Lake Maxinkuckee Its Intrigue History & Genealogy Culver, Marshall, Indiana

Aubeenaubee Yacht Club / Maxinkuckee Yacht Club  

Aubeenaubee Yacht Club

Maxinkuckee Yacht Club
  1890 Aug. 2 - The Annual Regatta

1890 Aug 19 Logansport Pharos is founded

    Maxinkuckee Yacht Club

    A yacht club was organized at Lake Maxinkuckee last Sunday, with the following officers:

1894 - May 14 Logansport Pharos is founded
Organize a Boat Club

Lake Maxinkuckee is one of the purest bodies of water in America and the area is sufficiently large to lay out a five mile course for sail boats. The waters never get too rough and thc facilites for reaching there from all points are good.

Hotels are ample for ordinary crowds and if the crack boat clubs of Detroit, Saginaw, Toledo, Chicago and other cities could be induced to arrange s regatta low rate could be made to go and return from Logansport, Kewanna, Plymouth, and with the beautiful camping places at the lake all coald be made comfortable.

The attention of the leading clubs should be called to these facts, and by the way, what is the matter that Logansport cannot have a boat club, we have plentv of athletic young men and the social features are in no way small, and it would bring us no little prominence both in a business and in a social way.

1896 - Social sailing began on the lake.

The first prizes (three pennants) were offered for a race five years later in 1901 by the Maxinkuckee Association. Thus awakening the yachting enthusiasm of all who had sailboats.

1901 - August the Aubeenaubee Yatch Club was organized at Edwards Boat House they adopted a constitution and elected officers:
    Commodore: Henry C. Adams of Indianapolis
    First Commodore: Harvey J. Elam of Indianapolis
    Second Vice Commodore: Milton A. Edwards of Peru
    Secretary & treasurer: Thomas H. Wilson of Logansort

The first race ran after the yacht club was formed was in August 1901. A fee of fifty cents was assessed to each boat that enterd the race; the proceeds being used to buy pennants for the winners. Winners were:
      Sloops: "The White Lady", Elbert Shirk, Capt.
      catboats: "Natty", Harry Wheeler, Capt.
In Summer of 1902 three races were sailed. Besides the winning pennants for each race ; this year a Silver Cup was add for the boat which made the most points during the season for each boat class. Winners were:
      Sloops: "the Old Scout", S. E. Howe Jr., Capt. - all three races
      catboats: "Le Vite", Milton A. Edwards, Capt. - first & second race
        "uncas:, T. H. Wilson, Jr. Capt. - third race

      Silver Cup Winners:
      Sloops: "the Old Scout", S. E. Howe Jr., Capt.
      catboats: "Le Vite", Milton A. Edwards, Capt.

Officers for the 1902-3 season were:
      Commodore: Henry C. Adams
      First Commodore: M. A. Edwards
      Second Vice Commodore: A. M. Ogle, Jr.
      Secretary & treasurer: T. H. Wilson
      Directors: Anton Vonnegut
        S. E. Howe, Jr.
        Henry Wheeler

In 1902-3 the yachts were divided into four classes: Flat bottom sloops, flat bottom catboats, round bottom sloops, round bottom catboats. Five races were sailed that year also; the first two for pennant and the rest for cups given in each of the classes and a challenge cup which would be held for one season only. The class cups being held permenantly. Winners were:
      Pennant series:
      Class A: "the Old Scout" & "Diana", tied
      Class B: "Katherine"
      Class C: "Flip", Kenneth Ogle, Capt.
      Class D: "Nautilus"

      Cup Series:
        Class A: "Old Scout" & "Diana"
        Class B:
          "Eleanor", Hervey Perrin, Capt.,
          "Nautilus", Anton Vonnegut , Capt.
          "Katherine", Alan Williams, Capt>
        Class C: "Indian", Jno. Routh, Capt.; "Flip";"Shark"
        Class D: Challenge Cups: "the Old Scout" & "Flip"

23 July 1903 - Culver Citizen - The Katherine... The 1st race of the Aub-bee-naub-bee Yatch club was sailed Saturday afternoon... The course was from Edward's Boat House (1680 E. Shore Drive) to a bouy off Norris' farm, thence to the mark near the Maxinkuckee Assembly Grounds, then on to a bouy off Culver's pier and back to Edward's boat house....
Officers for the 1903-4 season were:
      Commodore: Anton Vonnegut
      First Commodore: S. E. Howe, Jr.
      Second Vice Commodore: Glen Wheeler
      Secretary & treasurer: Henry Bliss
      Directors: Joseph Wilson
        Kenneth Ogle
        John B. Perrin

There were to be seven races in the 1904 season; three for pennants and four for cups and all counting toward the challenge cup.

    The Final Yacht Race Results in Victory for "Indian"

    On last Sunday the general meeting of the yacht club was held and the following officers elected for 1905.
      Commodore, S. E. Howe Jr.;
      1st Vice Com. John B, Penin (Perrin);
      2nd Vice Com. Henry W. Bliss;
      Sec; and Treas. Joseph Wilson;

    The last race was held Aug. 22 and as the results of this race could not effect the cups only four boats entered. The Indian won by a large margin over the Uncas. which was second, the Charlotte finished third. The times were:

    -No. Start.1st Rnd.2d Rnd.3d Rnd.Time.
    13..... 10:9:5810:53:3511:39:3312:26:572:10:59
    11.... 10:9:5310:55:3411:42:4512:33:412:23:48
    20.... 10:9:2510:55:3511:44:2512:33:442:24:19
    14.... 10:8:2510:55:30

    Indian wins Cup by 7 points, Indian wins Glass Cup by 10 points, Uncas wins Class Cup by 11 points - - Aug 25, 1925

1905 Sep 21 - Maxinkuckee Boat winner First of Series of Annual inter-Lakc Yacht Races.

Yachts of 1906

Yacht race of 1906

Competitive sailing continued and flourished together with The Aubbeenaubee Yacht Club for ten more years until t he beginning of World War I. Following the war, and for several years thereafter there was only occasional sailing, and enthusiasm for The Aubbeenaubee Yacht Club diminished.

Near the end of the 1920’s a new generation was growing restless and it became apparent they wanted a revitalized yacht club.

1931 - early summer a group of young sailors met on Charles Barnaby’s porch and the yacht club was re-organized as: Maxinkuckee Yatch Club.

Walker W. Winslow was elected Commodore and the club joined the Inland Lake Yachting Association (ILYA). Only three boats raced that summer: Tommy Hendricks (Class B), Walker Winslow (Class E), and William C. Griffith, Sr. (Class C). Thirty-two club members were present at the First Annual Banquet held at the Maxinkuckee Inn. The following summer, 1932, the club boasted thirty-one boats in two classes only, E’s and C’s. David Cooper won for the season in a C-Scow that cost $175.00.

1932 Walker W. Winslow, Commodore

1932 - Loganpsort Pharos--Tribune - July 19, 1932 Stage first Race

    Culver, Indiana, July 19 - Walker Winslow, Indianapolis, won the sloop race here yesterday in the first series of events between the Maxinkuckee Yacht Club and Culver naval school Midshipman Franklin Camp of Clearwater, Fla., won the sailboat race.

    Winslow is president of the club. Harvey Bradley, also of Indianapolis, is secretary. the second series of the races will be started next Sunday.

By the end of the 1930's WWII was not far away. The Academy lost their sailing fleet to a fire and with the early 40's WWII reigned along with the Gas rationing. Our sailors went off to war, Transportation to and from the lake became difficult. Sailboat racing simply stopped

1933 William R. Adams, Commodore

1933 - Sep 13 - Yacht Club Elects Bradley COmmodore at Annual Dinner
    The annual dinner-dance of the Maxinkuckee Yacht Club was given Saturday evening at the Maxinkuckee Inn with more than a hundred members and guests attending. Dinner was served at tables which extended around three sides of the dining-room and which were decorated with a profusion of autum flowers, and miniature ships and lighted with many candles. Between courses the guests danced both in the dining room and in the Shack.

    W. Ray Adams, commodore of the Club, presided at the short business meeting following the dinner.

    He announced that the Maxinkuckee Yacht Club, which is now a member of the Inland Lakes Racing Association, was the largest yacht club sailing on an inland lake, and that while a very new member of the association, they hoped to be host to the annual regatta within the next year or two.

    Other speakers on the program were Dr. John Ray Newcomb, fleet commander, who gave a clever summary of the summer's races, Edward J. Bennett, secretary-treasurer, and W. Walker Winslow.

    Presentation of cups to the winners of the summer's sailing races followed. Class "E' sailors receiving cups were Clayton 0. Mogg, of Indianapolis, W. W. Winslow, Norman Michaels of Chicago, who sailed the Howell boats, Henry Bliss of Indianapolis, and V. V. deOlloqui of Cleveland, O., midshipman at the Culver Summer Naval School. Class "C' sailors to whom cups were presented were Francis Dunn of Indianapolis, David Cooper of Terre Haute and William Griffith of Indianapolis.

    Winners of the Robert C. Winslow Memorial Cup for the year were David Cooper, Francis Dunn, runner-up, for Class "C' boats, and W. W. Winslow, and Norman Michaels, runner-up, for the Class "E" boats.

    At the election of officers which followed,
      Charles Harvey Bradley, of Indianapolis, was chosen commodore for next year,
      William E. Munk, of Indianapolis vice-commodore,
      Norman Michaels, of Chicago, rear commodore,
      John Ray Newcomb, of Indianapolis, fleet commander,
      Lt. Col. G. L. Miller of C. M. A., chief judge, and
      Ralph Vonnegut, of Indianapolis, chief timer,
      Edward J. Bennett of Indianapolis, was re-elected secretary-treasurer.

During the winter of 1933 Culver Military Academy promoted ice boating, enjoyed by many members of the yacht club.

1934 William C. Griffith, Commodore

1935 William E. Munk, Commodore

1936 Charles H. Bradley, Commodore

1937 Fred T. Holliday, Commodore

1938 Stephen Y. Hord, Commodore

1939 Fred Holmes, Commodore

1940 Peirce C. Ward, Commodore

1941 Norman C. Michels, Commodore

1942-46 Walker W. Winslow, Commodore

1947 Peirce C. Ward, Commodore

1948-1949 Henry E. Todd, Commodore

Competetive sailing started again after the war. 1948 - John Brandon organized the club's first junior fleet and Charles Barnaby II became the first junior fleet winner. The junior fleet only a year.

1950 - Jun 21 - Maxinkuckee Yacht Club to Open Fifteenth Regatta Season July 2

1951 Robert E. Hollowell, Jr, Commodore

1952 Peirce C. Ward, Jr, Commodore

1953 1954 Robert E. Hollowell, Commodore

1953 - The Junior fleet was premenantly organized by Oscar Perine. During these formative years the Junior Fleet was managed and led most notably by Robert E. Hollowell, Jr., from 1955-1960, and by Rupert Esser, from 1965-1973. Later Steve Speer was involved with the Junior Fleet for six years-assistant to Bruce Holaday from 1975-1977 and director from 1978 to 1980. Brother Scott Speer, together with Joe Schaub IV, carried on the tradition. (1980-1988) Merritt and John Becker followed in their footsteps from 1989-1994. Dan and Andy Schuller carried the torch for 2 more years. (1995-1996).

In the late 1940’s and through much of the 1950’s, Oscar Perine’s large, beautiful Chris-Craft Cabin Cruiser was an institution on the lake and most visible every Sunday afternoon as the Race Committee Boat. It was not until 1957 that the Club purchased racing markers that were located on the lake and numbered on a map bound into the yearbook.

Above is a year book from the 1953 Maxinkuckee Yacht Club. Printed by an Association of Summer Cottagers, being 38 pages. 4" x 6".

1953 Sep. 15 - A. Alex Sommerville Jr . will succeed Robert E . Hollowell Jr. as commodore for the coming season of the Maxinkuckee Yacht Club.

1955 Alex Sommerville, Commodore

1956 - Jan 1 - Winter Lake Saftey, Bouys

1956 Paul R. Cullom, Commodore

1957 Emory R. Baxter, Commodore

During much of this period - from 1956 to 1962 - Don Speer served as Chief Judge and, as such, not only devoted every Sunday to managing sailboat races, but he introduced and developed many of the racing procedures followed today. 1958-1959 Jerome J. Zechiel, Commodore

1958 - 7 Sept - issue of Culver Citizen states that the Maxinkuckee Yatch Club re-elected Jerome Zechiel as commodore for 1959 and Richard Gunder as secretary and assistant treasurer at the club's annual dinner meeting at the Culver In on Aug. 31.

By 1959 the club’s E Fleet numbered only five boats - all owned by the Academy - and after the summer of 1960, they did not race again.

1960 Melvin A. Hansen, Commodore

1961-1962 Don S. Speer, Commodore

In 1961 the Annual Picnic left the Bradley lawn, where it had been held for as long as anyone could remember, and relocated on the Maxinkuckee Country Club golf course.

The C Fleet had grown to 25 boats by 1963

1963 Norman E. Bateson , Commodore

E. Allen Becker has manned the Judges Boat quite skillfully for many years now.(1963-1997) He can usually be seen every Saturday and Sunday with and countless others. Allen and his wife, Judy (Becker), have also been judging many Regattas in Florida, Wisconsin, Michigan, & New York.

1964 Richard L. Gunder, Commodore

1965 Edwin H. Becker, Commodore

The C Fleet had grown to 29 when, in 1965 a boat registration fee was instituted.

1966 Frank E. Suverkrup , Commodore

1967 Joyce H. Speer, Commodore

In 1967 The Maxinkuckee Yacht Club elected Joyce Hollowell Speer as the first woman commodore. That same year Margaret Washburn became the club’s Assistant Secretary-Treasurer, a spot she held for over 20 years, giving invaluable continuity to the club as well as aid, advice, and guidance to commodores and members alike. Her address, 446 School Street, became familiar not only to MYC members, but to sailors all over the Midwest. Following in Margaret’s steps, was MYC member Jim Moss. Jim has sat in this demanding chair for over 10 years.

1968 Rupert P. Esser, Commodore

1969 Charles F. Roth Jr., Commodore

Peter D. Trone was commodore in 1970

Beginning in 1970 more and more local sailors began competing in regattas off the lake. This not only improved the level of sailing competition on Lake Maxinkuckee, but also introduced many changes in race management. Allen Becker, ably assisted by Charlie Roth, ushered in most of these changes. Not until the summer of 1983 were the permanent racing markers abandoned for newly purchased bright, shocking pink balloons which allowed for more accurate course settings and permitted course changes during a race. This same year the club purchased a Boston Whaler to be used as a chase and rescue boat. A violent storm during a race early that summer capsized nearly the entire C Fleet. The Boston Whaler was put to good use, perhaps saving the lives of Jim Costin and Don Muehlhausen who had been swept away from their boats.

1970 Peter D. Trone , Commodore

1971 James A. Baker, Commodore

1972 John F. Edgell, Commodore

1973 Joe Schaub III, Commodore

By the time the 1973 sailing season ended, Cutter Washburn had become the first skipper to sweep the season by winning both the Saturday and Sunday Series. Bruce Holaday would do it next in 1977, and Steve Speer in 1978.

In 1981, two years after the Saturday races had been split into two separate series to encourage more competition, Joe Schaub IV would win them both - as well as the Sunday series - and do it all again in 1982.

For well over 50 years, C and E Scows had dominated sailboat racing on Lake Maxinkuckee. But early in June in the summer of 1977, a group of young sailors met on Fred Wurster’s porch in culmination of almost two years of planning and there formed Hobie Fleet 216, introducing a new racing class to the lake. Fred Wurster was elected the first Fleet Captain and under his leadership and that of other enthusiastic Hobie sailors like Donal Ben Miller, Denny Barrett, Duke Niswander, Rick Strait, and Jack Keldenich, the fleet flourished. The Hobie Fleet was active in the Maxinkuckee Yacht Club for 19 years but in 1996 this fleet was put into mothballs.

However, a new fleet was born. MYC welcomed the MC Scows as a fleet in 1996 with much help, again, from Fred Wurster. MYC currently has 10 MC’s registered and it looks as though there will be more. Steve Schaub was the first MC Skipper to sweep the Saturday and Sunday Series.

The Annual Memorial Day Invitational Regatta, instituted in 1973, was changed to a post-Labor Day event in 1978, becoming the Annual Fall Invitational Regatta. Through the years this invitational brought out the very best of the membership; cooks, judges, registrars, trash collectors, radio technicians, scorekeepers, beer bearers, bartenders, T-shirt vendors, ticket takers, fork-lift drivers, and traffic directors.

1974 Eugene Benedict, Commodore

1975 E. Allen Becker, Commodore

1976 William Washburn, Commodore

1977 Carl B. Philips, Commodore

1978 William H. Furry, Commodore

1979 Nelson J. Becker, Commodore

1980 Fred Wurster, Commodore

1981 Jim Russell, Commodore

1982 Kathryn Schaub, Commodore

Accordingly, the Yacht Club accepted an invitation from the newly formed National C Scow Sailing Association (NCSSA) to host its championship Regatta in September of 1982. This was a five-day marathon event testing every conceivable organizational skill of the club - and found none wanting. More shells were used in those five days for countless recalls than were used by the fleet for the entire summer, but the MYC Judges and Race Committee members never missed a flag or gun, a truly incredible performance! Joe Schaub IV finished seventh in this national event.

1983 Donal Ben Miller, Commodore

Two years later the club hosted the 1983 ILYA Eastern Regional, in which Joe Schaub IV and Steve Speer finished third and seventh respectively

The Maxinkuckee Yacht Club hosted the Championship Regatta of NCSSA more times than any other yacht club - 1982, 1988, 1992, and 1996.

1984 Thomas H. Sams, Commodore

1985 Dennis Barrett, Commodore

1986 Chet Evers, Commodore

1987 Richard Strait, Commodore

1988 Thomas B. Kniesly, Commodore

1989 Dennis Gilley, Commodore

1990 Gary Gotsch , Commodore

1991 Jack Montgomery, Commodore

1992 Joe Schaub IV, Commodore

1993 Michael Rocap, Commodore

1994 Dave Campbell, Commodore

1995 Suzie Jamieson, Commodore

1996 Bruce Holaday, Commodore

In 1996, it was co-chaired by Dixie Becker and Mary Anna Swennumson. The scores of dedicated MYC volunteers was by all accounts "the biggest and best ever". The natural beauty of Lake Maxinkuckee and the willingness of MYC members to open their cottages to sailors from all over the country was truly a monumental effort. MYC will be host, again, to this glorious event in the year 2000.

In addition to this Regatta, Maxinkuckee Yacht Club has hosted the ILYA Regatta in 1983 and 1989 and has hosted our own Fall Regatta (the weekend after Labor Day) since 1973.

By the mid-1980’s, the Maxinkuckee Yacht Club counted nationally ranked sailors among its membership, computerized scoring supplied by past Commodore, Jim Russell, 450 individual members, and combined fleets numbering 62 registered sailing crafts. The enthusiasm for organized, competitive sailing is still abound.

1997 Dick Swennumson, Commodore

The year of 1997 brought about a few financial changes. The first being an increase in dues. Adult memberships were raised from $35.00 to $45.00. Family memberships went from $85.00 to $115.00. And Senior Fleet boat registration was raised to $50.00 from $35.00. Also, Dick Swennumson – Commodore ’97 – spearheaded the campaign to obtain the status of "tax-exempt".

During 1997, another change was made. The Commodore’s Party that was held at the beginning of the new season was moved to the end of the season. The club held their annual meeting along with Sailor Award Ceremonies during the August MYC Party. It was a beautiful evening of music and laughter. Many social members were able to see the number of trophies, cups, and placques that are presented to all ages. The Junior Fleet members truly enjoyed being recognized in front of all of MYC. All 350+ members! Another successful year at Maxinkuckee has come and gone.

1998 James Bartlett, Commodore

The summer of 1998 did not see any new changes. The sailing season moved along smoothly and fun was had by all. The MC Fleet experienced another year of success on the water. They remain 10 members strong. Jim Russell and his family had an incredibly successful year of sailing in the C and MC fleet. Roger Hartzell, Susie Hartzell, and Chris Chandler are all Russell family members. The Annual Meeting and Trophy Ceremony were held again this year during the August Cocktail Party. It was held at the home of our Commodore, Jim Bartlett. Jim has willingly turned the gavel over to our 1999 Commodore, Bob Kreuzberger of Kokomo, Indiana.

1999 Bob Kreuzberger, Commodore

MYC lost a loyal volunteer with the death of James Rodney Todd in the Spring of 1999. n his honor a new award for volunteerism was established – the James Rodney Todd Memorial Trophy. The first winner of the award was Gene Benedict who has given many hours teaching the junior sailors. In the Fall, Commodore Albert Wurster gathered a steering committee who began planning for MYC to host the National C-Scow Regatta. This event was hosted by MYC in 1996 and was a huge success and a ton of fun. Father’s Day weekend should see four days of exciting sailing on Lake Maxinkuckee.

2000 Albert Wurster, Commodore

In February of 2000, Culver and the Maxinkuckee Yacht Club lost a long standing member when Margaret Washburn passed away. Those of you who have had your lives touched by Margaret know what a loss this is for many, many people. Margaret served as this clubs secretary and treasurer for 17 wonderful years. According to some members, she was the yacht club. With her passing, too has another decade of sailing on Lake Maxinkuckee ended.

The new millennium was kicked off with a big splash by hosting the 2000 National “C” Scow Regatta (June 15-18). Lake Maxinkuckee and MYC played host to 67 boats from around the country. The regatta was a huge success and a good time was had by all. Commodore Alber Wurster did a wonderful job of organizing this event. Junior Fleet had another tremendous year. A number of eager, competitive and willing to learn junior sailors gathered every Saturday morning at the Campbell property. Lynn Del Duco and John Ducker along with many other volunteers and parents did an outstanding job. Overall, Y2K was smooth sailing for MYC.

2001 John F. Becker, Commodore

The year 2001 will go down in MYC’s history as the “summer with no wind!” There was not a single race sailed on any of the five Sundays in July; conditions just were not right. Many trophies were not awarded. Despite the disappointing wind situation, the junior fleet grew to large numbers as 31 youngsters learned to sail so that the tradition of MYC can continue. A very touching scene occurred at the annual Senior Awards Party when Commodore John Becker presented the Rodney Todd Memorial Trophy to his father, Past Commodore, E. Allen Becker. That same evening John passed the Commodore’s title on to Steve Schaub and so we move on and hope for good winds and fair weather.

2001 - "C" and "MC" Scow Fall Regatta September 8-9

2002 Steve Schaub, Commodore

2002 marked the inaugural year for the Ladies’ Sailing School, which was Gene Benedict’s brainstorm. Along with his fellow instructors, Gene met every Sunday morning with ladies who were interested in learning to sail and some of whom may want to eventually form their own fleet. The group grew from an initial 5 participants to an average of 12 ladies by summer’s end. The classes were very relaxed and informal: the focus was on enjoyment, meeting new people with similar interests, and learning to handle sailboats. Then, like J unior Fleet, the group eventually had its own class races. The program is definitely off the ground! Sailboats (Sunfishes) are provided, so anyone who would like to give sailing a try is encouraged to attend, whether or not they are experienced and whether or not they can attend on a regular basis.

2002 - 2nd annual Culver MC scow regatta Results of the Fall Regatta.

2003 Dave Zeglis, Commodore

2003 - Fall Regatta
    2003 Maxinkukee Fall Regatta Report Submitted by Chris Craig LF-1
    Unfortunately a stubborn high pressure system settled into the Culver area and refused to let go of it's grip. The judging team lead by Allen Becker, Kitty Schaub, Sandy Sundberg, Chookie Kilander, and a whole lot of helpers tried real hard to get one Saturday. We did try one W 3 1/2, but could only get about a 1 1/2 in. It was really bad because we had sailors from as far away as Augusta, Georgia and Lake Kueka, New York in attendance. Many scouting the lake out for next years MC Nationals...

    The chili-cheeseburger party was great. Stew Roberts chaired the regatta and put on a great show. Maxinkuckee had a great slide show of the limited action, that it showed on a outdoor screen that was an old sail. Thanks to everyone at Max, you really put on a great show and they even house the sailors. Quite an effort! This is a very special place to sail.

    Sunday the high pressure remained and no sailing occurred. Boats slowly packed up and bid a sad farewell to a great place to sail. At least we all tied for first. ...

The summer of 2003 didn’t provide many windy weekends. About 50 MC and C-Scow sailors from all parts of the country came to Culver for the annual Fall Regatta and not a single race took place. The first Sunfish Regatta , chaired by John Zeglis and open to everyone on the lake, was held the last Saturday of July and was enjoyed by about 30 entrants. The races were followed by a picnic on the Zeglis lawn. It is hoped this will become an annual event. The ladies fleet and the junior fleet continued their weekend classes and the MC fleet grew to 12 boats with Bruce Holaday picking up many of the class trophies. Lake Maxinkuckee was chosen as the site fo the 2004 MC Nationals in August of that year and co-chairwomen Dixie Becker and Mary Anna Swennumson went into action rounding up volunteers and making plans. Let’s hope for good winds and fair skies.

2004 Greg Furry , Commodore

2004 - MC Scow National Championships was hosted by the Yacht club August 20-22.

2004 - Fall Regatta September 11-12

2005 Stew Roberts III, Commodore

2005 - Results of the Fall Regatta. September 10-11 , 2005

Skipper 1 2 3 Total
Joe Schaub T-17 5 1 2 8
Chris Craig LF-1 1 6 4 11
Brian Brickler B-18 6 2 6 14
Merritt Becker T-34 4 5 5 14
Frank Davenport B-303 10 4 1 15
John Becker T-14 7 3 7 17
John Cochran 2 7 13 22
Steve Schaub T-91 3 8 11 22
Bill DeCoste LF-11 9 9 8 26
Ben Carston CL-1 8 10 10 28
John Ducker T-70 15 13 9 37
Craig Parker CL-3 DNF 15 3 39
Cutter Washburn T-30 17 11 12 40
Nelson Becker T-7 11 12 18 41
Dan McArdle IC-686 12 16 15 43
Don Wagner LD-31 13 17 14 44
Steve Meeker T-9 DNF 14 16 51
Dave Zeglis T-77 14 18 19 51
Ed Furry T-8 16 OCS 17 54
Tom Story T-10 18 DNS DNS 60

2006 Dave Franckowiak, Commodore

2006 - Results of the Fall Regatta, PDF file only - Adobe reader required.

2007 - Commodore Merritt Becker (James Moss,, Commodore)

Maxinkuckee Yacht Club Fall Regatta September 8-9, 2007 C Class Series Summary and article

2008 Tom Story, Commodore

Maxinkuckee Yacht Club Fall Regatta September 6-7, 2008 C Scow Class Series Summary and the article

2009 Fred Hillis, Commodore

2010 John Ducker , Commodore

MYC Fall Regatta 2010 C Scow Class Series Summary:

2011 Steve Meeker , Commodore

2011 C Scow National Championship Regatta Final Cumulative Results
2012 Matt Grant , Commodore