 annual report was:
    The new sidings and extensions were as follows:

      Feet Expense 
    Marmont frieght spur extension 660 507.22 
    Marmont pickle factory 558 454.85 

    pg. 40 Forty-fifth Annual Report of the of the President and Directors of the Terre Haute and Indianapolis Railroad Company to the Stockholders for the Year Ending November 30 1893 By Terre Haute & Indianapolis Railroad Company

    The expense of the improvement to the hotel at Marmont is shown below:

    Engineer, plans etc. $   103.86
    Moving building, foundation etc.      476.00
    Piping, water and sewer      230.07
    Stairs, platforms, boat house and piers     263.57
    Smead Dry Closets (contract)      300.00
    Building and painting   5,304.51

    The cost of this improvement was charged to Lease account.

    pg. 41 Forty-fifth Annual Report of the of the President and Directors of the Terre Haute and Indianapolis Railroad Company to the Stockholders for the Year Ending November 30 1893 By Terre Haute & Indianapolis Railroad Company

    There was no There was no excursion business at all to Lake Maxinkuckee. - pg. 37 Forty Fifth Annual Report of the of the President and Directors of the Terre Haute and Indianapolis Railroad Company to the Stockholders for the Year Ending November 30 1893 By Terre Haute & Indianapolis Railroad Company

1892 - May 3 - The Vandalia is getting out 150 car loads of gravl daily from Marmont pit and using it for improvement of the road at various points. - Logansport Reporter

1894 - The Boat and Bath house that was built in 1886 and was purchased in 1894 by the Vandalia Railroad when it took over the park. Monton H. Foss operated the Boat and Bath house.

1894 - Found in the 1894 annual report was:
    Repairs were made to....and the turn table at Marmont was renewed at a cost of $265.40 pg. 35 Annual Report of the President and Directors of the Terre Haute and Indianapolis Rail Road Company to the Stockholders for the Year Ending November 30 1894 By Terre Haute & Indianapolis Railroad Company

An advertisement for 1895 says that E. A. Forg was General Passenger agent and W. F. Burner was the assistant.

1895 - this was an add in the Maxinkuckee Agriculture Booklet

and heres a picture of the showing the depot with the canopies also of interesting note - notice the double tracks? I as a kid in the 1960's I remember only one set of track running through the park area. It would be interesting to find out when the one set of tracks were taken up.

1895 - Found in the 1895 annual report was:
    Sidings at close of year with changes from previous year:

    Oct 31, 1894  
    taken up
    Change Account
    of Reameasuremnt  
    Oct 31, 1895 
    Marmont  9,601    533 10,134 

    pg. 48 Forty Seventh Annual Report of the President and Directors of the Terre Haute and Indianapolis Rail Road Company to the Stockholders for the Year Ending November 30 1895 By Terre Haute & Indianapolis Railroad Company

1895 - AUg 16 - Timely Discovery of an Obstruction.
    Looansport, Ind., Aug. 16. A train load of excursionists, bound for the sum mer resorts of St. Joseph and Lake Max inkuckee, would have been ditched near Marmont had it not been for the timely discovery of a tie upon the track.

    The spot where the tie was spiked was in the shadow of the large ice houses near the lake.

    It would hardly have been seen there by the engineer, but a party of belated picnickers discovered it and attempted to remove it when set upon by a gang of tramps and driven away.

    The station agent was then notified and had the obstruction removed. - The Richmond Item (Indiana)

1896 - Oct 3 - Albert D Toner and wife to Terre Haute and Logaosport R R Co., part of lot 3 (south of Toner avenue) Marmont; $1800. Argos Reflector

View Newspaper Search the largest online newspaper archive Search a keyword or name... The Argos Reflector 1896 - Vandalia-Pennsylvania Summer Excursions Promo Booklet

1896 - May 1 - The Vandaliia R.R. Company are building a new power house at this location

1896 - Jul 1 - Will Bruggaman, of the Vandalia offices, was at Lake Maxinkuckee yesterday. -

1896 - June 22 - After June 22. no trains will stop at Culver City for meals. The Vandalia company will put on dining cars

1896 - July - 17 - J. J. Cornell, formerly “lightning slinger” at Ft, Wayne, is now operator for the Vandalia Company at this place.

1896 - Jul 31 - Since the Pennsylvania system has assumed control of the Vandalia, it has increased the freight rates at least two per cent, which greatly adds to the burden the merchants and other business men are already carrying...

1896 - Oct - 16 - On Wednesday several of the moguls of the Vandalia System arrived in Culver City in their special car and remained until Thursday. It is said they had an important mission here, viz, to make arrangements for extensive improvements at this place another season by the way of improving their property, and it was whispered upon the sly that they whispered upon the sly that they contemplate building a large addition to the company’s magnificent hotel, the Lake View. This would be a paying investment for the company. Occupying one of the most picturesque and desirable positions on the lake, it is a most delightf ul spot for the bon ton resorters; consequently it would, as at present, receive the most liberal patronage, and if it could accommodate 1,000, could be easily filled.
    1896 - Oct 17 On Wednesday the head officials of the Vandalia system paid a visit to Lake Maxinkuckee, and made a careful inspection of their property and surroundings. The Herald says it is rumored that their visit means much for Culver City in the way of improvements, one thing being the proposed enlargement of the Lake View hotel.

1896 - Marmont or Culver not mentioned in the Forty-eigth Annual Report of the of the President and Directors of the Terre Haute and Indianapolis Railroad Company to the Stockholders for the Year Ending November 30 1896 By Terre Haute & Indianapolis Railroad Company

1896 - Nov - 27 - The Vandalia R. R. company has been placed in the hands of a receiver ... J. Shugrue, the genial station agent at this place, made a flying visit to Indianapolis Tuesday...

1896 - dec 18 - A. J. Knapp, the genial and very popular landlord of the Arlington hotel, is again at his post as passenger conductor on the Vandalia. He is one of the first conductors that road.

1897 - Feb 6 - It. is rumored that the Pan Handle company will give the Adams Express Company the cold shake and organize a company of their own to operate on the lines controlled by the Pennsylvania system. If such a move should be made the Adam Express Co., would indeed receive a black eye, from the effects of which it would not soon recover, as the Pennsylvania lines is one of its best customers.

1897 - April 2 - The water was drawn from the Vandalia water tank this week and the tank repaired.

1897 Aug 30 - Claud Copeland, Aged Sixteen Leg Crashed by a Vandalia Special. Lake

1897 - Found in the 1897 Annual report is:
    Sidings at close of year with changes from previous year:

    Oct 31, 1896  
    taken up
    Oct 31, 1897 
    Culver  10,134   ----   ---  10,134 

    pg. 45 Forty-ninth Annual Report of the of the President and Directors of the Terre Haute and Indianapolis Railroad Company to the Stockholders for the Year Ending November 30 1897 By Terre Haute & Indianapolis Railroad Company

1897 - Dec 10 - A letter from Frank Huntsinger. train dispatcher, upon the Vandalia system, states that all persons who desire at any time to return from South Bend or Plymouth to Culver upon the evening freight train, will upon their arrival in said cities, notify the ticket agent at South Bend or Plymouth of their intention of returning upon the evening freight, and their wish will be granted This will be but little trouble and assures each person that can return the same day, from either of said cities. But any person who desires to go south of Culver will not be allowed to ride

1898 - Feb 25 - The Vandalia rail way company is now engaged in removing 2,000 loads of gravel from the gravel pit. - Culver Herald

1898 - Aug 19 - Dave Swigert now has charge of the depot grounds in place of Al Gaudy, who has resigned, and with bis family has moved to Plymouth.

1898 Nov. - Found in the 1898 Annual report is:
    Station Repairs:...The loss in operating the Lakeview Hotel at Culver was $824.89. a decrease of $164.19. Cinder platforms were built at...Culver , 3,300 square feet... pg. 57 Fifieth Annual Report of the of the President and Directors of the Terre Haute and Indianapolis Railroad Company to the Stockholders for the Year Ending November 30 1898 By Terre Haute & Indianapolis Railroad Company
Sidings at close of year with changes from previous year:
Oct 31, 1897  
taken up
Oct 31, 1898 
Culver  10,134  480 504 10,110 

At Culver the Academy track was extended 480 feet costing $385.00 This expense was borne by the Academy pg. 49 & 60 Fifieth Annual Report of the President and Directors of the Terre Haute and Indianapolis Railroad Company to the Stockholders for the Year Ending November 30 1898 By Terre Haute & Indianapolis Railroad Company
1899 - Mar 10 - SOUTH BEND ON Y
    Vandalia Trains Make That City Their Northern Terminus.

    The Vandalia trains through Culver run no further than South Bend, the line north of that city having fallen into new hands who will operate it uuder the name of the St. Joseph, South Bend and Southern. For the present it will be an independent line, but most likely it will eventually become a part of some other system, probably the Three

    The Vandalia has made no change in its time table, its train simply running to South Bend and no further. How long the new arrangement will be continued is not known, but it isnot likely the company will be satisfied to be shut out of northern territorv. Two plans are open to it. Either to build a fifty mile link to Bicksburg, Mieh., aud there connect wiyh the Grand Rapids & Indiana, a Pennsylvania line, or to secure control of a new road running from Benton Harbor to South Beud, all of which has been built except about thirteen miles.

    By the change the passenger train crews will lay over at Logansport instead of South Bend. The runs will now be from Terre Haute to South Bend and back to Logansport

1899 - May 12 - The Vandalia repair gang is in town making repairs upon the railroad grounds, R . R. cottages , etc.

1899 - Jun 16 The little child that was run over by a freight train near the Arlington Hotel sometime since is convalescing rapidly. Eighteen freight cars passed over the child’s body, but luckily, it escaped serious injury.... Never in the history of Culver have the railroad grounds been so artistically beautified as at the present time. A large force of men have been at work upon the the grounds under the management of a master, hence they present a magnificent appearance. A large pole has been raised upon the banks of the lake, from the top of which wave the Stars and Stripes. In fact- the grounds are admired by all lovers of the beautiful

1899 Company on December 31 1899 The Terre Haute and Logansport Railway Company owns and since December 1 1898 has operated the property formerly owned by the Terre Haute and Logansport Railroad Co ....
    ... as a result of a judicial sale thereunder at Crawfordsville Indiana on November 18 1898 the property was acquired by the Terre Haute and Logansport Railway Company in payment for which the last named Company delivered to the purchaser at such judicial sale $2,000,000 of its capital stock and agreed to deliver $1,060,000 of its 4 per cent 5O year mortgage bonds and as many more as sho uld be needed to equal the amount which sho uld finally be found necessary to complete the purchase of said railroad ... pg. 5 First Annual Report of Terre Haute & Logansport Railway Company For Year Ending December 31, 1999. Terre Haute & Logansport Railway Co. - no mention of Culver in the annual report is made.

1900 - jan 26 We understand that the vandalia R. R. Companv will erect a large addition to the Lake View Hotel this spring, and make a vast amount of improvements at the lake. The large water tank will, it is said, be moved upon the hill near the hotel which will be used for watering the grounds etc. By this move no trains will take water at Culver, but at Plymouth. Parties are triming the trees in the railroad park in a scientific manner, which will look very beautiful im the Spring - Culver Herald

1900 - may 18 - The Vandaha R. R. company has has put in a new pier, and is also cleaning up tho grounds around the Lake View Hotel and in Vandalia Park. Culver Herald

1900 Second Annual Report of The Terre Haute & Logansport Railway Company For Year Ending December 31, 1900. Terre Haute & Logansport Railway Co. - no mention of Culver in the annual report is made.

1900 - Frank Handy was the railroad agent.

1900 - May 25 - Under the supervision of Quinn, the Vandalia depot, parks have been cleaned up and put in better shape than ever before, and now present a most beautiful appearance. About June 1st the flowers will be “set out” and other work performed which will add additional beauty to the park scenery. The company has put in a new pier this spring and all in all, there never was a time when the surrounding of the lake front near the depot were more attractive - Culver Herald

1900 - Jul 18 = The Vandalia is doing the heaviest Lake Maxinkuckee business thes season since the pleasure resort was exstablished - Fort Wayne Sientinel (Indian)

1900 - Aug 17 - The Vandalia line to Lake Maxinkuckee is enjoying the best business season ever known. running excursions from a number of points to the lake has improved matters. Maxinkuckee is steadily becoming a more popular pleasure resort Indianapolis Journal

1901 Mar 15 - Vanddalia Bridge Over Tippecanoe Damaged By Ice
    Vandalia railroad bridge which spans the Tippecanoe river at DeLonf, a short distance south of Maxinkuckee, was badly sprang by the ice which banked up against the piers as as early hour Monady morning, the structure being so weakened that no passenger trains were run over it.

    Passenger and baggage were transferred across the river via the wagon bridge and sent on their way with little delay.

    The construction drews of the road went to work on the bridge and soon had the structure rady for traffic. Marshall County Independent Plymouth, Indiana

1901 Third Annual Report of The Terre Haute & Logansport Railway Company For Year Ending December 31, 1901. Terre Haute & Logansport Railway Co. - no mention of Culver in the annual report is made.

1908 - April 2 - The railroad hass instituted preparations for the erection of a freigt depot near the elevator<br>
1902 - Jun 19 - Antone Mayer and wife of Terre Haite and Logansport RR, 3 lts (lots) in Culver 4500.

1902- Found in the Fourth annual report was:
    The charges to Construction and Equipment paid for out of new capital was as follows:...Picnic grove purchased at Culver 4,524.90 - pg. 10 Fourth Annual Report of The Terre Haute & Logansport Railway Company For Year Ending December 31, 19O2. Terre Haute & Logansport Railway Co.

    In order to provide facilities for entertaining picnic parties at Lake Maxinkuckee during the summer season and also to prevent the probable purchase of the property by undesirable parties it was thought best to purchase an oak grove of about ten acres fronting the lake and adjacent to the company's station and property Several expensive improvements authorized - pg. 11 Fourth Annual Report of The Terre Haute & Logansport Railway Company For Year Ending December 31, 19O2. Terre Haute & Logansport Railway Co.

      Passing track.... 4,210.55
      Pumping Station.. 4,239.42
    pg. 12 Fourth Annual Report of The Terre Haute & Logansport Railway Company For Year Ending December 31, 19O2. Terre Haute & Logansport Railway Co.

1903 - Jan 21 - Killed by the Cars.
    Saturday afternoon, a freiggt train No. 25 northbound, p ulled into Culver ; and had occasion to switch a car onto the ice-house switch; As the car neared the ice houses, it , left the track. A brakeman by the name of Bill Klinselsmith, was standing upon the ladder on the side of the car, and while motioning for the engineer to stop the train did not see his danger.

    In the meantime the derailed car shot across into a car standing on the main line catching the brakeman between the two cars and literally crushed the lower portion of his body in a shapeless mass, He was taken to the depot and the company’s physician, Dr. Wiseman was called who rendered all the medical aid possible, but in spite of tender care he died in about two hours after the accident.

    The unfortunate man was about 27 years of age and had been breaking for the Vandalia Company about two years.

    W. E. Easterday Culver's undertaker, prepared the body for burial, and Sunday conveyed the remains to North Liberty, where his widowed mother resided.

    Funeral occured Tuesday afternoon

    He leaves a mother, four sisters a brother to mourn their loss; besides a large circle of friends. It is rumored that he was a married man, but up to date the report has not been substantiated

1903 - Mar 5 - The Vandalia R. R. company commeced to tear down the old water tank Thursday. The turntable will also be removed from its present resting place and the frounds on the west end of the park will be greatly improved.
    NOTE: This was between the Kreuberger and the current depot at approximatiely where the basketball court is today the turntable (see quips below) and water tower was moved further east in the northern portion of today’s Indian trails’ woods / Bunker Hill area north of the Lake View Hotel. Stories abound of young children being paid a dime – the cost of an ice cream cone in the park’s round stand – to help turn the engines around.

1903 - May 21 - The stone forming the edge of the walks at the depot grounds is being removed by Foreman Washburn and men. Cut sod borders will be used this season. The rock that is removed will be used to build a sea wall down near the ice houses

The 28 May 1903 issue of the Culver Citizen announced:
    Gravel walks are being put in at the depot grounds and at the Lakeview cottages . All the flowers are planted and Foreman Washburn expects to have everything in first class order by the last of the week.

    F. S. Carl was in town last week superintending the work of laying about 3000 feet of mains for the Vandalia R.R. Co. The mains will be layed from the water tank on Bunker Hill to the Lake View Hotel and Kreutzgerger's park. He wil also run a main along the switch north of the depot fo the purpose of watering coaches.

29 Oct 1903 - found in the Culver Citizen was:
    A large 75 ft steel turntable has been unloaded on the siding north of the Lake View Hotel and will be sit up for the convience of the excursion engines. The old wooden turnable opposite of the Kruezberger Park will be torn out and the siding taken out.

1903 - Nov 19 - The Fire department was called out Sunday 11:30 a.m. to the water tanks of the Pennsylvania railroad, same was set on fire by a passing locomotive by the prompt action of the department the fire was extinguished with little loss

1903 - In 1903 the railroad replaced the wooden turnable with a new steel one and dismantled the wooden one and also built was octagonal bandstand in its park.

1903 - Found in the Fifth annual report was:
    Paving sidewalks at Culver ............. $72.20
    New ice houses at hotel at Culver ...... 669.07
    Hotel and cottages at Culver repaired.. 618.89
    Fifth Annual Report of The Terre Haute & Logansport Railway Company For Year Ending December 31, 19O3. Terre Haute & Logansport Railway 8


    Culver :
    Pumping station...... 498.18
    Turntable............  32.85
    pg. 9 Fifth Annual Report of The Terre Haute & Logansport Railway Company For Year Ending December 31, 19O3. Terre Haute & Logansport Railway Co.

By the annual reports from 1899-1903 - The railroad continued to be operated under the direction of Volney T Malott as trustee in connection with the lines of the Terre Haute & Indianapolis Railroad Company of which he is the Receiver. With the Obligation due Pennsylvania Railroad Company at 4 per annum on $1,060,000.00 Advances made.

The Vandalia Railroad was incorporated under the general laws of Indiana and Illinois through filing with the secretaries of state of those States on December 29, 1904, and December 31, 1904, respectively, an agreement dated December 29, 1904, for the purpose of consolidating the properties, rights, and franchises of The Terre Haute and Indianapolis Rail Road Company, The St. Louis, Vandalia and Terre Haute Railroad Company, The Terre Haute & Logansport Railway Company, the Logansport & Toledo Railway Company, and the Indianapolis and Vincennes Railroad Company. This agreement became effective January 1, 1905 this became known as the Michigan Division of the Vandalia. The Vandalia subsequently acquired, through direct purchase, the property, rights and franchises of the St. Clair Coal Railway Company, by deed dated January 3, 1908.

1904 - Mar 17 - Griffith, Terre Haute’s leading florist, has the contract to furnish the flowers for Vandalia Park this year.

1904 - May 5 - The pit for the new 50 foot steel turn-table is being prepared. It will be connected by a spur with the side track north of the Lake View Hotel - - The Vandaiia Park yardmen are removing all the old dirt from the flower beds and tilling in with good black soil from the Wabash river bottoms. - - The Vandaiia Park sheds are being roofed with tar paper. This will make the sheds more useful, as heretofore they afforded but little protection to excursionists in rainy weather. .

1904 May 19 -The old turn table and switch near Kreuzbergers Park were taken out this week - - Griffith, the Terre Haute florist, is putting out. the flowers in Vandalia Park this week

1904 - Nov. 1 the Logansport-South Bend extension, Vandalia Railroad went out of receivership into hands, new ' owner, Pennsylvania Railroad.

1905 - Jan 5 - The Terre Haute, Logansport and South Bend railroad is now a part of the Vandalia railroad property. The change took place the first of the year
    The 'Vandalia Railroad' was formed in 1905 by a merger of several lines in Indiana and Illinois including the Terre Haute & Indianapolis Rail Road and the St. Louis, Vandalia & Terre Haute Railroad which covered a route from Indianapolis, Indiana to St. Louis, Missouri. Another route between Terre Haute, Indiana and Toledo, was created with the inclusion of the Terre Haute & Logansport and Logansport & Toledo branches

1905 - Apr 6 - The big Vandalia railroad mortgage has been recorded at the court house and at every county seat along its line. According to the instrument the Farmers’ Loan and Trust Company of New York have advanced them $25,000.00 and taken as security all the rights of way, rolling stock, buildings and all property of any kind belonging to the consolidated railroads, which are: The Terre Haute and Indianapolis R. R. Co.; the St. Louis, Vandalia and Terre Haute; the Terre Haute and Logansport; the Logansport and Toledo; and the Indianapolis and Vincennes. The money will be used to pay outstanding bonds and for buying additional railways.

1905 - Apr 13 - The Vandalia railroad company is making some extensive improvements upon the depot grounds and sheds. A brick pavement will cover all that part formerly laid with plank. The company under its new management will give us better service than before which ought to be of great help to the lake trade.

1905 - May 6 - The new walks at the Vandalia depot are nearing completion and are adding much to the comfort and beauty of the place

1905 - Jun 15 - The Vandalia railroad company is covering all the walks around the depot with crushed limestone, which improves the general appearance of the grounds.

There is a map detailing the Vandalia in 1905 at the merging and its routes.

There is a map detailing the Vandalia in 1905 at the merging and its routes.

An interesting post card has come - up identifying a building behind the depot as the "News stand".

1905 - Aug 31 - Must Cut Out the Weed.
    Last Thursday the conductors, brakemen and baggage men on the Vandalia lines received a notice which created consternation in the camp and many of the boys viewed their wallet of juicy fine cut tobacco with a look that was akin to an guish.

    The notice read like this:
      "The management of this company does not need to retain any employees in passenger train service who smokes or chews tobacco while on duty."
    "Does not need" is a very mild term, but reading between the lines, it means that any person doing the things which are "not needed" will be summarily fired if the transgressor of the suggestion is discovered.

    The official quoted says that the request of the company is a little thing, and that no conscientious employe will hestitate a moment in obeying the request. Those who do not, of course stand in line for the company's disfavor.

1906 - Steps are being taken by the Vandalia railroad company to erect one of the finest hotels in this part of the state. It is to occupy the present site of the Lake View and is to contain 150 rooms. - Rochester Sentinel, Friday, January 12, 1906 another account says the hotel was re-built a year earlier - as found in the Logansport Daily Pharos pg. 8 dated Jul 7 1905
    Lake Maxinkuckee
    Some Inklings Concerning This beautiful Sheet of Fresh Water
    Fast Becoming Favorite Resort
    Logansporters and Others Have cottages There
    The new Lake View hotel constructed by the Vandalia railroad, was opened and dedicated to the general public June 8 and is a neat and modern structure. No pains have been spared by the Vandalia to beuatify the grounds surrounding the depot. Sodding has been done, cement walks are put down, flowers and trees have been planted, and a reg ular gardner is engaged to look afte the grounds and keep them in order...

1906 - Apr 5 - James Shugrue, who has been Vandalia agent at CUlver for a number of years will change positions with P. J. Lennon, L & T agent at Churubusco.

1905 - Sep 28 - The Logansport. Division of the Vandalia Railroad is a thing of the past. The railroad will hereafter be known as a part of the Pennsylvania system west of Pittsburg.

1907 - Feb. 10 - Will Remodel Cottage
    The Vandalia Railroad will spend upwards of $1,000 this spring in rebuilding the station agents cottage on the lake shore.

    The building is one of the first erected here, and has been vacant for nearly a year.

    When the work is completed it will be a modern cottage in every respect with additional room, a porch fronting the lake, plumbing, etc. and will make a charming little house for Agent Lennon and his wife.

' 1907 - Apr 26 - The Vandalia station gorunds will be more elaborately ornamented this season than ever before. On Large flower bed has been added, and a walk has been laid out along the shore direct to the lakeview. The hollow has been drained and a rustic bridge is to be thrown across it. Besides enhancing the landscape effect the new walk will afford a shorter way to the holtel from the pier and bathhouse. Perennial shrubs will take the place of annual blooms in the flower beds. The long pier was put out Tuesday - Citizen

David Burns in summer of 1984 done his version of this house on the knoll, how accurate it is is known.

1907 - Jun 13 -The rail road company is filling in the pond on its right of way back of Judg Winfield's house.

The caption of this picture - found in I am assuming in "Major Rail Roads in Indiana" pg. 111 read: Vandalia Railroad (PRR) No. 349 is Southbound with patriotic decorations on Aug. 3, 1907. The lawns slopes to Lake Maxinkuckee. The Vandalia standard depot shown burned in 1920 to be replaced five years later by one now used as a community center. Hoosier Valley Railroad Collection

A railroad pass from the Vandalia Railroad in 1908. The holder was president of S eaboard Air Line Railroad at the time

1908 - In 1908 the Depot building is the only building on the plat of ground, by 1922 the plat shows the pavilions on the Vandalia property.
    Note the location of the original Vandalia Depot was to the east of the present Depot and on the curve of Toner Avenue now Lakeshore Drive. It would sit in what is todays parking lot of the Culver Town Park - if any of you can remember back enough and remember the concrete that was there that would of been the platform around the depot and where the passenger canopies stood they are now a part of the park and are the East and West picnic pavilions.

1908 - April 2, - The railroad company states It, will build a freight house near the depot

1908 - Apr 30 - Publice Rights Abridged
    The Vandalia Railroad Company has refused permission to a nmber of person to a construct boat piers along the lake shore adjoining the track. Fully a m iles of shore is in this prohibited territory. The people realize, when too late, the importance of the rights which were surrendered when the right of way along the lake shore was granted,

    Some day there will be a legal investigation into the manner in which the company secured this right of way, and it it is true, as it is claimed, that the company constructed its track beyond the sore line at that time, steps will be taken to recover the rigihts unlawfully taken from the people.

1908 - Oct 29 - The Vandalia will be in all probability, give Culver a freight depot next spring according to the assurance give the as assurance given out by the superintendent.

Here is another early picture of the old depot that burned in 1922 - this is a unique view showing mostly the street view from Toner Avenue [Lakeshore drive].

1909 - February 25 - Eight or ten additional hydrants have been installed on the depot grounds for sprinkling

1909 Apr 8 - The Vandalia has sold forty or fifty trees in the grove west of the station. Their removal is expected to encourage the growh of thr grass in the picinic grounds.

1910, Mar 3 - A New Frieght House, Sure
    The Vandalia has Definitely Decided to Erect One

    The Vandalia will build a freight house this season in the corner of the park east of the Kreutsberger property.

    This will necessitate a switch track and a rearrangement of the pedestrians' approach to the depot at that point

    The new house is a long-needed convenience, but the location selected will seriously detract from the presnet appearance of the lake frontage

1910 Apr 28 - New Frieght House -
    The Vandalia is building a freight depot 16X24 at the corner of Scott stree and the side street running swout to the lake

    The building and side track will cost about $1000, and the work will be completed this week if the weather is favorable

    Agent Lenon announces that the building is but a temporary one

    This is devoutly to be wished, but observation has led to the conclusion that railroad buildings usually stand lone after they have ceased to be adequate for the purpose for which they were intended

1910 - Jun 23 - With eht new freifht house and two passenget trains meeting here every day Culver is getting to be quite a railroad center for the Vandalia - Citizen

1910 - December 1 - the two rear coaches of a train on the Vandalia Railroad were derailed at Culver at the Bogardus crossing on Thanksgiving Day when a broken rail on gave way. No one was injured although one lady fainted when the cars lurched and came to rest on an incline.

Part One ~~ Part Two ~~ Part Three ~~ Part Four ~~ Part Five ~~ Part Six