Saloons & Taverns
Believe that some local early "Receratioanal Hall's" and Pool Halls may fit into this page.
1883 - Arp 12 - The Democrat's Maxenkukee itemizer reports... that work has commenced on the Vandalia
road near Marmont; and that a petition is circulating in that vicinity praying the county
commisioners not to grant license for any saloons on that side of the lake. - Argos Reflector
1883 - April 17 - An altercation occurred in the saloon of Fred Stahl, at Marmont, Marshall county,
Sunday night. Stahl, was fatally stabbed, and Reed, bartender, severely cut by William Keiley, a
drunken section man employed on the Vandalia railway, who was arrested and lodged in jail. -
Indianapolis Journal
1903 - Andy Vorhees has bought the saloon interests of John Wolfe in Culver and
will conduct the business after this himself. He will also handle oysters and runs a
lunch counter - - Citizen
1906 - May 17 The Booze Question
Culver, the little town on Lake Maxinkuckee, which recently voted sallons out of the
bailiwick, will now have a "club". Yesterday at Indianapolis the Maxinkuckee Club of
Culver was incorporaterd for social purposes; directors J. Hen ry Geiger, Carl Rees,
Frank Bauer, all of Logansport people - Exchange.
Wolfords former saloon at the depot has been opened as a "quart house" where under
a governement license liquor and beer can be sold in quantites of not less than a quart
to be drank off the premises.
102 S. Main
18__ - 1895 - Saloon - C. C. Beaber
1895 - 1897 Saloon - George N. Gerard
Mayers Beer Garden
Kreuzberge Saloon
Beaber Saloon - Lake Shore Dr.
Hayes Tavern (1935)
Garnand's tavern (1946-1948) 1 block south of bank Formerly Jordon's
117 S. Main
1937 - Nov 17 - Tavern to Hawkins
Crouch's Tavern
Esther's Corner Tavern
Corner Tavern - 1983 - 199?
1934 Jan 23 - 1962 -
Culver City Tavern,
A. B. Long Proprietor
Menser Tavern - (1931-) E. Washington St. 1 block from lake. (Old Morris House)
Taylor Tavern (1938) - Hayes Building "Opposite the Depot"
618 Lake Shore Dr.
1936 - Lakeview Tavern - Opened 1936 by Jack Taylor
193_-1945 - Hawkins Tavern - - Mrs. Lottie Duddleson
1945, Mar-1954,Jan - Jordan's Tavern / Lakeview Tavern - "Deb" Jordon, prop.
1954, Jan-1954,Dec - Lake View Tavern - Ruth and Don McCambridge
1954, Dec-1995 - Lakeview Tavern - 'Bob' Robert E. & 'Katie' Kathyrn I (Triplet) May
? - 16 Dec. 1999 - Lakeview Tavern - Thomas Arnett Harry Huddle & Karen Hughes