To quote Bob Rust he wrote - in the 1908's for the Pilot-News and also some
is found in his historical review of
Grace United Church of Christ:
"The environs of Lake Maxinkuckee, once the haven for Pottowatomies, and later for
fishermen and marine activities, has had a special appeal for many families whose
well-maintained and distinctive residences add to the shoreline landscape.
In early pioneer days, the shore area of Lake Maxinkuckee was not too accessible with
much of the area heavily wooded. Undulating terrain rose from nearby wetlands on
the north, south and west sides of the lake to high ground overlooks, some of which
were quite precipitous.
Lake-side development, which began in the 1880s on shore bordering farmland, has
continued through the years. Today more than 310 homes occupy nearly all of the
shore area. Lakeshore land which 120 years ago could be purchased for as low as $5
per acre and later in 1898 East Shore developments for $200 per lot, and is today
quite costly.
Many second and third generation families continue as owners of lake property.
Where appeal of the lake made it a summertime spa in earlier times, today the
comfortable family homes are centers of year-round living and activity..
...For example, Lake Maxinkuckee's shores became the center where families from
Logansport, Peru, Terre Haute, Indianapolis, and other cities built their second
Development began along the North and East Shores. Then came home building on
Long Point, the West Shore, and later along the South Shore, and more recently in
the Venetian Village area."
Cottage Index
Culver Properties
Folrath Cottage
Tramps & Cottages - 1908
Cottage Names
1936 Article on
Lake Maxinkuckee & cottages
East Side Historic
East Side Views
James F. D.
Lost or Forgotten cottages on the North Side
Vonnegut Family Index
Vonnegut Properties
Vonnegut Orchard
Lots & Cottagers 1876- to Present, Maps
Unknown Photo Album
Charles E. Coffin and Marjorie McKenzie Ogle
Scrape Books 1904-1909
Roscoe Stevens Built & Remodeled
Homes in the Culver Area. A list, Some pictures of them.
Logansport Settlement.htm
Logansport Plat cottages Burned -
1892 - Murdock, Wilson, Snider, Rice, Forgy & Purcell
Little Logansport - 1947
Snippets - On the Side Menu bar - Gossip tidbits about cottagers & cottages
House of a Thousand Candles,
762 East Shore Dr.
The Vonnegut House
Scoville & Knapp cottages Burn - 1910
1919 Numbering System
What's In a Name?
Long Point Index
1906 Cottage Valuations
Cottage Transfers
Cottagers 1905
1930 Cottagers
Cottagers 1952(Per telephone directory)
Cottagers 1960 (Per telephone directory)
Cottagers 1961(Per telephone directory)
Cottagers 1974(Per telephone directory)
Cottagers 1975(Per telephone directory)
Cottagers 1976(Per telephone directory)
Cottagers 1977(Per telephone directory)
Cottagers 1978(Per telephone directory)
Cottagers 1979(Per telephone directory)
Cottagers 1980 (Per telephone directory)
Cottagers 1988 (Per telephone directory)
Cottagers 1998 (Per telephone directory)
Hornung Cottage Burns - 1910
Photos of
Unknown cottages - Needs to be attached to a cottage
address of today.
Cottage burns - 1933
Lake Taxpayers
Defeat Petitions - 1958
Heavy Taxation