Lake Maxinkuckee Its Intrigue History & Genealogy Culver, Marshall, Indiana

World War II in Culver War Time Circus  

One unexpected result of the war: elephants swimming in Lake Maxinkuckee!

With circus folk drifted right and left and travel supplies heavily rationed, Martha Payson Ryman (daughter of CMA band director Col. Edward Payson) recalls that a traveling circus limped into town one wartime summer.

Among the hot, exhausted entrouge: some very thirsty elephants, who were allowed to cool off at the public beach in the Town Park.

Pictured is young Martha Payson with friend Mariana Jackson and an elephant, in the park.

A "free show" featuring the elephants in what appears to be the upper, west pavilion of the town park.

Found is:
    Circus Acts Presented: Large Crowd In Park
      Cricus acts by dogs, ponis and elephants were presented in the town park last week throught the sponsorship of several local firms. The acts were witnessed by large crowds...

Jeffery P. Kenney