Lake Maxinkuckee Its Intrigue History & Genealogy Culver, Marshall, Indiana

World War II in Culver 1943 Jan - Mar  

Jan 6

Surgial Dessing Class Hours Changed - In an effort to meet contingencies brought on by gasoline rationing... will ner on Monday evenign from 7:30-9:30 p.m. and on Tuesday afternoons from 1:30to 430... The newly announced schedule elminiated the Thursday afternoon meeting and will concentrate the work on Monday and Tuesdays...

Mj. W. E. Gregory... now on active duty had been advanced to the rank of liuetenant colonel. COl Gregory is an executive with the Army Specialized Training Divixion, Service of SUpply, with the War Department at Washington D.C.

Robt. Rich and Orville Harness Jr. were among the 27 youths from Marshall county to be inducted into service last week.

Ronald RIggs... is in training at Camp Myer, Ca.

Frank Cihak.. has enlisted in the navy and is in training at Great Lakes Training Station

Pvts Charles E. Cook and John Overmyer have been assigned to Camp Pendleton, Va. for training.

Harold McKee stationed at Ft. Sheridan, Ill has received his sergeant rating after just twelve weeks in the service.

Jan 13

Purpple Heart Decoration To Sgt Patrick Finney - was posthumously awarded the Purple Heart medal for making the Supreme Sacrifice in defense of his country on Dec. 7, 194

Marshall county exceeded its war bond quota in December by buying $97,612 worth of, while the quota was $78,735...

Jan 20

New Restrictions on Mail for Soldiers On Overseas Service
    Effective Jan 15 restrictions on packages, newspapers and other mail to soldiers overseas will go into effect...

    The restrictions are necessary, says the order, becaise of the heavy demands being made on cargo space for military shipments and because of limited facilitiees available to commanders of theaters of operations.

    Herafter parcels exceeding five pounds in weight or 15 inches in length or 36 inches in length and girth combines will be be accepted for mailing to soldiers overseas. Furthermore, each of the pacels as are accepted for mailing must be sent in response to a specific request from the person to whom it is addressed, and his request must have been approved by his battalion or similar unit commander. If the request is approved, and if the parcel conforms with the rulling as to weight and size, then it may be mailed, but the written approved request must accompant it

    ...individual copies of newspaers or magazines may be mail to men in the service overseas only where the subscription is specifically requested in writing by the person to whom it is mailed

    Subscritions now in effect, however are not affected by the rulling. It is believed that renweals of present subcriptions are not affected. New subscriptions though, will not be accepted by papers or magazines without a specifice request in writing from the person overseas to whom the paper or magazine would be sent ... are required to mar all copies with the statement "Mailed in conformity with P.O.D. Order No. 19687"

    .. no circular matter of the third class... no matter addesed to members of the armed forces overseas shall be accepted as insured or c.o.d. maril and no mail or packages sent to soldiers over seas may be registered with the single exception of letters containing vauluable papers.
...Corp Ernest L. Carter has arrived safely in Africa and is well

Robert Pletka and James HOpple were among the 24 young men from Marshall county to be inductied ...

Culver Surgical Dressing Clases Report for 1942... A total of 3,580 hours of labor resulted in a total of 60,862 dressings made...

War Basis Program Inauguarated at C.H.S. For Second Semester... schedule calls for eight periods a day instead of senve,... a course in aeronautics..limtied to boys having three years of matematics... thoese with one year of aldebra and one of geometry are taking a review course, while all other senior boysa are reviewing arithmetic. All junior and senior boys are devoting one period each day to a strenuous physical preparedness program... Junior and senior girls are also being given new courses under this war-time program... twice a week they are meeting for mutrition and health...

...Paul Strang has safely arrived overseas . He is a member of the air force.

Robert Rich... has been assigned to Miami, Fla. for basic training

Jan 27

Co. Bond Quota Over the Top - ...responded to the call of the Treasury Department by pruchasing $2529.oo more than the guota set for the period from May 1st to December 31st 1942. The quota for this period was $687,425.00 and the amount of money invested in War Bonds for that period was $689,964,000... The purchase of bonds in the various communities... Culcer 37,337.00...

Pfc Norman Duddleson has been called back into service and is in the quartermaster corps at Fort Hayes Columbus, Ohio.

Mrs. Gerture Siepman Bradshaw is living at 223 Brahan Blvd., San Antionia Texas while her husband is in trainign at Fort Sam Houston, and incited all those in service in that ares to make their home a Culver headquarters and even agrees to provide home-cooked meaks as well as a place to go will off duty.

Service Stations On Reduced Schedule to Meet 72 hour limit
    ... restricitng the sale of gasoline to 72 hours a week

    The federal order allows a station to be open for not more than 72 hours a week and for not more than 12 hours a day. Or a station may elest to operate 24 hours a day and seven days a week. The letter is for stations doing a larf truck business, but no local starrion had elected that schedule.

    The Culver stations hace announced the following hours:
      Marathon - 7:30 to 7:30 p.m. closed all day Sunday

      Gafill - 7:30 to 7:30 p.m.closed all day Sunday

      Phillips 66 - 6:30 a.m. to noon; and 1:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.; Sundays 6:00 a.m. to noon

      Deep Rock - 8:00 to 11:00 a.m.; 1:00 to 7:00 p.m.; except Saturdays and Sunday; Saturdays close at 9:00 p.m.; Sundays 8:00 a.m. to 1 p.m.

      Johnsons - 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.; closed all day Sundays

      Shell - 7:30 to 7:30 p.m. closed all day Sunday

      Hands - - 7:30 to 7:30 p.m.closed all day Sunday

      Hatten's - - 7:30 to 7:30 p.m. closed all day Sunday

Feb 3

Hatten's Hours... An error was made... schedules in from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.; closed all day Sunday

Literature for Red Corss Clases Now At Township Library...the stand on loan from the Culver City Drug Store... public to make use of the material thigh it is asked that it be left in the library and not taken home...

John Werned Wins Navy Cimmission; 2nd In Clsss - has been commissioned an ensign in the Navy having successfull completed the course at the navy's school at Nortre Dame... has bee assigined to the school's faculty. Pvt. Earl P. Bostema has been assigned to Vancouver Barracks, Wash. and Pvt. Robert J. Pletka to Miami Fla. for basic training

Feb 10

Accepted for service Harvey McFeely
Jay Rich
Beenie McFarland and
Norman Baker
were among the 24 young men from Marshall county to be accepted for service with the armed forces under the selective service act.

County Sets Records In Buying War Bonds - ...A total of $140, 462, was invested by Marshall County citizens in "E" Bonds. during the past month. The quota fro the county was $97, 000...

...Dwight Griffith... who was stationed at Camp Harrihan, La. had been promoted to Staff Sergeant.

Winfield C. McFarland has completed the primary flight training course at Thunderbird field, Glendale, Arizona.

Feb 17

Missing In action - ... Earl L. Adams, U.S. Army has been reported missing in action since Feb. 2. ... in North American area...

Jack O'Conner Dies Of Infuries Received in Airplane Accident - .. age 22, of Naval Air Corps, Bronson Field, Pensacola, FLa died on injuries recieved in an airplane accident... In December 1941 he enlisted in the Naval Air Corps and on May 28 was sent to rhe Iowa Pre-Flight School. From there he transferred to Lambert Field St. Louis.... because of his ability her was chosen as one of 10 to go to Bronson FIeld in November...

Turns over Quota to County U.S.O. Head - A check for $540 was been sent to the Marshall county U.S.O. By Rev. Hardigg Sexton., Union townhip chairman. The local quata was $600 and each township was authorized to retain 10 percent to meet local U.S.O. needs. A taotal of $618.89 was raised...with around $200 yet to come from County Agent L. M. Butler from the towhsip scrap drive. The town's scrap drive netted $248.24. The balance will be kept in local treasury to help meet the next drive for money to aid the U.S.O.

Feb 24

Tribute Paid to Jack O'Conner at 1st World War II Funeral Here

Dr Frank H. SParks Former Culverite, to Hean Manpower Board - ...has been named Director of the War Manpower Commission's Bureau of Manpower Utilization.

Mar 3

Billy R.... has been inducted into the army and left Monday for Fort Benjamin Harrison Indianapolis

Pvt. Knight - Ft Benning, Ga.

Pvt. August E. Jr. - army ir corps Niagara Falls, N.Y.

Sgt. Clarence W - army air corps Edgewood Arsennal, Md.

Pfc. Leo E - Camp Livingston, La.

Major Ralph Osborn Injured in Plane Crash - ...emergency landing of the heavy bomber he was flying at Tampa, FLa. last Wednesday... was meetinf minimum flying requirements whe he was forced to make an emergency landing a short distance from the field. It was Major's Osborn first accident of any degree... Mrs. A. N. Butler to Succeed Mrs. Barada As Red Cross Chairman... Union township has been assigned a guota of $2.500 this year to meet the county's quota of $16,200.... The union township chapter's budget totals $580 as follows
    Life saving - $75
    civilian relief - $75
    service to arm forces - $25
    home service to serivce men - $25
    production $100
    Junior Red Cross - $10
    disaster preparedness $25
    special courses - $75
    roll call - $20
    headquarters (including rent) - $100
    administration - $50

Mar 10

Academy Approved for Specialized War Training

Union Township Civilian Defense Leaders are Requested to meet at the Culver library Friday Mach 12 at 7:30 p. m.

More Scrape Needed; Prices are Quoted

Earl Adams Remains On Missing List; Was On Ship Sunk By Enemy - ... has been reported missing in the NOrth Atlantic Area since February 2. It has now been established that he is missing due to the sinking of a ship in the North Atlantic, the direct result of enemy action...

Mar 17

PLan Twp. Drive For War Appeals and Charities

Township Drive for War Appeals FUnds to Be Launched Tuesday

Missing In Action.. Capt Wm. E. Friend Jr. has been roported missing in action since March 4 in the Europeand Area...

Mar 24

War Appeals Quota Fixed at $6,000 - The quota for the 1943 Union Township Was Appeals and Chrarities has been set at $6,000... This figure includes the $2,500 already asked for by the Red Cross and the stimated amountys that will be requested during the year by the U.S.O., Salvation Army, Intantile Paralysis and other worthy organizations...

Ellswioth FItspatrick has been drafted for army service.

Officer Gives Details of Palane Crash That Killed Jack O COnner
    ... Early in the afternnoon of February 16th, Jack took off from Bronson FIeld on a regular training flight Jack was the pilot... The plane was observed approaching Kaiser FIeld a nearby field used for practice landings. The plane banked up about 85 degrees in its final approach turn into the wind, being then at an altitude of about 150 feet. The plane thereupon stalled, fell off into a spin and out of control and tryck the ground in an almost vertical position. It is believed that the occupants of the plane did not survive the intitial impact and that death was instantaneous.

    The weather was clear, the plane was mechanically sound and there were no other circumstances of significance. A stall and spin of this nature is the type whihc once starte, cannot be corrected at a low altitude....

Lt. Wayne Thormburg Killed In Plane Crash; Funeral Held Tuesday - ... was killed Fiday when his place crashed in swanp one mile north of the army base at Baton Rouge, La.. he enlisted in the Army at Fort Benjamin Harrison Jul1, 1941 and attended the West Point Preco School. On Feb 1, 1942 he transferred tot he air corps and was sent to Maxwell FIeld, ALa., for pre-fliiight traiinding. He received his commission and his winfs on Han 14, 1943 at Spencer Field, Ga. From there he was transferred to Harding Field, La. where the accident occurred...

Navy Recuriting Ad

$900 Buys A Jeep, Did You Buy a Defense Stamp?
    Jeep Campaign in Full Swing

    In last weeks... we informaed you about the jeep campaign...

    Im the first two weeks of March Culver HIgh School and Culver Grade School bought $840.30 in War Stamps and Bonds. Aht the end of the first week $595.30 were bought and $245.00 at the end of the second week. This total is only $59.70 from the cost of one jeep. (A jeep costs approximiately $900.00)

    As you remember our goal is two jeeps up to the week ending April 16...

    SInce the first of the year, teachers in Culver have purchased a total of $1,330.75 of stamps and Bonds...

Jan - Mar 1943 ~ ~ April - Jun 1943 ~ ~ Jul - Sep 1943 ~ ~ Oct - Dec 1943 ~ ~

1941 1942 1943 ~ ~ 1944 ~ ~ 1945 ~ ~ WWII Index ~~