Lake Maxinkuckee Its Intrigue History & Genealogy Culver, Marshall, Indiana

Search Engine  

The set-up of this search Engine is important in that - total of content or the site to date by the "properties list" provided from a folder on my computer; as clean-up, re-organization continues.

Folders Files
(word, picture, pfd)
1,210 27,953 3-16-2019
1,166 26,540

Transformation has been completed to the "Blue" page. As I went along I tried to eliminate double images creating one source folder for them to work from as to work across a variety of folders and pages; creating single folder system in order have everything up-front so to speak. - - I worked down each individual folder - breaking out and down into more folders, more creating new pages if need be; creating a folder for each cottage and business address (sometimes past and present both); this still is an on going process.

The "Search Tab" tho for awhile it will not be accessible on all pages until full site transformation is made; I have found you can have it to you favorites - and it goes there - but you will have to make sure to change the label from 'Freefind' to something such as Lake Maxinkuckee search'. I am using it and it works - and it does find what your are seeking for most generally
    This version will provided an index, what's new, and a site map as well for the site if you are interested; this will allow a VERY LAZY method of providing a full fledge up-to-date site map of all pages on the web site. Besides allowing you to remain on the site page underneath a "new window".

I have been asked "How do I contact?" go to top click on "Contact" and the contact tab will pop-up with e-mail

I have been asked several times over the years "Are you adding to the site?" - YES quips, tidbits; maybe new pages or splitting pages; updating; moving things around out into single folders. Site is constantly changing in some manner it may not be noticeable now that transformation is complete. Some pages content wise may not have changes others have.

You will find updates etc under the search engine's "What's New" link. - this will bring up front pages that have been changed/updated or new ones added; or splits made from other pages into new ones.

A VERY BIG THANK YOU goes out to Jackson "Jerry" Hazlewood for sending deeds, a plat map and other miscellaneous information it has added greatly to the site and some big updates are coming because of this information.

Thanks to those such as Marcia Adams, Agnes Bramfeld, and Jeff Kenney who have given me words of praise and encouragement on the site when I have seen them in places in Culver - - it was much needed, appreciated and gives me the encouragement to go on with the site.

Sent: Sunday, November 15, 2015 9:51
Subject: Antiquarian Society
Dear Judy, The AHS has enrolled you as a member for 2016, in recognition of your scholarly research and distribution of the history of the area.... Best Wishes, Agnes Bramfeld.

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site map

1953 was the first year that the lake directories were issued and gave a listing of all lake residents (or houses).

This was my "FIRST" working outline of the site along with listings from Lake Directories that were in the Marshall County Historical Society; there were but a few scattered issues from 1953-September 1990 when I started on this project.

From these I have worked backwards and forwards with what I could find; to trying and make a complete l isting of the cottages and lake parcels and create a history for each.

The label as "non lakefront" is not meant to offend anyone - nor is it meant to be taken that it does not have lake access it could very well have, I have not deleved into that aspect unless it has been noted in a description of the property as having a legal access to the lake - the only meaning intended is that the house/cottage and or property is NOT located on the shores of Lake Maxinkuckee aka "lake side" of the road - or thus directly connected to the Lake Maxinkuckee it means only that there is a road and/or alley between it and the lake.

Nothing within is set in "STONE" and everything is subject to change when documentation is found - through deeds, newspaper articles. etc. This is an ever changing project and site as new material surfaces. It is a never ending project that I will never see completed in my lifetime.

Let me know of any broken links, pages that you can not see the main body of text Contact me at: this is especially labeled for urgent attention the Subject line is filled in for troubleshooting problems you find BUT please be kind enough to INCLUDE the address (URL) found in you browser window http: /.. or http: / www...

PLEASE I will gladly grin and bear and and all criticism - :-)

Also since 2012 there has been a lot of revamping, eliminating double images, moving folders to single ones instead of nested into others- to make hopefully instant access to material that's been hidden - also to aide in research and in preparing the site for the future when it will be passed on to an other... it is hoping by simplifying into into mainly single folders it will not be to overwhelming for the person who will inherit it and that they will continue the tradition I have started in preservation of both the history and genealogy of Lake Maxinkuckee.

NOTHING is lost its only re-located.. lost within the site only awaiting to found again also there is plenty of back-ups - with lot of new indexes hopefully to enable you to maneuver around easier - also in place has been an expanded search engine which I have even found very useful.