Lake Maxinkuckee Its Intrigue History & Genealogy Culver, Marshall, Indiana

Vandalia Rail Road Pictures Miscelleanous  

Dear Radio Friend:
Mrr. Geo. E. Nearpass, the WhHistling Brakeman of the Pennsylvania Railroad, as wll as the Management, is very greatful to you for taking the time and effort to express your approval of his radio program. It is hoped that when your travel or ship frieght his friendly entertainment will suggest to you the vast and rapid transportation service of the Pennslyvania.

The Leaders:
  • BROADWAY, LIMITED ......Chcago-New York
  • THE AMERICAN................St. Louis-New Yorik
  • THE RED ARROW.............Detroit-New York
  • CINCINNATI LIMITED........CIncinnati-New York
  • LIBERTY LIMITE...............Chicago=Washington

    Carriers more passengers, hauls more frieght , than any other railroad in America.