Culver, Marshall, Indiana

Culver's name has varied throughout the first years - on a plat map of 1843 it is found
listed as Geneva. Then for a short time was known as Yellow River Post Office which was
ran by Mr. Kennedy.
In 1844 it was plated and laid out by Bayless L. Dickson,who owned farm bordering
Northwest side of Lake Maxinkuckee, officially filed, on June 8, a 26-acre plat
for a village, -- and became Union Town or Uniontown for the township it was
within. Dickson's log cabin only dwelling on town plat roughly extends today
(Culver) from Mill Street, south to a bit north of Lake Shore Drive; from
Lakeview-Plymouth Streets, east to Slate Street, west. Some early county maps show
village of Geneva, Northwest of Lake Maxinkuckee... Established U.S. Post Office
near Rutland... Rector House, 1st 2-story log house, built, Maxinkuckee Hill. Here
is the original description of Uniontown as found:
Original Plat of Uniontown
now Marmont, Indiana
Uniontown is pleasantly situated in the S.W.1-4 of Sec. 16-Tp. 32 N. R. 1 E. It is laid
out in such a manner that it presents to the eye a view of Lake Maxenkuckee and is
surrounded ith as good a country as can be found in Northern Indiana. It has the advantage
of three State, and two County roads running through it. The lots are all 77 feet in width
by 82 1/2 in 'breadth'. The streets are all 66 feet in width. The alleys are 16 1-2.
Platted June 8' 1844 by Bayless L. Dickson Proprietor.
Lots number from 1 to 51 inclusive.
Records Plat Book page 10.
Deed Record D page 66.
At some point in time during this period it was also referred to as Birmingham
- but no d documentation for that name has been found to day - maybe an abstract
will turn it up.
A re-survey of the village was made on 24 April 1851 (but was not recorded until 1857)
and its names was changed to Marmont, Dr. Gustuvus A. Durr was the instrumental party
in this name change.
On the 9th of June 1857 Thomas K. Houghton filed a certificate and became the owner of
Union Town.:
Resurvey and new Plat
of Uniontown (now) Marmont
Uniontown re surveyed April 24' 1851 by Thomas K. Houghton, Proprietor, as
follows: - 'Uniontown is situated in the S. E. [sic S.W.] corner of 16-32-1.E.
Marshall County, Indiana, the S.E. corner of said section is the commencing
point to the town plat; the streets are all of a width being 66 ft. the alleys
are 16 1-2 ft.; the lots are 66 feet in front and 99 feet back, so planned by
the original survey. All lines running North and South bear N. O degrees 10 min
E. and those that run E and W. bear S. 89 degrees E. The magnetic variation
at this date is 5 degrees 10 min. E.
This survey made and acknowledged by Thos. K. Houghton
Proprietory April 24' 1851.
Recorded Plat Book 1 pg. 44.
Recd. for record June 9' 1857.
Lots run from 1 to 66 inclusive.
Thus in 7 years Uniontown had expanded in size by 15 lots.
A description of Culver in 1867 by Dr. B. S. W . Wiseman
When I came, in November 1867 with my father's family to Culver (then known as Marmont) there were,
within what was generally considered as its limits, fourteen dwellings, one effete and almost
defunct pump factory, one blacksmith shop (built of tamarack poles and standing where the bank now
stands), one general store, one drug store (on a small scale), and a district school house (standing
where the Street now is, between Uncle William Osborn's residence and the hotel). There was a post
office (mail received once a week by hack route from Plymouth via Wolf Creek and the village of
Maxinkuckee), and one physician, Dr. Gustavus A. Durr.
In 1895 it was proposed the name be changed to Culver City but the Post office Department
in Washington D.C. declined the name as a village in Tippecanoe county Indiana existed under
that name. Mr. Henry H. Culver negotiated with their town officials after finding out that
it was named for Crane Culver. He offered to pay all expenses involved with the name change
from Culver to Crane. He prevailed and Marmont became the town of Culver during a Special
Fall Term of court in 1895 It is recorded in the Miscellaneous Deed Book D pg. 497 In part
it reads:
Change of Name of the Town of Marmont, Indiana to Culver City, Indiana ...At a term of the
Board of Commissioners of said county, begun of Wednesday the 23rd day of October 1895...
the following proceedings were had on the 24th day of October 1895 in the cause of...Comes
now O. A. Rea and ninety-nine other qualified electors of the town of Marmont, Indiana and
present their "verified" petition... And it is now ordered, considered and adjudge by the
board that said town of Marmont, Indiana shall from and after this date be known as Culver
City, Indiana....Received for record October 25th, 1895 at 9 1/2 o'clock A.M. Thomas H. Walker,
Recorder Marshall County, Indiana.
The abstraction of the original document
page 1
page 2
as found in many of the old abstracts of culver
One can find the name on maps and documents as: Town of Culver and Culver City, But it was
not until 1949 that it was officially and legally changed to just - Culver.
1938 - Sept 28 - Established Sea Level here - To establish a point for all future
surveying in Culver, County Surveyoer Howard Grube had placed a bronz plug in the
base of the water tower of the water tower, which gives the local mean sea level as
established by the United States Coast and Geodetic survey. Surveyor Grube has
established the local sea level at 753.76, though Everman & Clark placed it as 734.5.
The Grube survey showed the gorund at the water tower 10 feet higher than the central
survey point at the Academey.
Population of Culver:
As of the census of 2000, there were 1,539 people, 655 households, and 410 families residing
in the town
As of the census of 2010, there were 1,353 people, 598 households, and 354 families residing
in the town
1900 | 1910 | 1920 | 1930 | 1940 | 1950 | 1960 | 1970 | 1980 | 1990 | 2000 | 2010 |
505 | 810 | 1,080 | 1,502 | 1,605 | 1,563 | 1,558 | 1,783 | 1,601 | 1,404 | 1,539 | 1,353 |

A description of the town found in the Citizen dated Mar 29 1922
Culver is located on the South Bend-Terre Haute division of the
Pennsylvania railroad, 33 miles south of South Bend and 33 miles
north of Logansport on the shour for Indiana's most beautiful Lake,
Maxinkuckee, a spring-fed body of water, 2 1/2 miles long and 2
miles wide.
About 200 summer houses are built around the lake.
The population is 1200.
Culver is the home of the famous Culver Military academy the largest
and most completely equipped military school outside of West Point in
the united states.
The town's commercial interest include's nearly 48 business concerns.
It is also served by a telephone company, a telegraphy company, a bank,
and has water works, electric light and sewer lines, a motor equipped
fire departmenr, a Carnegie library, a #150,000 school plant, four churches,
five hotels, two restraunts, two garages, two lumber yards, two elevators,
two cement block factories, large ice houses
Culver has a mile of brick paving and all streets are curbed and improved
with cement sidewalks.
The population is moctly native American.