World War II in Culver 1941
Dec 10
- United States At War WIth Japan; Local Men In Attacked Areas
War came suddenly and ruthless to the United States Sunday when
the Japanese launched an attack on Hawaii and Guam...
On Monday President Roosevelt asks Congress for a declaration of War
against Japan... There was only one dissenting vote in both houses.
This was was brought home to this community as local young men are
stationed in the area that was the center of the Japanese attack on
LeMarr Waite is on the U.S.S. Litchfield at Pearl Harbor,
George C. Sales is with the Marines at Pearl Harbor,
Robert P. Schwiedler is with the U.S.S. Dobbins in that area.
Glen Quivey is stationed at Schofield Barrack, Hawaii,
Doran Finney is a member of the Bombardment Squardon, Hickman Field Hawaii.
William Ingram is believed to have been on the battleship Oklahoma that is reported
John William Bays is in Honolulu.
It is probable that there are others from here in that vicinity whose
names it was not been possible to learn.
...The Culver Fire Department...The fireman have been notified to be ready to
send aid to Kingsbury and South Bend in case attacks are made of those
important points.
Enlists in Army Private Shirley Carter has returned to Chanute Field after spending
a two week's furlough with his mother, Mrs. Loren Archer... His brother Ernest
has enlisted and will be stationed at Fr. Benjamin Harrison temporarily.
Dec 17
George Sales Not at Pearl Harbor Bombiing. - George C.
Sales, member of U. S. Marine Corps, is back in this country and was not at Pearl
Harbor at time os the suprised bombing...he is now in the Naval Hospital, Mare
Island, Vallejo., California, after ebing on the Pacific Ocean for eight days...
Corporal Kennedy Bryan, Patterson Field Ohio, has been promoted to
Supply Sargent
Dec 24
Defense Committee For Culver Announced
Members of the local defense committed, representing the various departments
of the town government, the academy, and civic organizations and enterprises
have been announced by Olver C.Shilling, chairman.
Although far away from the American battlefront, the committes, cooperating with
county and state officials, is actively planning to make Culver an example of what a
small community, in creating its own defense, can do to aid in the national war effort.
Committee members include:
Col. W. E. Gregory, superintendent of the Academy;
Ernest W. Carter, president of the town board;
Verl McFeely, town marshall;
George Stabenow, water works superintendent;
Cary CuUmmins, cheif of the fire department;
M. R. Robinson, Amercan Legion post commabder;
J. W. Riggens, Spanish American War veteran;
Col. Robert Rossow, chairman of the American Legion defense committee;
Mrs. L. R. Kellam and Deane E Walker, members of the county defense committee; and
Robert Rust, director of the Academy news service.
Doran Finney Killed At Hickman FIeld
Word of the first casuality among Culver boys in the service came Tuesday when Mr.
and Mrs. Carl Finney received word that their son, Patrick L. Finney, had been killed
December 7, in the Japansees raid on Hickman Field, Hawaii.
Doran, as he was better known, enlisted in August 1940 and was a member of the
26th Bombardment squadron...
Co. Defense Council Is Formed
Marshall county is preparing to cope with cimmunity defense problems or other
situtations arising from the present war emergency, and members of the Marshall
county Civilian Defenses Coucil have been appointed.
Don Klich, county director, who was appointed recently by Gov. Schricker, has been
organizing the defense council during the past two or three weeks, and has met
with the group.
The council is composed of the following, representing various organizations or groups:
Representing the cities and towns:
Oliver Shilling, Culver;...
Representing the women's division, Mrs. L. R. Kellanm Culver...
County superintendent of schools, Deane E. Walker...
The local defense council is concerned primarily with the problems of health,
recreation, nutrition, education, production, fire protection, police protection,
and morale in its
Rossow Heads Legion Defense Committee
Col. Robert Rossow has been appointed chairman of the defense committee of the
local post of the American legion. Other members are:
Harry Speyer, naval aid;
Ben Oberlin, marine aid;
Hugh H. Harper, aviation aid; and
A. R. McKesson, morale aid.
The committee was formed at the request of the national Legion headquarters,
which is organizing the ex-service men for defense activities.
1941 ~ ~
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