They have been an iintegral part of the community since it began - they have been
a force that has tied the Academy, lake and the town together - a place of worship.
A. M. E. Rollins Chapel
AFRICAN METHODIST EPISCOPAL - small frame building known as Rollins Chapel. Began
as a mission; became a church in 1917. {in Harding Court, bet. Lake Shore Drive
and Washington Street}
Culver Bible Church
Culver Park Assembly - 1898
More often just refereed to as the "Assembly Grounds"
Wesley Methodist Church
Methodist Church
MARMONT METHODIST - Methodist Episcopal; first white frame church built in 1868 and rebuilt in
1898-99 of brick. {SW corner of Main & Washington Streets}
History of the Methodist Church
Emanuel United Methodist
[Albright, Evangelical United Brethren
EMMANUEL - Evangelical; built in 1899 using materials (SIC) from the old Albright Church
{N side of W. 20A Road, bet. S. Union & S. Tulip Roads}. A brick veneer church was built
in 1924 and is now the Emmanuel United Methodist Church 401 S. Main Street] aka ALBRIGHT
- Evangelical; erected 1872. The church was torn down in 1899 and rebuilt in Culver.
Grace United Church of Christ [Zion Reformed, Grace Reformed Church]
Charge of the Reformed Church, organized in 1885, church built in 1890; closely tied to Zion
Church. Early members were largely German & Swiss immigrants. {corner of Plymouth & Cass
Streets} - - Was the ZION - German Reformed; congregation organized in 1866 meeting in
Romick's (Romigs or Kaleys) schoolhouse; church built in 1872, dedicated in 1873. {W side of
Upas Road, bet. W. 19B & W. 20th Roads}
St. Elizabeth's Episcopalian
Trinity Lutheran Church
1906 - Jan 4 - Clara Hagg and hus to Trustee of Christain Church, lot in
se cor of out lot 4 Vandalia add Culver; $850.
1906 - May 10 - Jas. O. Ferrier etal trustees wd to trustees of Christain Church
Culver lot in se cor of out lot 4 Van add Culver $1
The congregation dispersed and the building was converted
into a private residence. {on Lake St. a short distance north of Lake Shore Drive}
St. Mary's
Soverreign Grace Baptist Church